This ping is intended to provide a measure of the activation of mobile products. It's generated when Fenix starts, right after Glean is initialized. It doesn't include the client_id, since it might be reporting an hashed version of the Google Advertising ID.
The following metrics are added to the ping:
| Name | Type | Description | Data reviews | Extras | Expiration |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| activation.activation_id |[uuid]( |An alternate identifier, not correlated with the client_id, generated once and only sent with the activation ping. |[1](||2019-10-01 |
| activation.identifier |[string]( |A hashed and salted version of the Google Advertising ID from the device. This will never be sent in a ping that also contains the client_id. |[1](||2019-10-01 |
## baseline
This is a built-in ping that is assembled out of the box by the Glean SDK.
See the Glean SDK documentation for the [`baseline` ping](
The following metrics are added to the ping:
| Name | Type | Description | Data reviews | Extras | Expiration |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| events.total_uri_count |[counter]( |A counter of URIs visited by the user in the current session, including page reloads. This does not include background page requests and URIs from embedded pages or private browsing. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| metrics.search_count |[labeled_counter]( |The labels for this counter are `<search-engine-name>.<source>`. If the search engine is bundled with Fenix `search-engine-name` will be the name of the search engine. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be `custom`. `source` will either be `action` or `suggestion` |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
## events
This is a built-in ping that is assembled out of the box by the Glean SDK.
See the Glean SDK documentation for the [`events` ping](
The following metrics are added to the ping:
| Name | Type | Description | Data reviews | Extras | Expiration |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| bookmarks_management.copied |[event]( |A user copied a bookmark. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.edited |[event]( |A user edited the title and/or URL of an existing bookmark. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.folder_add |[event]( |A user added a new bookmark folder. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.folder_remove |[event]( |A user removed a bookmark folder. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.moved |[event]( |A user moved an existing bookmark or folder to another folder. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.multi_removed |[event]( |A user removed multiple bookmarks at once. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.open_in_new_tab |[event]( |A user opened a bookmark in a new tab. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.open_in_new_tabs |[event]( |A user opened multiple bookmarks at once in new tabs. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.open_in_private_tab |[event]( |A user opened a bookmark in a new private tab. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.open_in_private_tabs |[event]( |A user opened multiple bookmarks at once in new private tabs. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.removed |[event]( |A user removed a bookmark item. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| bookmarks_management.shared |[event]( |A user shared a bookmark. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.add_tab_button |[event]( |A user tapped the "add tab" button in the three dot menu of collections |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.all_tabs_restored |[event]( |A user tapped "open tabs" from collection menu |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.long_press |[event]( |A user long pressed on a tab, triggering the collection creation screen |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.removed |[event]( |A user tapped delete collection from collection menu |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.rename_button |[event]( |A user pressed the "rename collection" button in the three dot menu |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.renamed |[event]( |A user renamed a collection |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.save_button |[event]( |A user pressed the "save to collection" button on either the home or browser screen, triggering the collection creation screen to open (tab_select_opened) |[1](|<ul><li>from_screen: A string representing the screen from which the user pressed the save button. Currently one of: `browserMenu`, `homeMenu` or `home`</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| collections.saved |[event]( |A user saved a list of tabs to a new collection |[1](|<ul><li>tabs_open: The number of tabs open in the current session</li><li>tabs_selected: The number of tabs added to the collection</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| collections.shared |[event]( |A user tapped share collection |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.tab_removed |[event]( |A user tapped remove tab from collection tab list |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.tab_restored |[event]( |A user restored a tab from collection tab list |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.tab_select_opened |[event]( |A user opened the select tabs screen (the first step of the collection creation flow) |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| collections.tabs_added |[event]( |A user saved a list of tabs to an existing collection |[1](|<ul><li>tabs_open: The number of tabs open in the current session</li><li>tabs_selected: The number of tabs added to the collection</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| context_menu.item_tapped |[event]( |A user tapped an item in the browsers context menu |[1](|<ul><li>named: The name of the item that was tapped. Available items are ``` open_in_new_tab, open_in_private_tab, open_image_in_new_tab, save_image, share_link, copy_link, copy_image_location ``` </li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| crash_reporter.closed |[event]( |The crash reporter was closed |[1](|<ul><li>crash_submitted: A boolean that tells us whether or not the user submitted a crash report</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| crash_reporter.opened |[event]( |The crash reporter was displayed |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| custom_tab.action_button |[event]( |A user pressed the action button provided by the launching app |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| custom_tab.closed |[event]( |A user closed the custom tab |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| |[event]( |A user opened the custom tabs menu |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| error_page.visited_error |[event]( |A user encountered an error page |[1](|<ul><li>error_type: The error type of the error page encountered</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.app_opened |[event]( |A user opened the app |[1](|<ul><li>source: The method used to open Fenix. Possible values are: `app_icon`, `custom_tab` or `link`</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.browser_menu_action |[event]( |A browser menu item was tapped |[1](, [2](|<ul><li>item: A string containing the name of the item the user tapped. These items include: Settings, Library, Help, Desktop Site toggle on/off, Find in Page, New Tab, Private Tab, Share, Report Site Issue, Back/Forward button, Reload Button, Quit </li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.entered_url |[event]( |A user entered a url |[1](|<ul><li>autocomplete: A boolean that tells us whether the URL was autofilled by an Autocomplete suggestion</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.performed_search |[event]( |A user performed a search |[1](, [2](|<ul><li>source: A string that tells us how the user performed the search. Possible values are: * default.action * default.suggestion * shortcut.action * shortcut.suggestion </li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.preference_toggled |[event]( |A user toggled a preference switch in settings |[1](, [2](|<ul><li>enabled: Whether or not the preference is *now* enabled</li><li>preference_key: The preference key for the switch preference the user toggled. We currently track: show_search_suggestions, remote_debugging, telemetry, tracking_protection, search_bookmarks, search_browsing_history, and show_clipboard_suggestions</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.search_bar_tapped |[event]( |A user tapped the search bar |[1](|<ul><li>source: The view the user was on when they initiated the search (For example: `Home` or `Browser`)</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| events.whats_new_tapped |[event]( |A user opened the "what's new" page button |[1](|<ul><li>source: The location from which the user selected the what's new button. Either 'about' or 'home'</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| find_in_page.closed |[event]( |A user closed the find in page UI |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| find_in_page.next_result |[event]( |A user clicked the "next result" button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| find_in_page.opened |[event]( |A user opened the find in page UI |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| find_in_page.previous_result |[event]( |A user clicked the "previous result" button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| find_in_page.searched_page |[event]( |A user searched the page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| history.opened |[event]( |A user opened the history screen |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| history.opened_item |[event]( |A user opened a history item |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| history.removed |[event]( |A user removed a history item |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| history.removed_all |[event]( |A user removed all history items |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| history.shared |[event]( |A user shared a history item |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| library.closed |[event]( |A user closed the library |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| library.opened |[event]( |A user opened the library |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| library.selected_item |[event]( |A user selected a library item |[1](|<ul><li>item: The library item the user selected</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| media_notification.pause |[event]( |A user pressed the pause icon on the media notification |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| |[event]( |A user pressed the play icon on the media notification |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_mode.garbage_icon |[event]( |A user pressed the garbage can icon on the private browsing home page, deleting all private tabs. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_mode.notification_delete |[event]( |A user pressed the private browsing mode notification's "Delete and Open" button. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_mode.notification_open |[event]( |A user pressed the private browsing mode notification's "Open" button. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_mode.notification_tapped |[event]( |A user pressed the private browsing mode notification itself. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_mode.snackbar_undo |[event]( |A user pressed the "undo" button in the snackbar that is shown when the garbage icon is tapped. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_shortcut.cfr_add_shortcut |[event]( |A user pressed the "Add shortcut" button when the contextual feature recommender appeared. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_shortcut.cfr_cancel |[event]( |A user pressed the "No thanks" button when the contextual feature recommender appeared. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_shortcut.create_shortcut |[event]( |A user pressed the "Add private browsing shortcut" button in settings. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_shortcut.pinned_shortcut_priv |[event]( |A user pressed the pinned private shortcut in Android home screen, opening up a new private search. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_shortcut.static_shortcut_priv |[event]( |A user pressed the long-press shortcut "Open new private tab", opening up a new private search. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| private_browsing_shortcut.static_shortcut_tab |[event]( |A user pressed the long-press shortcut "Open new tab", opening up a new search. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| qr_scanner.navigation_allowed |[event]( |A user tapped "allow" on the prompt, directing the user to the website scanned |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| qr_scanner.navigation_denied |[event]( |A user tapped "deny" on the prompt, putting the user back to the scanning view |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| qr_scanner.opened |[event]( |A user opened the QR scanner |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| qr_scanner.prompt_displayed |[event]( |A user scanned a QR code, causing a confirmation prompt to display asking if they want to navigate to the page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| quick_action_sheet.bookmark_tapped |[event]( |A user tapped the bookmark button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| quick_action_sheet.closed |[event]( |A user closed the quick action sheet UI |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| quick_action_sheet.download_tapped |[event]( |A user tapped the download button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| quick_action_sheet.open_app_tapped |[event]( |A user tapped the open in app button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| quick_action_sheet.opened |[event]( |A user opened the quick action sheet UI |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| quick_action_sheet.share_tapped |[event]( |A user tapped the share button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| reader_mode.appearance |[event]( |A user tapped the appearance button |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| reader_mode.available |[event]( |Reader mode is available for the current page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| reader_mode.closed |[event]( |A user closed reader mode |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| reader_mode.opened |[event]( |A user opened reader mode |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| search_shortcuts.selected |[event]( |A user selected a search shortcut engine to use |[1](|<ul><li>engine: The name of the built-in search engine the user selected as a string</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| search_widget.new_tab_button |[event]( |A user pressed anywhere from the Firefox logo until the start of the microphone icon, opening a new tab search screen. