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#include <array>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include "Gost.h"
namespace i2p
namespace crypto
GOSTR3410Curve::GOSTR3410Curve (BIGNUM * a, BIGNUM * b, BIGNUM * p, BIGNUM * q, BIGNUM * x, BIGNUM * y)
BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new ();
m_Group = EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp (p, a, b, ctx);
EC_POINT * P = EC_POINT_new (m_Group);
EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp (m_Group, P, x, y, ctx);
EC_GROUP_set_generator (m_Group, P, q, nullptr);
EC_GROUP_set_curve_name (m_Group, NID_id_GostR3410_2001);
BN_CTX_free (ctx);
GOSTR3410Curve::~GOSTR3410Curve ()
EC_GROUP_free (m_Group);
EC_POINT * GOSTR3410Curve::MulP (const BIGNUM * n) const
BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new ();
auto p = EC_POINT_new (m_Group);
EC_POINT_mul (m_Group, p, n, nullptr, nullptr, ctx);
BN_CTX_free (ctx);
return p;
bool GOSTR3410Curve::GetXY (const EC_POINT * p, BIGNUM * x, BIGNUM * y) const
return EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp (m_Group, p, x, y, nullptr);
EC_POINT * GOSTR3410Curve::CreatePoint (const BIGNUM * x, const BIGNUM * y) const
EC_POINT * p = EC_POINT_new (m_Group);
EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp (m_Group, p, x, y, nullptr);
return p;
void GOSTR3410Curve::Sign (const BIGNUM * priv, const BIGNUM * digest, BIGNUM * r, BIGNUM * s)
BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new ();
BN_CTX_start (ctx);
BIGNUM * q = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
EC_GROUP_get_order(m_Group, q, ctx);
BIGNUM * k = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
BN_rand_range (k, q); // 0 < k < q
EC_POINT * C = MulP (k); // C = k*P
GetXY (C, r, nullptr); // r = Cx
EC_POINT_free (C);
BN_mod_mul (s, r, priv, q, ctx); // (r*priv)%q
BIGNUM * tmp = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
BN_mod_mul (tmp, k, digest, q, ctx); // (k*digest)%q
BN_mod_add (s, s, tmp, q, ctx); // (r*priv+k*digest)%q
BN_CTX_end (ctx);
BN_CTX_free (ctx);
bool GOSTR3410Curve::Verify (const EC_POINT * pub, const BIGNUM * digest, const BIGNUM * r, const BIGNUM * s)
BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new ();
BN_CTX_start (ctx);
BIGNUM * q = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
EC_GROUP_get_order(m_Group, q, ctx);
BIGNUM * h = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
BN_mod (h, digest, q, ctx); // h = digest % q
BN_mod_inverse (h, h, q, ctx); // 1/h mod q
BIGNUM * z1 = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
BN_mod_mul (z1, s, h, q, ctx); // z1 = s/h
BIGNUM * z2 = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
BN_sub (z2, q, r); // z2 = -r
BN_mod_mul (z2, z2, h, q, ctx); // z2 = -r/h
EC_POINT * C = EC_POINT_new (m_Group);
EC_POINT_mul (m_Group, C, z1, pub, z2, ctx); // z1*P + z2*pub
BIGNUM * x = BN_CTX_get (ctx);
GetXY (C, x, nullptr); // Cx
BN_mod (x, x, q, ctx); // Cx % q
bool ret = !BN_cmp (x, r); // Cx = r ?
EC_POINT_free (C);
BN_CTX_end (ctx);
BN_CTX_free (ctx);
return ret;
static GOSTR3410Curve * CreateGOSTR3410Curve (GOSTR3410ParamSet paramSet)
// a, b, p, q, x, y
static const char * params[eGOSTR3410NumParamSets][6] =
}, // A
}, // B
} // C
BIGNUM * a = nullptr, * b = nullptr, * p = nullptr, * q =nullptr, * x = nullptr, * y = nullptr;
BN_hex2bn(&a, params[paramSet][0]);
BN_hex2bn(&b, params[paramSet][1]);
BN_hex2bn(&p, params[paramSet][2]);
BN_hex2bn(&q, params[paramSet][3]);
BN_hex2bn(&x, params[paramSet][4]);
BN_hex2bn(&y, params[paramSet][5]);
auto curve = new GOSTR3410Curve (a, b, p, q, x, y);
BN_free (a); BN_free (b); BN_free (p); BN_free (q); BN_free (x); BN_free (y);
return curve;
static std::array<std::unique_ptr<GOSTR3410Curve>, eGOSTR3410NumParamSets> g_GOSTR3410Curves;
std::unique_ptr<GOSTR3410Curve>& GetGOSTR3410Curve (GOSTR3410ParamSet paramSet)
if (!g_GOSTR3410Curves[paramSet])
auto c = CreateGOSTR3410Curve (paramSet);
if (!g_GOSTR3410Curves[paramSet]) // make sure it was not created already
g_GOSTR3410Curves[paramSet].reset (c);
delete c;
return g_GOSTR3410Curves[paramSet];