/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2024, The PurpleI2P Project * * This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 * * See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree */ #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "Base.h" #include "HTTP.h" namespace i2p { namespace http { const std::vector HTTP_METHODS = { "GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT", // HTTP basic methods "COPY", "LOCK", "MKCOL", "MOVE", "PROPFIND", "PROPPATCH", "UNLOCK", "SEARCH" // WebDAV methods, for SEARCH see rfc5323 }; const std::vector HTTP_VERSIONS = { "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1" }; const std::vector weekdays = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; const std::vector months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; inline bool is_http_version(const std::string & str) { return std::find(HTTP_VERSIONS.begin(), HTTP_VERSIONS.end(), str) != std::end(HTTP_VERSIONS); } inline bool is_http_method(const std::string & str) { return std::find(HTTP_METHODS.begin(), HTTP_METHODS.end(), str) != std::end(HTTP_METHODS); } static void strsplit(std::stringstream& ss, std::vector &tokens, char delim, std::size_t limit = 0) { std::size_t count = 0; std::string token; while (1) { count++; if (limit > 0 && count >= limit) delim = '\n'; /* reset delimiter */ if (!std::getline(ss, token, delim)) break; tokens.push_back(token); } } static void strsplit(const std::string & line, std::vector &tokens, char delim, std::size_t limit = 0) { std::stringstream ss(line); strsplit (ss, tokens, delim, limit); } static void strsplit(std::string_view line, std::vector &tokens, char delim, std::size_t limit = 0) { std::stringstream ss(std::move(std::string(line))); strsplit (ss, tokens, delim, limit); } static std::pair parse_header_line(std::string_view line) { std::size_t pos = 0; std::size_t len = 1; /*: */ std::size_t max = line.length(); if ((pos = line.find(':', pos)) == std::string::npos) return std::make_pair("", ""); // no ':' found if (pos + 1 < max) // ':' at the end of header is valid { while ((pos + len) < max && isspace(line.at(pos + len))) len++; if (len == 1) return std::make_pair("", ""); // no following space, but something else } return std::make_pair(std::move (std::string (line.substr(0, pos))), std::move (std::string (line.substr(pos + len)))); } void gen_rfc7231_date(std::string & out) { std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr); char buf[128]; std::tm *tm = std::gmtime(&now); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", weekdays[tm->tm_wday], tm->tm_mday, months[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec ); out = buf; } bool URL::parse(const char *str, std::size_t len) { return parse({str, len ? len : strlen(str)}); } bool URL::parse(std::string_view url) { std::size_t pos_p = 0; /* < current parse position */ std::size_t pos_c = 0; /* < work position */ if(url.at(0) != '/' || pos_p > 0) { std::size_t pos_s = 0; /* schema */ pos_c = url.find("://"); if (pos_c != std::string::npos) { schema = url.substr(0, pos_c); pos_p = pos_c + 3; } /* user[:pass] */ pos_s = url.find('/', pos_p); /* find first slash */ pos_c = url.find('@', pos_p); /* find end of 'user' or 'user:pass' part */ if (pos_c != std::string::npos && (pos_s == std::string::npos || pos_s > pos_c)) { std::size_t delim = url.find(':', pos_p); if (delim && delim != std::string::npos && delim < pos_c) { user = url.substr(pos_p, delim - pos_p); delim += 1; pass = url.substr(delim, pos_c - delim); } else if(delim) { user = url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); } pos_p = pos_c + 1; } /* hostname[:port][/path] */ if (url.at(pos_p) == '[') // ipv6 { auto pos_b = url.find(']', pos_p); if (pos_b == std::string::npos) return false; ipv6 = true; pos_c = url.find_first_of(":/", pos_b); } else pos_c = url.find_first_of(":/", pos_p); if (pos_c == std::string::npos) { /* only hostname, without post and path */ host = ipv6 ? url.substr(pos_p + 1, url.length() - 1) : url.substr(pos_p, std::string::npos); return true; } else if (url.at(pos_c) == ':') { host = ipv6 ? url.substr(pos_p + 1, pos_c - pos_p - 2) : url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); /* port[/path] */ pos_p = pos_c + 1; pos_c = url.find('/', pos_p); std::string_view port_str = (pos_c == std::string::npos) ? url.substr(pos_p, std::string::npos) : url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); /* stoi throws exception on failure, we don't need it */ port = 0; for (char c : port_str) { if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; port *= 10; port += c - '0'; } if (pos_c == std::string::npos) return true; /* no path part */ pos_p = pos_c; } else { /* start of path part found */ host = ipv6 ? url.substr(pos_p + 1, pos_c - pos_p - 2) : url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); pos_p = pos_c; } } /* pos_p now at start of path part */ pos_c = url.find_first_of("?