mozilla-l10n-automation-bot 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent d5d46c19be
commit a02d73ad11

@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
<!-- Private mode shortcut "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the main message -->
<string moz:removedIn="109" name="cfr_message" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Afegiu una drecera per obrir pestanyes privades des de la pantalla dinici.</string>
<string name="cfr_message" moz:removedIn="109" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Afegiu una drecera per obrir pestanyes privades des de la pantalla dinici.</string>
<!-- Text for the Private mode shortcut CFR message for adding a private mode shortcut to open private tabs from the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_message">Inicia la següent pestanya privada amb un sol toc.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button -->
<string moz:removedIn="109" name="cfr_pos_button_text" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Afegeix una drecera</string>
<string name="cfr_pos_button_text" moz:removedIn="109" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Afegeix una drecera</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button to accept adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_pos_button_text">Afegeix a la pantalla dinici</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button to decline adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Descarta</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">Descarta</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Descarta</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
<string name="search_settings_menu_item">Paràmetres de cerca</string>
<!-- Header text for the search selector menu -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="109" name="search_header_menu_item" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Aquesta vegada, cerca amb:</string>
<string name="search_header_menu_item" moz:RemovedIn="109" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Aquesta vegada, cerca amb:</string>
<!-- Header text for the search selector menu -->
<string name="search_header_menu_item_2">Aquesta vegada, cerca en:</string>
@ -360,14 +360,20 @@
<!-- Preference for rejecting or removing as many cookie/consent banners as possible on sites. See reduce_cookie_banner_summary for additional context. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option">Redueix els bàners de galetes</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting disabled is set to off -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_off">Desactivada</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting enabled is set to on -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_on">Activada</string>
<!-- Summary for the preference for rejecting all cookies whenever possible. -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="110" name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">El Firefox intenta rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes que es mostren com a bàners de galetes. Si no hi ha lopció de rebutjar-les, el Firefox podria acceptar totes les galetes per tancar el bàner.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">El Firefox intenta rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes que es mostren com a bàners de galetes. Si no hi ha lopció de rebutjar-les, el Firefox podria acceptar totes les galetes per tancar el bàner.</string>
<!-- Summary for the preference for rejecting all cookies whenever possible. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary_1">El %1$s intenta rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes que es mostren com a bàners de galetes.</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_off_for_site">Desactivada en aquest lloc</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_on_for_site">Activada en aquest lloc</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is currently not supported for this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_unsupported_site" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Aquest lloc no és compatible ara per ara</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_on_for_site">Voleu activar la reducció de bàners de galetes per a %1$s?</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
@ -375,15 +381,19 @@
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is off for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_off_for_site">El %1$s esborrarà les galetes daquest lloc i actualitzarà la pàgina. En esborrar totes les galetes, pot ser que se us tanquin les sessions o que se us buidin els carros de la compra.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first and second parameter are the application name -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="110" name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">El %1$s pot intentar rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes. Si no hi ha lopció de rebutjar-les, el %2$s podria acceptar totes les galetes per tancar el bàner.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first and second parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_1">El %1$s pot intentar rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">El %1$s pot intentar rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes. Si no hi ha lopció de rebutjar-les, el %2$s podria acceptar totes les galetes per tancar el bàner.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">El %1$s pot intentar rebutjar automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_2">El %1$s intenta rebutjar automàticament totes les sol·licituds de galetes de tots els llocs compatibles.</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Adeu als bàners de galetes!</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_title">Adeu als bàners de galetes!</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="110" name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Rebutja automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes, quan sigui possible. Si no es pot, accepta totes les galetes per tancar els bàners de galetes.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Rebutja automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes, quan sigui possible. Si no es pot, accepta totes les galetes per tancar els bàners de galetes.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_1">Rebutja automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes, quan sigui possible.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Rebutja automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes, quan sigui possible.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most.The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_2">Voleu permetre que el %1$s rebutgi automàticament les sol·licituds de galetes quan sigui possible?</string>
<!-- Remind me later text button for the onboarding dialog -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_not_now_button">Ara no</string>
@ -395,7 +405,7 @@
