You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
9.9 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include "I18N.h"
// Simplified Chinese localization file
namespace i2p
namespace i18n
namespace chinese // language namespace
// language name in lowercase
static std::string language = "chinese";
// See for language plural forms here:
static int plural (int n) {
return 0;
static std::map<std::string, std::string> strings
{"%.2f KiB", "%.2f KiB"},
{"%.2f MiB", "%.2f MiB"},
{"%.2f GiB", "%.2f GiB"},
{"building", "正在构建"},
{"failed", "连接失败"},
{"expiring", "即将过期"},
{"established", "连接成功"},
{"unknown", "未知"},
{"exploratory", "探索"},
{"Purple I2P Webconsole", "Purple I2P 网页控制台"},
{"<b>i2pd</b> webconsole", "<b>i2pd</b> 网页控制台"},
{"Main page", "主页"},
{"Router commands", "路由命令"},
{"Local Destinations", "本地目标"},
{"LeaseSets", "租约集"},
{"Tunnels", "隧道"},
{"Transit Tunnels", "中转隧道"},
{"Transports", "传输"},
{"I2P tunnels", "I2P 隧道"},
{"SAM sessions", "SAM 会话"},
{"ERROR", "错误"},
{"OK", "良好"},
{"Testing", "测试中"},
{"Firewalled", "受到防火墙限制"},
{"Unknown", "未知"},
{"Proxy", "代理"},
{"Mesh", "自组网"},
{"Clock skew", "时钟偏移"},
{"Offline", "离线"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "对称 NAT"},
{"Full cone NAT", "全锥型NAT"},
{"No Descriptors", "无描述符"},
{"Uptime", "运行时间"},
{"Network status", "网络状态"},
{"Network status v6", "IPv6 网络状态"},
{"Stopping in", "距停止还有:"},
{"Family", "家族"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "隧道创建成功率"},
{"Total tunnel creation success rate", "当前隧道创建成功率"},
{"Received", "已接收"},
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "已发送"},
{"Transit", "中转"},
{"Data path", "数据文件路径"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "隐藏内容 请点击此处查看。"},
{"Router Ident", "路由身份"},
{"Router Family", "路由器家族"},
{"Router Caps", "路由器类型"},
{"Version", "版本"},
{"Our external address", "外部地址"},
{"supported", "支持"},
{"Routers", "路由节点"},
{"Floodfills", "洪泛节点"},
{"Client Tunnels", "客户端隧道"},
{"Services", "服务"},
{"Enabled", "启用"},
{"Disabled", "禁用"},
{"Encrypted B33 address", "加密的 B33 地址"},
{"Address registration line", "地址域名注册"},
{"Domain", "域名"},
{"Generate", "生成"},
{"<b>Note:</b> result string can be used only for registering 2LD domains (example.i2p). For registering subdomains please use i2pd-tools.", "<b>注意:</b> 结果字符串只能用于注册二级域名(例如example.i2p)。若需注册三级域名,请使用 i2pd-tools。"},
{"Address", "地址"},
{"Type", "类型"},
{"EncType", "加密类型"},
{"Expire LeaseSet", "到期租约集"},
{"Inbound tunnels", "入站隧道"},
{"%dms", "%dms"},
{"Outbound tunnels", "出站隧道"},
{"Tags", "标签"},
{"Incoming", "传入"},
{"Outgoing", "传出"},
{"Destination", "目标"},
{"Amount", "数量"},
{"Incoming Tags", "传入标签"},
{"Tags sessions", "标签会话"},
{"Status", "状态"},
{"Local Destination", "本地目标"},
{"Streams", ""},
{"Close stream", "断开流"},
{"Such destination is not found", "找不到此目标"},
{"I2CP session not found", "未找到 I2CP 会话"},
{"I2CP is not enabled", "I2CP 未启用"},
{"Invalid", "无效"},
{"Store type", "存储类型"},
{"Expires", "过期时间"},
{"Non Expired Leases", "未到期的租约"},
{"Gateway", "网关"},
{"TunnelID", "隧道 ID"},
{"EndDate", "结束日期"},
{"floodfill mode is disabled", "洪泛已禁用"},
{"Queue size", "队列大小"},
{"Run peer test", "运行节点测试"},
{"Reload tunnels configuration", "重新载入隧道配置"},
{"Decline transit tunnels", "拒绝中转隧道"},
{"Accept transit tunnels", "允许中转隧道"},
{"Cancel graceful shutdown", "取消平滑关闭"},
{"Start graceful shutdown", "平滑关闭"},
{"Force shutdown", "强制停止"},
{"Reload external CSS styles", "重载外部 CSS 样式"},
{"<b>Note:</b> any action done here are not persistent and not changes your config files.", "<b>注意:</b> 此处完成的任何操作都不是永久的,不会更改您的配置文件。"},
{"Logging level", "日志级别"},
{"Transit tunnels limit", "中转隧道限制"},
{"Change", "修改"},
{"Change language", "更改语言"},
{"no transit tunnels currently built", "目前未构建中转隧道"},
{"SAM disabled", "SAM 已禁用"},
{"no sessions currently running", "没有正在运行的会话"},
{"SAM session not found", "未找到 SAM 会话"},