#", pos_p); if (pos_c == std::string::npos) { /* only path, without fragment and query */ path = url.substr(pos_p, std::string::npos); return true; } else if (url.at(pos_c) == '?') { /* found query part */ hasquery = true; path = url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); pos_p = pos_c + 1; pos_c = url.find('#', pos_p); if (pos_c == std::string::npos) { /* no fragment */ query = url.substr(pos_p, std::string::npos); return true; } else { query = url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); pos_p = pos_c + 1; } } else { /* found fragment part */ path = url.substr(pos_p, pos_c - pos_p); pos_p = pos_c + 1; } /* pos_p now at start of fragment part */ frag = url.substr(pos_p, std::string::npos); return true; } bool URL::parse_query(std::map & params) { std::vector tokens; strsplit(query, tokens, '&'); params.clear(); for (const auto& it : tokens) { if (!it.length()) // empty continue; std::size_t eq = it.find ('='); if (eq != std::string::npos) { auto e = std::pair(it.substr(0, eq), it.substr(eq + 1)); params.insert(e); } else { auto e = std::pair(it, ""); params.insert(e); } } return true; } std::string URL::to_string() { std::string out = ""; if (schema != "") { out = schema + "://"; if (user != "" && pass != "") { out += user + ":" + pass + "@"; } else if (user != "") { out += user + "@"; } if (ipv6) { if (port) { out += "[" + host + "]:" + std::to_string(port); } else { out += "[" + host + "]"; } } else { if (port) { out += host + ":" + std::to_string(port); } else { out += host; } } } out += path; if (hasquery) // add query even if it was empty out += "?"; if (query != "") out += query; if (frag != "") out += "#" + frag; return out; } bool URL::is_i2p() const { return host.rfind(".i2p") == ( host.size() - 4 ); } void HTTPMsg::add_header(const char *name, std::string & value, bool replace) { add_header(name, value.c_str(), replace); } void HTTPMsg::add_header(const char *name, const char *value, bool replace) { std::size_t count = headers.count(name); if (count && !replace) return; if (count) { headers[name] = value; return; } headers.insert(std::pair(name, value)); } void HTTPMsg::del_header(const char *name) { headers.erase(name); } int HTTPReq::parse(const char *buf, size_t len) { return parse({buf, len}); } int HTTPReq::parse(std::string_view str) { enum { REQ_LINE, HEADER_LINE } expect = REQ_LINE; std::size_t eoh = str.find(HTTP_EOH); /* request head size */ std::size_t eol = 0, pos = 0; URL url; if (eoh == std::string::npos) return 0; /* str not contains complete request */ while ((eol = str.find(CRLF, pos)) != std::string::npos) { if (expect == REQ_LINE) { std::string_view line = str.substr(pos, eol - pos); std::vector tokens; strsplit(line, tokens, ' '); if (tokens.size() != 3) return -1; if (!is_http_method(tokens[0])) return -1; if (!is_http_version(tokens[2])) return -1; if (!url.parse(tokens[1])) return -1; /* all ok */ method = tokens[0]; uri = tokens[1]; version = tokens[2]; expect = HEADER_LINE; } else { std::string_view line = str.substr(pos, eol - pos); auto p = parse_header_line(line); if (p.first.length () > 0) headers.push_back (p); else return -1; } pos = eol + strlen(CRLF); if (pos >= eoh) break; } return eoh + strlen(HTTP_EOH); } void HTTPReq::write(std::ostream & o) { o << method << " " << uri << " " << version << CRLF; for (auto & h : headers) o << h.first << ": " << h.second << CRLF; o << CRLF; } std::string HTTPReq::to_string() { std::stringstream ss; write(ss); return ss.str(); } void HTTPReq::AddHeader (const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { headers.push_back (std::make_pair(name, value)); } void HTTPReq::UpdateHeader (const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { for (auto& it : headers) if (it.first == name) { it.second = value; break; } } void HTTPReq::RemoveHeader (const std::string& name, const std::string& exempt) { for (auto it = headers.begin (); it != headers.end ();) { if (!it->first.compare(0, name.length (), name) && it->first != exempt) it = headers.erase (it); else it++; } } std::string HTTPReq::GetHeader (const std::string& name) const { for (auto& it : headers) if (it.first == name) return it.second; return ""; } size_t HTTPReq::GetNumHeaders (const