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_title">Vegeu menys finestres emergents de galetes</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="110" name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Respon automàticament les finestres emergents de galetes per a una navegació sense distraccions. El %1$s rebutjarà totes les sol·licituds, si és possible; si no, les acceptarà totes.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Respon automàticament les finestres emergents de galetes per a una navegació sense distraccions. El %1$s rebutjarà totes les sol·licituds, si és possible; si no, les acceptarà totes.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body_1">Respon automàticament les finestres emergents de galetes per a una navegació sense distraccions. El %1$s rebutjarà totes les sol·licituds, si és possible.</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the onboarding dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
@ -404,7 +414,7 @@
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Reducció de bàners de galetes</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="110" name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Voleu permetre que el %1$s rebutgi la sol·licitud de consentiment de galetes dun lloc si és possible o que accepti laccés a les galetes quan no sigui possible?</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Voleu permetre que el %1$s rebutgi la sol·licitud de consentiment de galetes dun lloc si és possible o que accepti laccés a les galetes quan no sigui possible?</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body_1">Voleu permetre que el %1$s rebutgi la sol·licitud de consentiment de galetes dun lloc, si és possible?</string>
@ -414,7 +424,7 @@
<!-- Description of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode. -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_summary">Intenta connectar-se als llocs mitjançant el protocol de xifratge HTTPS automàticament per millorar la seguretat.</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string moz:removedIn="111" name="preferences_https_only_on" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Activat</string>
<string name="preferences_https_only_on" moz:removedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Activat</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to off -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_off">Desactivat</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in all tabs -->
@ -1051,7 +1061,7 @@
<!-- Preference for showing a list of websites that the default configurations won't apply to them -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">Excepcions</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string moz:removedIn="111" name="tracking_protection_on" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Activada</string>
<string name="tracking_protection_on" moz:removedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Activada</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Desactivada</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to standard -->
@ -1797,7 +1807,7 @@
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search String TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_hint">Cadena de cerca que sutilitzarà</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string formatted="false" name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example">Substituïu la consulta per «%s». Per exemple:\n</string>
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example" formatted="false">Substituïu la consulta per «%s». Per exemple:\n</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the form in which details about the custom search engine are entered -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_form_description">Detalls del motor de cerca personalitzat</string>

@ -84,8 +84,11 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Zavřít</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">Zavřít</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Zavřít</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
<string name="tcp_cfr_message">Naše doposud nejmocnější funkce ochrany osobních údajů izoluje sledovací prvky třetích stran.</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about the "Total cookie protection" feature. -->
<string name="tcp_cfr_learn_more">Zjistit více o úplné ochraně před cookies</string>
@ -140,6 +143,8 @@
<!-- Accessibility description for device icon used for recent synced tab -->
<string name="recent_tabs_synced_device_icon_content_description">Synchronizované zařízení</string>
<!-- Text for the dropdown menu to remove a recent synced tab from the homescreen -->
<string name="recent_synced_tab_menu_item_remove">Odebrat</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a grouped highlight from the user's browsing history
in the Recently visited section -->
<string name="recent_tab_menu_item_remove">Odebrat</string>
@ -339,6 +344,10 @@
<!-- Preference for removing cookie/consent banners from sites automatically. See reduce_cookie_banner_summary for additional context. -->
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner_reduction">Omezení cookie lišt</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting disabled is set to off -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_off">Vypnuto</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting enabled is set to on -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_on">Zapnuto</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_off_for_site">Vypnuto pro tento web</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
@ -349,8 +358,20 @@
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_off_for_site">Chcete vypnout omezení cookie lišt pro %1$s?</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_title">Cookie lišty jsou fuč!</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Automaticky odmítat požadavky na cookies, kdykoliv je to možné.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most.The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_2">Chcete aplikaci %1$s povolit automaticky odmítat požadavky na cookies, kdykoliv je to možné?</string>
<!-- Remind me later text button for the onboarding dialog -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_not_now_button">Teď ne</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Zavírat bannery</string>
<!-- Snack text for the cookie banner dialog, after user hit the dismiss banner button -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_snackbar_text">Uvidíte méně požadavků na cookies</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_title">Zobrazovat méně cookie lišt</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the onboarding dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Zavírat vyskakovací okna</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Omezení cookie lišt</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
@ -658,6 +679,9 @@
<!-- Title to show in alert when a lot of tabs are to be opened
