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q = 2**255 - 19
def expmod(b,e,m):
if e == 0: return 1
t = expmod(b,e/2,m)**2 % m
if e & 1: t = (t*b) % m
return t
def inv(x):
return expmod(x,q-2,q)
def radix255(x):
x = x % q
if x + x > q: x -= q
x = [x,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
bits = [26,25,26,25,26,25,26,25,26,25]
for i in range(9):
carry = (x[i] + 2**(bits[i]-1)) / 2**bits[i]
x[i] -= carry * 2**bits[i]
x[i + 1] += carry
result = ""
for i in range(9):
result = result+str(x[i])+","
result = result+str(x[9])
return result
I = expmod(2,(q-1)/4,q)
print radix255(I)