{"SAM Session", "SAM 会话"},
{"Server Tunnels", "服务器隧道"},
{"Client Forwards", "客户端转发"},
{"Server Forwards", "服务器转发"},
{"Unknown page", "未知页面"},
{"Invalid token", "无效令牌"},
{"SUCCESS", "成功"},
{"Stream closed", "流已关闭"},
{"Stream not found or already was closed", "流未找到或已关闭"},
{"Destination not found", "找不到目标"},
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID 不能为空"},
{"Return to destination page", "返回目标页面"},
{"You will be redirected in %d seconds", "您将在%d秒内被重定向"},
{"LeaseSet expiration time updated", "租约集到期时间已更新"},
{"LeaseSet is not found or already expired", "租约集未找到或已过期"},
{"Transit tunnels count must not exceed %d", "中转隧道数量限制为 %d"},
{"Back to commands list", "返回命令列表"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "在 reg.i2p 注册域名"},
{"Description", "描述"},
{"A bit information about service on domain", "在此域名上运行的服务的一些信息"},
{"Submit", "提交"},
{"Domain can't end with .b32.i2p", "域名不能以 .b32.i2p 结尾"},
{"Domain must end with .i2p", "域名必须以 .i2p 结尾"},
{"Unknown command", "未知指令"},
{"Command accepted", "已接受指令"},
{"Proxy error", "代理错误"},
{"Proxy info", "代理信息"},
{"Proxy error: Host not found", "代理错误:未找到主机"},
{"Remote host not found in router's addressbook", "在路由地址簿中未找到远程主机"},
{"You may try to find this host on jump services below", "您可以尝试在下方的跳转服务中找到此主机"},
{"Invalid request", "无效请求"},
{"Proxy unable to parse your request", "代理无法解析您的请求"},
{"Addresshelper is not supported", "不支持地址助手"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. <b>Be careful: source of this URL may be harmful!</b> Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "主机 %s <font color=red>已在路由地址簿中</font>。<b>请注意:此地址的来源可能是有害的!</b>点击此处更新记录:<a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">继续</a>"},
{"Addresshelper forced update rejected", "地址助手强制更新被拒绝"},
{"To add host <b>%s</b> in router's addressbook, click here: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">Continue</a>.", "若要在路由器地址簿中添加主机 <b>%s</b> 请点击这里: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">继续</a>"},
{"Addresshelper request", "请求地址助手"},
{"Host %s added to router's addressbook from helper. Click here to proceed: <a href=\"%s\">Continue</a>.", "主机 %s 已通过地址助手添加到路由地址簿中。点击此处继续:<a href=\"%s\">继续</a>"},
{"Addresshelper adding", "正在添加地址助手"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "主机 %s <font color=red>已在路由地址簿中</font>。点击此处更新记录:<a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">继续</a>"},
{"Addresshelper update", "更新地址助手"},
{"Invalid request URI", "无效的 URI 请求"},
{"Can't detect destination host from request", "无法从请求中检测到目标主机"},
{"Outproxy failure", "出口代理故障"},
{"Bad outproxy settings", "错误的出口代理设置"},
{"Host %s is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled", "主机 %s 不在 I2P 网络内,但出口代理未启用"},
{"Unknown outproxy URL", "未知的出口代理地址"},
{"Cannot resolve upstream proxy", "无法解析上游代理"},
{"Hostname is too long", "主机名过长"},
{"Cannot connect to upstream SOCKS proxy", "无法连接到上游 SOCKS 代理"},
{"Cannot negotiate with SOCKS proxy", "无法与 SOCKS 代理协商"},
{"CONNECT error", "连接错误"},
{"Failed to connect", "连接失败"},
{"SOCKS proxy error", "SOCKS 代理错误"},
{"Failed to send request to upstream", "向上游发送请求失败"},
{"No reply from SOCKS proxy", "没有来自 SOCKS 代理的回复"},
{"Cannot connect", "无法连接"},
{"HTTP out proxy not implemented", "HTTP 出口代理未实现"},
{"Cannot connect to upstream HTTP proxy", "无法连接到上游 HTTP 代理"},
{"Host is down", "主机已关闭"},
{"Can't create connection to requested host, it may be down. Please try again later.", "无法创建到目标主机的连接。主机可能已下线,请稍后再试。"},
{"", ""},
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> plurals
{"%d days", {"%d 天"}},
{"%d hours", {"%d 小时"}},
{"%d minutes", {"%d 分钟"}},
{"%d seconds", {"%d 秒"}},
{"", {""}},
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> GetLocale()
return std::make_shared<i2p::i18n::Locale>(language, strings, plurals, [] (int n)->int { return plural(n); });
} // language
} // i18n
} // i2p