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs that will be opened -->
<string name="open_all_warning_title">Otevřít %d panelů?</string>
<!-- Message to warn users that a large number of tabs will be opened
%s will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="open_all_warning_message">Otevření tolika panelů může aplikaci %s zpomalit. Opravdu chcete pokračovat?</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for confirming open all tabs -->
<string name="open_all_warning_confirm">Otevřít panely</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling open all tabs -->
@ -724,6 +748,13 @@
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one month-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month_summary">Zavírat po měsíci</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the homepage when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_homepage_summary">Otevře domovskou stránku</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the last-open tab when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_last_tab_summary">Otevře poslední panel</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating opening the homepage when re-opening the app after four hours of inactivity -->
<string name="opening_screen_after_four_hours_of_inactivity_summary">Otevře domovskou stránku po 4 hodinách</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs -->
<!-- Category header of a preference that allows a user to enable or disable the inactive tabs feature -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs">Přesun neaktivních panelů</string>
@ -1001,6 +1032,12 @@
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Vypnuta</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to standard -->
<string name="tracking_protection_standard">Standardní</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to strict -->
<string name="tracking_protection_strict">Přísná</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to custom -->
<string name="tracking_protection_custom">Vlastní</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed2">Povolit zvuk i video</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
@ -1261,16 +1298,23 @@
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the history group deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_history_group_prompt_cancel">Zrušit</string>
<!-- Onboarding -->
<!-- Text for onboarding welcome header. -->
<string name="onboarding_header_2">Vítá vás lepší internet</string>
<!-- Text for the onboarding welcome message. -->
<string name="onboarding_message">Prohlížeč postavený pro lidi, ne pro peníze.</string>
<!-- Text for the Firefox account onboarding sign in card header. -->
<string name="onboarding_account_sign_in_header">Pokračujte tam, kde jste skončili</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn more about signing in to your Firefox account. -->
<string name="onboarding_manual_sign_in_description">Synchronizujte panely a hesla mezi zařízeními pro bezproblémové přepínání obrazovky.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to manually sign into Firefox account. -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sign_in">Přihlásit se</string>
<!-- text to display in the snackbar once account is signed-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sync_is_on">Synchronizace je zapnutá</string>
<!-- Text for the tracking protection onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_header">Ochrana soukromí již ve výchozím nastavení</string>
<!-- Text for the tracking protection card description. -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_description">Představujeme úplnou ochranu před cookies, které slouží k vašemu sledování napříč webovými stránkami.</string>
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for standard level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button_2">Standardní (výchozí)</string>
<!-- text for standard blocking option button description -->
@ -1299,7 +1343,7 @@
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_header">Vyberte si vzhled</string>
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card description -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_description_2">Šetřete baterku i své oči povolením tmavého režimu.</string>
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_description_2">Povolením tmavého režimu šetřete baterku i své oči.</string>
<!-- Automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_automatic_title">Automatický</string>
<!-- Summary of automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
@ -1378,6 +1422,8 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Všechny cookies třetích stran (může omezit fungování některých stránek)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Všechny cookies (omezí fungování některých stránek)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_5">Izolovat cross-site cookies</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Sledující obsah</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
@ -1404,6 +1450,8 @@
<string name="etp_cookies_title_2">Cross-site cookies</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description">Blokuje cookies, které používají reklamní sítě a firmy ke sběru informací z mnoha serverů na internetu.</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description_2">Úplná ochrana před cookies izoluje cookies pro web, na němž se nacházíte, aby vás sledující subjekty nemohly sledovat napříč stránkami.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cryptominers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_title">Těžba kryptoměn</string>
<!-- Description of cryptominers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Descartar</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">Descartar</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Descartar</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
@ -383,6 +383,8 @@
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_2">%1$s intenta rechazar automáticamente todas las solicitudes de cookies en los sitios admitidos.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Rechazar automáticamente las solicitudes de cookies, cuando sea posible. De lo contrario, aceptar todas las cookies para descartar los banners de cookies.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Rechazar automáticamente las solicitudes de cookies, cuando sea posible.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most.The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_2">¿Permitir que %1$s rechace automáticamente las solicitudes de cookies cuando sea posible?</string>

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">閉じる</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">閉じる</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">閉じる</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
@ -414,10 +414,16 @@
