You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import argparse
import datetime
import jsone
import os
import slugid
import taskcluster
import yaml
from git import Repo
from lib.tasks import schedule_task
ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')
class InvalidGithubRepositoryError(Exception):
def calculate_git_references(root):
repo = Repo(root)
remote = repo.remote()
branch = repo.head.reference
if not remote.url.startswith(''):
raise InvalidGithubRepositoryError('expected remote to be a GitHub repository (accessed via HTTPs)')
url = remote.url[:-4] if remote.url.endswith('.git') else remote.url
return url, str(branch), str(branch.commit)
def make_decision_task(params):
"""Generate a basic decision task, based on the root .taskcluster.yml"""
with open(os.path.join(ROOT, '.taskcluster.yml'), 'rb') as f:
taskcluster_yml = yaml.safe_load(f)
slugids = {}
def as_slugid(name):
if name not in slugids:
slugids[name] = slugid.nice()
return slugids[name]
# provide a similar JSON-e context to what taskcluster-github provides
context = {
'tasks_for': 'cron',
'cron': {
'task_id': params['cron_task_id']
'now': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()[:23] + 'Z',
'as_slugid': as_slugid,
'event': {
'repository': {
'clone_url': params['repository_github_http_url']
'release': {
'tag_name': params['head_rev'],
'target_commitish': params['branch']
'sender': {
'login': 'TaskclusterHook'
rendered = jsone.render(taskcluster_yml, context)
if len(rendered['tasks']) != 1:
raise Exception('Expected .taskcluster.yml to only produce one cron task')
task = rendered['tasks'][0]
task_id = task.pop('taskId')
return task_id, task
def schedule(is_staging):
queue = taskcluster.Queue({'baseUrl': 'http://taskcluster/queue/v1'})
repository_github_http_url, branch, head_rev = calculate_git_references(ROOT)
params = {
'is_staging': is_staging,
'repository_github_http_url': repository_github_http_url,
'head_rev': head_rev,
'branch': branch,
'cron_task_id': os.environ.get('CRON_TASK_ID', '<cron_task_id>')
decision_task_id, decision_task = make_decision_task(params)
schedule_task(queue, decision_task_id, decision_task)
print('All scheduled!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Schedule a nightly release pipeline')
parser.add_argument('--staging', action='store_true',
help="Perform a staging build (use dep workers, don't communicate with Google Play) ")
result = parser.parse_args()