Bug 1874027 - fix getSponsoredFxSuggestPlaceHolder

Jackie Johnson 6 months ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent c68139c104
commit a2d96bf6db

@ -78,30 +78,25 @@ object DataGenerationHelper {
* Returns the date and time placeholder used in sponsored Fx suggest links.
* Constructs a date and time placeholder string for sponsored Fx suggest links.
* The format of the datetime is YYYYMMDDHH, where YYYY is the four-digit year,
* MM is the two-digit month, DD is the two-digit day, and HH is the two-digit hour.
* Single-digit months, days, and hours are padded with a leading zero to ensure
* the correct format. For example, a date and time of January 10, 2024, at 3 PM
* would be represented as "2024011015".
* @return A string representing the current date and time in the specified format.
fun getSponsoredFxSuggestPlaceHolder(): String {
val currentDate = LocalDate.now()
val currentTime = LocalTime.now()
val currentDay = currentDate.dayOfMonth
val currentMonth = currentDate.monthValue
val currentYear = currentDate.year
val currentHour = currentTime.hour
var placeholder: String
if (currentMonth < 10 && currentDay < 10 && currentHour < 10) {
placeholder = "$currentYear" + "0" + "$currentMonth" + "0" + "$currentDay" + "0" + "$currentHour"
} else if (currentMonth < 10 && currentDay < 10) {
placeholder = "$currentYear" + "0" + "$currentMonth" + "0" + "$currentDay$currentHour"
} else if (currentMonth < 10 && currentHour < 10) {
placeholder = "$currentYear" + "0" + "$currentMonth" + "$currentDay" + "0" + "$currentHour"
} else if (currentDay < 10 && currentHour < 10) {
placeholder = "$currentYear$currentMonth" + "0" + "$currentDay" + "0" + "$currentHour"
} else {
placeholder = "$currentYear$currentMonth$currentDay$currentHour"
return placeholder
val currentDay = currentDate.dayOfMonth.toString().padStart(2, '0')
val currentMonth = currentDate.monthValue.toString().padStart(2, '0')
val currentYear = currentDate.year.toString()
val currentHour = currentTime.hour.toString().padStart(2, '0')
return currentYear + currentMonth + currentDay + currentHour