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">目障りな Cookie ポップアップに自動的に応答します。%1$s が可能な限りすべての要求を拒否します。拒否できない場合はすべてを受け入れます。</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body_1">目障りな Cookie ポップアップに自動的に応答します。%1$s が可能な限りすべての要求を拒否します。</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the onboarding dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">ポップアップを閉じる</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Cookie バナーの削減</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">可能な場合、サイトの Cookie 同意要求を %1$s に拒否させ、そうでない場合は Cookie を受け入れますか?</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body_1">可能な場合、サイトの Cookie 同意要求を %1$s に拒否させますか?</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">許可</string>

@ -378,6 +378,8 @@
Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushın hámme cookielardı qabıllawı múmkin.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$s kuki sorawların avtomatikalıq biykarlawǵa háreket qılıwı múmkin.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_2">%1$s qollap-quwatlanǵan saytlardaǵı barlıq cookie sorawların avtomatikalıq biykarlawǵa háreket etedi.</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_title">Cookie haqqındaǵı xabarnamalar joq bolıp ketti!</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
@ -403,6 +405,10 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Qalqıp turıwshı aynalardı ótkizip jiberiw</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Cookie haqqındaǵı xabarnamalardı qısqartıw</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$sqa sayttıń cookie haqqındaǵı sorawların biykar etiwge ruqsat beriw, múmkinshilik bolmasa cookielerge ruqsat beriw kerek pe?</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body_1">Múmkinshiligi bolsa, %1$sǵa sayttıń cookielerge ruqsat beriw haqqındaǵı sorawların biykarlawǵa ruqsat berilsin be?</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Ruqsat beriw</string>
@ -428,6 +434,8 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_title">Qáwipsiz sayt joq</string>
<!-- Message shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. The message has two paragraphs. This is the first. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message_title">Úlken itimal menen, veb-sayt HTTPSdı qollap-quwatlamaydı.</string>
<!-- Message shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. The message has two paragraphs. This is the second. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message_summary">Biraq, hújimshi qatnasıwı múmkin. Eger de siz saytqa ótiwdi dawam etetuǵın bolsańız, ol saytta ózińizdiń jeke maǵlıwmatlarıńızdı kirgizbeń. Eger dawam etetuǵın bolsańız, tek HTTPS rejimi bul sayt ushın waqtınsha óshiriledi.</string>
<!-- Preference for accessibility -->
<string name="preferences_accessibility">Arnawlı imkaniyatlar</string>
<!-- Preference to override the Firefox Account server -->
@ -560,6 +568,8 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="wallpaper_limited_edition_description_with_learn_more">Jańa &quot;Ǵarezsiz Dawıslar&quot; toplamı. %s</string>
<!-- Description text for the limited edition wallpapers. -->
<string name="wallpaper_limited_edition_description">Jańa &quot;Ǵarezsiz Dawıslar&quot; toplamı. %s</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog header text. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_title_text">Reńdi shayqap kóriń</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog body text. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_body_text">Talǵamıńızǵa mas fon temasın tańlań.</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog learn more button text. The button navigates to the wallpaper settings screen. -->
@ -1348,6 +1358,8 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sync_is_on">Sáykeslestiriw baslandı</string>
<!-- Text for the tracking protection onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_header">Bastan ornatılǵan qupıyalıq qorǵanıwı</string>
<!-- Text for the tracking protection card description. -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_description">Baqlawshılarǵa cookielerdi paydalanıp sizdi saytlar aralıq baqlawına jol qoymaw ushın tolıq qorǵanıw menen támiyinleydi.</string>
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for standard level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button_2">Standart (bastan ornatılǵan)</string>
<!-- text for standard blocking option button description -->
@ -1362,6 +1374,8 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_placement_description">Bunı tómende qaldırıń yamasa joqarıǵa kóshiriń.</string>
<!-- Text for the privacy notice onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_header_1">Ozińiz maǵlıwmatlarıńızdı basqarız</string>
<!-- Text for the privacy notice onboarding card description. -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_description">Firefox nelerdi online hám nelerdi bizler menen bólisiwińizdi basqarıwdı sizge beredi.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to read the privacy notice -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_read_button">Qupıyalıq esletpelerimizdi oqıń</string>
<!-- Text for the conclusion onboarding message -->
@ -1423,6 +1437,8 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection">Baqlawdan keńeytilgen qorǵanıw</string>
<!-- Title for the description of enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_title">Internetti baqlawlarsız qollanıń</string>
<!-- Description of enhanced tracking protection. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation">Maǵlıwmatlarıńızdı ózińizde saqlań. %s siziń onlayn ne qılıp atırǵanıńızdı baqlap barıwshı eń keń tarqalǵan baqlawshılardan qorǵaydı.</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_learn_more">Tolıǵıraq úyreniw</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
@ -1474,14 +1490,24 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Ruqsat etildi</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (social media trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_title">Social tarmaq baqlawshıları</string>
<!-- Description of social media trackers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_description">Social tarmaqlar ushın siziń brauzer betlerindegi háreketlerińizdi baqlap barıw múmkinshiligin shekleydi.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title">Saytlar aralıq baqlawshı cookielar</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title_2">Saytlar aralıq cookielar</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description">Kóplegen saytlarda siziń kórgen betlerińizdi jıynaw ushın reklama tarmaqları hám analitikalıq kompaniyalar paydalanatuǵın cookielerdi bloklaydı.</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description_2">Tolıq cookie qorǵanıwı cookielerdi siz kirgen saytlardan ajıratadı, sonlıqtan reklama tarmaqları sıyaqlı baqlawshılar olardı saytlar arasında sizdi baqlap barıw ushın qollana almaydı.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cryptominers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_title">Kriptomaynerler</string>
<!-- Description of cryptominers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_description">Cifrlıq valyutanı óndiretuǵın zıyanlı scriptlerdiń qurılmańızǵa kiriwiniń aldın aladı.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (fingerprinters) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_title">Barmaq izlerin jıynawshılar</string>
