Enabling release automation!! We can now create releases automatically by simply pushing a tag to the repo. Instructions in the README. Updated README to have some emojis that will make some important instructions pop out!
Plus minor fix to the PR template file that creates the boilerplate below.
* Update screenshot for comment with one non-members will see
* Update PR template with instructions suitable for our fork
* Allow users to skip CI checks if necessary
* Add github actions workflows
* Add github actions for CI
* Fix lint and detekt errors
* Add caching to the github actions
* Add the workflow statuses to the README
* Give the jobs more descriptive names
* Consolidate github actions workflows to a single workflow
* Give the steps meaningful names, save detekt and lint results
* Fix all 5 failing tests
* Add Travis CI build status to README file
* Ignore an intermittently failing test, update travis config to not ignore failures
This changes README.md from referring Firefox to referring to IceWeasel, and adds a little information about the new Iceweasel project.
For now, a lot of the technical details present in the old and upstream versions of this file are missing, because I didn't feel I had enough understanding of the concepts and technical details to edit them for relevance to this project. My thought is that they could be revised later by someone who understands them better and merged back into this document as part of a future update to the document. This is in some respects a placeholder and a starting point.
* Steps to fix prepush hooks error
Updating Readme to include fix to error "Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper" which came up while running prepush hooks with Java version 14 on Mac
This change switches to using python scripts directly in a-c and a-s repositories, which achieves two things:
- we avoid overhead of running through a-c and a-s gradle's build phases, which is quite significant
- all of the logic for checking if projects are up-to-date or need to be republished now lives in those projects
End result is that local fenix builds now incur zero costs if there are no changes in a-c or a-s,
and if there are _any_ changes at all, the corresponding project is reliably recompiled and republished.