std::string& name) const { size_t num = 0; for (auto& it : headers) if (it.first == name) num++; return num; } bool HTTPRes::is_chunked() const { auto it = headers.find("Transfer-Encoding"); if (it == headers.end()) return false; if (it->second.find("chunked") != std::string::npos) return true; return false; } bool HTTPRes::is_gzipped(bool includingI2PGzip) const { auto it = headers.find("Content-Encoding"); if (it == headers.end()) return false; /* no header */ if (it->second.find("gzip") != std::string::npos) return true; /* gotcha! */ if (includingI2PGzip && it->second.find("x-i2p-gzip") != std::string::npos) return true; return false; } long int HTTPMsg::content_length() const { unsigned long int length = 0; auto it = headers.find("Content-Length"); if (it == headers.end()) return -1; errno = 0; length = std::strtoul(it->second.c_str(), (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) return -1; return length; } int HTTPRes::parse(const char *buf, size_t len) { return parse({buf,len}); } int HTTPRes::parse(std::string_view str) { enum { RES_LINE, HEADER_LINE } expect = RES_LINE; std::size_t eoh = str.find(HTTP_EOH); /* request head size */ std::size_t eol = 0, pos = 0; if (eoh == std::string::npos) return 0; /* str not contains complete request */ while ((eol = str.find(CRLF, pos)) != std::string::npos) { if (expect == RES_LINE) { std::string_view line = str.substr(pos, eol - pos); std::vector tokens; strsplit(line, tokens, ' ', 3); if (tokens.size() != 3) return -1; if (!is_http_version(tokens[0])) return -1; code = atoi(tokens[1].c_str()); if (code < 100 || code >= 600) return -1; /* all ok */ version = tokens[0]; status = tokens[2]; expect = HEADER_LINE; } else { std::string_view line = str.substr(pos, eol - pos); auto p = parse_header_line(line); if (p.first.length () > 0) headers.insert (p); else return -1; } pos = eol + strlen(CRLF); if (pos >= eoh) break; } return eoh + strlen(HTTP_EOH); } std::string HTTPRes::to_string() { if (version == "HTTP/1.1" && headers.count("Date") == 0) { std::string date; gen_rfc7231_date(date); add_header("Date", date.c_str()); } if (status == "OK" && code != 200) status = HTTPCodeToStatus(code); // update if (body.length() > 0 && headers.count("Content-Length") == 0) add_header("Content-Length", std::to_string(body.length()).c_str()); /* build response */ std::stringstream ss; ss << version << " " << code << " " << status << CRLF; for (auto & h : headers) { ss << h.first << ": " << h.second << CRLF; } ss << CRLF; if (body.length() > 0) ss << body; return ss.str(); } const char * HTTPCodeToStatus(int code) { const char *ptr; switch (code) { case 105: ptr = "Name Not Resolved"; break; /* success */ case 200: ptr = "OK"; break; case 206: ptr = "Partial Content"; break; /* redirect */ case 301: ptr = "Moved Permanently"; break; case 302: ptr = "Found"; break; case 304: ptr = "Not Modified"; break; case 307: ptr = "Temporary Redirect"; break; /* client error */ case 400: ptr = "Bad Request"; break; case 401: ptr = "Unauthorized"; break; case 403: ptr = "Forbidden"; break; case 404: ptr = "Not Found"; break; case 407: ptr = "Proxy Authentication Required"; break; case 408: ptr = "Request Timeout"; break; /* server error */ case 500: ptr = "Internal Server Error"; break; case 502: ptr = "Bad Gateway"; break; case 503: ptr = "Not Implemented"; break; case 504: ptr = "Gateway Timeout"; break; default: ptr = "Unknown Status"; break; } return ptr; } std::string UrlDecode(std::string_view data, bool allow_null) { std::string decoded(data); size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = decoded.find('%', pos)) != std::string::npos) { char c = std::stol(decoded.substr(pos + 1, 2), nullptr, 16); if (!c && !allow_null) { pos += 3; continue; } decoded.replace(pos, 3, 1, c); pos++; } return decoded; } bool MergeChunkedResponse (std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) { std::string hexLen; while (!in.eof ()) { std::getline (in, hexLen); errno = 0; long int len = strtoul(hexLen.c_str(), (char **) NULL, 16); if (errno != 0) return false; /* conversion error */ if (len == 0) return true; /* end of stream */ if (len < 0 || len > 10 * 1024 * 1024) /* < 10Mb */ return false; /* too large chunk */ char * buf = new char[len]; in.read (buf, len); out.write (buf, len); delete[] buf; std::getline (in, hexLen); // read \r\n after chunk } return true; } std::string CreateBasicAuthorizationString (const std::string& user, const std::string& pass) { if (user.empty () && pass.empty ()) return ""; return "Basic " + i2p::data::ToBase64Standard (user + ":" + pass); } } // http } // i2p