<!-- Description of fingerprinters that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_description">Baqlaw maqsetlerinde isletiliwi múmkin bolǵan qurılmańız haqqındaǵı jalǵız identifikaciya qılınatuǵın maǵlıwmatlar toplamın toqtatadı.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (tracking content) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_title">Baqlawshı content</string>
<!-- Description of tracking content that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
@ -1884,6 +1910,8 @@ Eger de biykar etiw múmkinshiligi bolmasa, %2$s xabarnamalardı jasırıw ushı
<!-- Voice search prompt description displayed after the user presses the voice search button -->
<string name="voice_search_explainer">Házir sóyleń</string>
<!-- The error message in edit login view when a duplicate username exists. -->
<string name="saved_login_duplicate">Bul paydalanıwshı atındaǵı login álleqashan bar</string>
<!-- This is the hint text that is shown inline on the hostname field of the create new login page. '' intentionally hardcoded here -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_hint_text"></string>

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Ignorer</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">Lukk</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Lukk</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
@ -173,6 +173,8 @@
<string name="browser_menu_stop">Stopp</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_ons">Tillegg</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens account settings -->
<string name="browser_menu_account_settings">Kontoinformasjon</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">Ingen utvidelser her</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
@ -291,6 +293,19 @@
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close button for the home onboarding dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_content_description_close_button">Lukk</string>
<!-- Notification pre-permission dialog -->
<!-- Enable notification pre permission dialog title
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_title">Varsler hjelper deg å gjøre mer med %s</string>
<!-- Enable notification pre permission dialog description with rationale
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_description">Synkroniser fanene dine mellom enheter, behandle nedlastinger, få tips om hvordan du får mest mulig ut av %s sitt personvern, og mer.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to request notification permission on the device -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_positive_button">Fortsett</string>
<!-- Text for the button to not request notification permission on the device and dismiss the dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_negative_button">Ikke nå</string>
<!-- Search Widget -->
<!-- Content description for searching with a widget. The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="search_widget_content_description_2">Åpne en ny %1$s-fane</string>
@ -345,13 +360,21 @@
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner_reduction">Redusering av infoskapselbannere</string>
<!-- Preference for rejecting or removing as many cookie/consent banners as possible on sites. See reduce_cookie_banner_summary for additional context. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option">Reduser infoskapselbannere</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting disabled is set to off -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_off">Av</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting enabled is set to on -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_on"></string>
<!-- Summary for the preference for rejecting all cookies whenever possible. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefox prøver automatisk å avvise infokapselforespørsler på infoskapselbannere. Hvis et avvisningsalternativ ikke er tilgjengelig, kan Firefox godta alle infokapsler for å avvise banneret.</string>
<!-- Summary for the preference for rejecting all cookies whenever possible. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary_1">%1$s prøver automatisk å avvise infokapselforespørsler på infoskapselbannere.</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_off_for_site">Av for dette nettstedet</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_on_for_site">På for dette nettstedet</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is currently not supported for this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_unsupported_site" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Nettstedet støttes for øyeblikket ikke</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_on_for_site">Vil du slå på reduksjon av infoskapselbannere for %1$s?</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
@ -361,15 +384,52 @@
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first and second parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$s kan forsøke å automatisk avslå infokapselforespørsler. Hvis avslag ikke er ett alternativ, kan %2$s godta alle infokapsler for å fjerne banneret.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$s kan prøve å automatisk avvise infokapselforespørsler.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_2">%1$s prøver å automatisk avvise alle infokapselforespørsler på støttede nettsteder.</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_title">Fjern infoskapselbannere!</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Avvis automatisk forespørsler om infokapsler, når det er mulig. Ellers godta alle infokapsler for å avvise infoskapselbannere.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Avvis automatisk forespørsler om infokapsler, når det er mulig.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most.The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_2">Vil du tillate %1$s å automatisk avvise forespørsler om infokapsler når det er mulig?</string>
<!-- Remind me later text button for the onboarding dialog -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_not_now_button">Ikke nå</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Avvis bannere</string>
<!-- Snack text for the cookie banner dialog, after user hit the dismiss banner button -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_snackbar_text">Du vil se færre forespørsler om infokapsler</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_title">Se færre sprettoppvinduer for infokapsler</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Svar automatisk på sprettoppvindu for infokapsler for distraksjonsfri surfing. %1$s vil avvise alle forespørsler hvis mulig, eller godta alle hvis ikke.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body_1">Svar automatisk på sprettoppvindu for infokapsler for distraksjonsfri surfing. %1$s vil avvise alle forespørsler hvis mulig.</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the onboarding dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Avvis sprettoppvinduer</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Redusering av infoskapselbannere</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Vil du tillate %1$s å avslå et nettsteds forespørsel om samtykke for infokapsler hvis mulig, eller godta tilgang til infokapsler når det ikke er mulig?</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body_1">Vil du tillate %1$s å avslå et nettsteds forespørsel om samtykke for infokapsler hvis mulig?</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Tillat</string>
