[fenix] No issue: Uncomment APK instructions and provide extra detail (https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/pull/5317)

Colin Lee 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent b4a7190d1e
commit 13061398b8

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
### After merge
- [ ] **Milestone**: Make sure issues finished by this pull request are added to the [milestone](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/milestones) of the version currently in development.
<!-- To download an APK when reviewing a PR:
### To download an APK when reviewing a PR:
1. click on Show All Checks,
2. click Details next to "Taskcluster (pull_request)" after it appears and then finishes with a green checkmark,
3. click on the "Fenix - assemble" task, then click "Run Artifacts". -->
3. click on the "Fenix - assemble" task, then click "Run Artifacts".
4. the APK links should be on the left side of the screen, named for each CPU architecture