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| search_widget.voice_button |[event]( |A user pressed the microphone icon, opening a new voice search screen. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_account.closed |[event]( |A user closed the sync account page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_account.opened |[event]( |A user opened the sync account page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_account.send_tab |[event]( |A user sent the current tab to another FxA device |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_account.sign_in_to_send_tab |[event]( |A user pressed the "sign in to send tab" button inside the share tab menu |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_account.sync_now |[event]( |A user pressed the sync now button on the sync account page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.auto_login |[event]( |User signed into FxA via an account shared from another locally installed Mozilla application (e.g. Fennec) |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.closed |[event]( |A user closed the sync page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.opened |[event]( |A user opened the sync authentication page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.other_external |[event]( |User authenticated via FxA using an unknown mechanism. "Known" mechanisms are currently sign-in, sign-up and pairing |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.paired |[event]( |User signed into FxA by pairing with a different Firefox browser, using a QR code |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.recovered |[event]( |Account manager automatically recovered FxA authentication state without direct user involvement |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.scan_pairing |[event]( |A user pressed the scan pairing button on the sync authentication page |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.sign_in |[event]( |A user pressed the sign in button on the sync authentication page and was successfully signed in to FxA |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.sign_out |[event]( |A user pressed the sign out button on the sync account page and was successfully signed out of FxA |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| sync_auth.sign_up |[event]( |User registered a new Firefox Account, and was signed into it |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tab.media_pause |[event]( |A user pressed the pause icon on a tab from the home screen |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tab.media_play |[event]( |A user pressed the play icon on a tab from the home screen |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tracking_protection.etp_setting_changed |[event]( |A user added a tracking protection exception through the TP toggle in the panel. |[1](|<ul><li>etp_setting: The new setting for ETP: strict, standard</li></ul>|2020-03-01 |
| tracking_protection.etp_settings |[event]( |A user opened tracking protection settings through settings. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tracking_protection.etp_shield |[event]( |A user pressed the tracking protection shield icon in toolbar. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tracking_protection.etp_tracker_list |[event]( |A user pressed into a list of categorized trackers in tracking protection panel. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tracking_protection.exception_added |[event]( |A user added a tracking protection exception through the TP toggle in the panel. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| tracking_protection.panel_settings |[event]( |A user opened tracking protection settings from the panel. |[1](||2020-03-01 |
This is a built-in ping that is assembled out of the box by the Glean SDK.
See the Glean SDK documentation for the [`metrics` ping](
The following metrics are added to the ping:
| Name | Type | Description | Data reviews | Extras | Expiration |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| experiments.metrics.active_experiment |[string]( |Records the branch name of the active experiment, if the client is enrolled in the `fenix-test-2019-08-05` experiment. This is intended to validate that the service-experiments library properly matches clients to experiments and can take action based on a multi-branched experiment. This is done by recording the experiment branch name in this string metric which allows the experiment to be transparent and unobtrusive to the user. |[1](||2019-11-01 |
| metrics.adjust_campaign |[string]( |A string containing the Adjust campaign ID from which the user installed Fenix |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| metrics.default_browser |[boolean]( |Is Fenix the default browser? |[1](||2020-03-01 |
| metrics.default_moz_browser |[string]( |The name of the default browser on device if and only if it's a Mozilla owned product |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
| metrics.mozilla_products |[string_list]( |A list of all the Mozilla products installed on device. We currently scan for: Firefox, Firefox Beta, Firefox Aurora, Firefox Nightly, Firefox Fdroid, Firefox Lite, Reference Browser, Reference Browser Debug, Fenix, Focus, and Lockwise. |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
| metrics.search_count |[labeled_counter]( |The labels for this counter are `<search-engine-name>.<source>`. If the search engine is bundled with Fenix `search-engine-name` will be the name of the search engine. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be `custom`. `source` will either be `action` or `suggestion` |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
| search.default_engine.code |[string]( |If the search engine is pre-loaded with Fenix this value will be the search engine identifier. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be "custom" |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
| |[string]( |If the search engine is pre-loaded with Fenix this value will be the search engine name. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be "custom" |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
| search.default_engine.submission_url |[string]( |If the search engine is pre-loaded with Fenix this value will be he base URL we use to build the search query for the search engine. For example: If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be "custom" |[1](, [2](||2020-03-01 |
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