<!-- Description of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode. -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_summary">Forsøker automatisk å koble til nettsteder ved hjelp av HTTPS-krypteringsprotokollen for økt sikkerhet.</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on" moz:removedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources"></string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to off -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_off">Av</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in all tabs -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on_all">På i alle faner</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in private tabs only -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on_private">På i private faner</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preferences_http_only_learn_more">Les mer</string>
<!-- Option for the https only setting -->
@ -447,6 +507,11 @@
<!-- Preference for notifications -->
<string name="preferences_notifications">Varslinger</string>
<!-- Summary for notification preference indicating notifications are allowed -->
<string name="notifications_allowed_summary">Tillatt</string>
<!-- Summary for notification preference indicating notifications are not allowed -->
<string name="notifications_not_allowed_summary">Ikke tillatt</string>
<!-- Add-on Preferences -->
<!-- Preference to customize the configured AMO ( collection -->
<string name="preferences_customize_amo_collection">Tilpasset tilleggssamling</string>
@ -728,6 +793,13 @@
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one month-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month_summary">Lukk etter en måned</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the homepage when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_homepage_summary">Åpne på startsiden</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the last-open tab when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_last_tab_summary">Åpne på siste fane</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating opening the homepage when re-opening the app after four hours of inactivity -->
<string name="opening_screen_after_four_hours_of_inactivity_summary">Åpne på startsiden etter fire timer</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs -->
<!-- Category header of a preference that allows a user to enable or disable the inactive tabs feature -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs">Flytt gamle faner til inaktive</string>
@ -997,6 +1069,12 @@
<string name="tracking_protection_on" moz:removedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources"></string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Av</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to standard -->
<string name="tracking_protection_standard">Standard</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to strict -->
<string name="tracking_protection_strict">Streng</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to custom -->
<string name="tracking_protection_custom">Tilpasset</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed2">Tillat lyd og video</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->

@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
<!-- Private mode shortcut "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the main message -->
<string moz:removedIn="109" name="cfr_message" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dodaj skrót, aby otwierać prywatne karty z ekranu głównego.</string>
<string name="cfr_message" moz:removedIn="109" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dodaj skrót, aby otwierać prywatne karty z ekranu głównego.</string>
<!-- Text for the Private mode shortcut CFR message for adding a private mode shortcut to open private tabs from the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_message">Otwieraj kolejne prywatne karty jednym stuknięciem.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button -->
<string moz:removedIn="109" name="cfr_pos_button_text" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dodaj skrót</string>
<string name="cfr_pos_button_text" moz:removedIn="109" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dodaj skrót</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button to accept adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_pos_button_text">Dodaj do ekranu głównego</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button to decline adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Zamknij</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">Zamknij</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Zamknij</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
@ -171,6 +171,8 @@
<string name="browser_menu_stop">Zatrzymaj</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_ons">Dodatki</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens account settings -->
<string name="browser_menu_account_settings">Informacje o koncie</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">Nie ma żadnych dodatków</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
@ -262,7 +264,7 @@
<string name="search_settings_menu_item">Ustawienia wyszukiwania</string>
<!-- Header text for the search selector menu -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="109" name="search_header_menu_item" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Tym razem szukaj:</string>
<string name="search_header_menu_item" moz:RemovedIn="109" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Tym razem szukaj:</string>
<!-- Header text for the search selector menu -->
<string name="search_header_menu_item_2">Tym razem szukaj w:</string>
@ -290,6 +292,18 @@
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close button for the home onboarding dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_content_description_close_button">Zamknij</string>
<!-- Notification pre-permission dialog -->
<!-- Enable notification pre permission dialog title
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_title">Dzięki powiadomieniom lepiej wykorzystasz przeglądarkę %s</string>
<!-- Enable notification pre permission dialog description with rationale
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_description">Synchronizuj karty między urządzeniami, zarządzaj pobieranymi plikami, otrzymuj wskazówki, jak najlepiej wykorzystać ochronę prywatności w przeglądarce %s i nie tylko.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to request notification permission on the device -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_positive_button">Kontynuuj</string>
