* Copy and paste that address into a new [Github Issue: 🐞 Bug report](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/new/choose) or an existing issue
* If you have many crash reports it can be helpful to include several of the recent crash URLs
![Screenshot showing where to find the settings and About Firefox elements of the app. The bulleted steps above contain the same information.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/250273/84347868-7bc9e980-ab68-11ea-990d-7284968c458a.png)
![Screenshot showing where to find the Crashes item in About Firefox and the Socorro link for the crash. ](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/250273/84347924-a156f300-ab68-11ea-9d02-c984a030249f.png)
Please use the above directions as a first way to get info. Use the following directions if your crash does not show up in the crash window of Firefox or if the crash prevents you from accessing the settings of Firefox.
To get information about a crash you will need an Android device that reproduces a crash, a computer running Windows, macOS or Linux and a USB cable that connects your device to your computer.