<!-- Text for the button to not request notification permission on the device and dismiss the dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_negative_button">Nie teraz</string>
<!-- Search Widget -->
<!-- Content description for searching with a widget. The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="search_widget_content_description_2">Otwórz nową kartę w przeglądarce %1$s</string>
@ -343,14 +357,22 @@
<!-- Preference for removing cookie/consent banners from sites automatically. See reduce_cookie_banner_summary for additional context. -->
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner_reduction">Ograniczanie informacji o ciasteczkach</string>
<!-- Preference for rejecting or removing as many cookie/consent banners as possible on sites. See reduce_cookie_banner_summary for additional context. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option">Ogranicz informacje o ciasteczkach</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option">Ograniczanie informacji o ciasteczkach</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting disabled is set to off -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_off">Wyłączone</string>
<!-- Summary of cookie banner handling preference if the setting enabled is set to on -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_option_on">Włączone</string>
<!-- Summary for the preference for rejecting all cookies whenever possible. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary">Firefox automatycznie próbuje odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek. Jeśli nie ma możliwości odrzucenia, Firefox może zaakceptować wszystkie ciasteczka, aby zamknąć prośbę.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefox automatycznie próbuje odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek. Jeśli nie ma możliwości odrzucenia, Firefox może zaakceptować wszystkie ciasteczka, aby zamknąć prośbę.</string>
<!-- Summary for the preference for rejecting all cookies whenever possible. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_summary_1">%1$s automatycznie próbuje odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek.</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_off_for_site">Wyłączone na tej witrynie</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_on_for_site">Włączone na tej witrynie</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is currently not supported for this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_unsupported_site" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Witryna obecnie nie jest obsługiwana</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_on_for_site">Włączyć ograniczanie informacji o ciasteczkach na witrynie %1$s?</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
@ -359,14 +381,54 @@
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is off for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_off_for_site">%1$s usunie ciasteczka tej witryny i odświeży stronę. Usunięcie wszystkich ciasteczek może spowodować wylogowanie ze strony lub opróżnienie koszyka w sklepie.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first and second parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site">%1$s może próbować automatycznie odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek. Jeśli nie ma możliwości odrzucenia, %2$s może zaakceptować wszystkie ciasteczka, aby zamknąć prośbę.</string>
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$s może próbować automatycznie odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek. Jeśli nie ma możliwości odrzucenia, %2$s może zaakceptować wszystkie ciasteczka, aby zamknąć prośbę.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter are the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%1$s może próbować automatycznie odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_2">%1$s próbuje automatycznie odrzucać wszystkie prośby o akceptację ciasteczek na obsługiwanych witrynach.</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_title">Koniec z komunikatami o ciasteczkach!</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Automatycznie odrzucaj prośby o akceptację ciasteczek, jeśli to możliwe. W przeciwnym razie akceptuj wszystkie ciasteczka, aby zamykać prośby.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_1" moz:RemovedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Automatycznie odrzucaj prośby o akceptację ciasteczek, jeśli to możliwe.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most.The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_body_2">Czy pozwolić przeglądarce %1$s automatycznie odrzucać prośby o akceptację ciasteczek, kiedy to możliwe?</string>
<!-- Remind me later text button for the onboarding dialog -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_not_now_button">Nie teraz</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the control branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_control_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Odrzucaj prośby o akceptację ciasteczek</string>
<!-- Snack text for the cookie banner dialog, after user hit the dismiss banner button -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_snackbar_text">Będziesz widzieć mniej próśb o akceptację ciasteczek</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_title">Zmniejsz liczbę komunikatów o ciasteczkach</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Automatycznie odpowiadaj na komunikaty o ciasteczkach, aby nie odrywać się od przeglądania. %1$s odrzuci wszystkie prośby, jeśli to możliwe, lub zaakceptuje je, jeśli nie.</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_body_1">Automatycznie odpowiadaj na komunikaty o ciasteczkach, aby nie odrywać się od przeglądania. %1$s odrzuci wszystkie prośby, jeśli to możliwe.</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the onboarding dialog use on the variant 1 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_1_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Odrzucaj komunikaty o ciasteczkach</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Ograniczanie informacji o ciasteczkach</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Czy pozwolić przeglądarce %1$s odrzucać prośby witryny o zgodę na ciasteczka, jeśli to możliwe, lub akceptować ciasteczka, kiedy się nie da?</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body_1">Czy pozwolić przeglądarce %1$s odrzucać prośby witryny o zgodę na ciasteczka, jeśli to możliwe?</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Pozwól</string>
<!-- Description of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode. -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_summary">Automatycznie próbuje łączyć się ze stronami za pomocą protokołu szyfrowania HTTPS w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa.</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on">Włączony</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on" moz:removedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Włączony</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to off -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_off">Wyłączony</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in all tabs -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on_all">Włączony we wszystkich kartach</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in private tabs only -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on_private">Włączony w prywatnych kartach</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preferences_http_only_learn_more">Więcej informacji</string>
<!-- Option for the https only setting -->
@ -445,6 +507,11 @@
<!-- Preference for notifications -->
<string name="preferences_notifications">Powiadomienia</string>
<!-- Summary for notification preference indicating notifications are allowed -->
<string name="notifications_allowed_summary">Dozwolone</string>
<!-- Summary for notification preference indicating notifications are not allowed -->
<string name="notifications_not_allowed_summary">Niedozwolone</string>
<!-- Add-on Preferences -->
<!-- Preference to customize the configured AMO ( collection -->
<string name="preferences_customize_amo_collection">Inna kolekcja dodatków</string>
@ -468,8 +535,6 @@
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with recently visited. Recently visited is
a section where users see a list of tabs that they have visited in the past few days -->
<string name="customize_toggle_recently_visited">Ostatnio odwiedzone</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with Pocket. -->
<string moz:RemovedIn="108" name="customize_toggle_pocket" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Pocket</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with Pocket. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_2">Artykuły skłaniające do myślenia</string>
@ -727,6 +792,13 @@
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one month-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month_summary">Zamykane po miesiącu</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the homepage when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_homepage_summary">Otwieranie na stronie startowej</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the last-open tab when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_last_tab_summary">Otwieranie na ostatniej karcie</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating opening the homepage when re-opening the app after four hours of inactivity -->
<string name="opening_screen_after_four_hours_of_inactivity_summary">Otwieranie na stronie startowej po czterech godzinach</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs -->
<!-- Category header of a preference that allows a user to enable or disable the inactive tabs feature -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs">Przenoszenie starych kart do nieaktywnych</string>
@ -992,10 +1064,16 @@
<!-- Preference for showing a list of websites that the default configurations won't apply to them -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">Wyjątki</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string name="tracking_protection_on">Włączona</string>
<string name="tracking_protection_on" moz:removedIn="111" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Włączona</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Wyłączona</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to standard -->
<string name="tracking_protection_standard">Standardowa</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to strict -->
<string name="tracking_protection_strict">Ścisła</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to custom -->
<string name="tracking_protection_custom">Własna</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed2">Zezwalaj na dźwięk i wideo</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
@ -1735,7 +1813,7 @@
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search String TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_hint">Używany ciąg wyszukiwania</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string formatted="false" name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example">Wyszukiwany tekst zastąp „%s”. Przykład:\n</string>
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example" formatted="false">Wyszukiwany tekst zastąp „%s”. Przykład:\n</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the form in which details about the custom search engine are entered -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_form_description">Informacje o dodanej wyszukiwarce</string>
@ -1935,8 +2013,6 @@
<string name="pocket_stories_categories_header">Artykuły według tematu</string>
<!-- Text of a button allowing users to access an external url for more Pocket recommendations. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_placeholder_text">Odkryj więcej</string>
<!-- Title of an app feature. Smaller than a heading.-->
<string moz:removedIn="108" name="pocket_stories_feature_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dostarczane przez Pocket.</string>
<!-- Title of an app feature. Smaller than a heading. The first parameter is product name Pocket -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_title_2">Dostarczane przez %s.</string>
<!-- Caption for describing a certain feature. The placeholder is for a clickable text (eg: Learn more) which will load an url in a new tab when clicked. -->

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Zapri</string>
<!-- Content description for close button used in "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) popups -->
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description">Zapri</string>
<string name="cfr_dismiss_button_default_content_description" moz:removedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Zapri</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
@ -397,6 +397,10 @@
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_dialog_snackbar_text">Prikazovalo se vam bo manj zahtev za shranjevanje piškotkov</string>
<!-- Title text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_title">Zmanjšanje števila pasic s piškotki</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body" moz:RemovedIn="110" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Dovolite %1$su, da zavrača zahteve spletnih mest za shranjevanje piškotkov, če to ni mogoče, pa jih sprejme?</string>
<!-- Body text for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most. The first parameter is the application name. -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_body_1">Dovolite %1$su, da zavrača zahteve spletnih mest za shranjevanje piškotkov, če je to mogoče?</string>
<!-- Change setting text button, for the dialog use on the variant 2 branch of the experiment to determine which context users engaged the most -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_variant_2_experiment_dialog_change_setting_button">Dovoli</string>
