#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HTTPProxy.h" #include "Identity.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "Destination.h" #include "ClientContext.h" #include "I2PEndian.h" #include "I2PTunnel.h" namespace i2p { namespace proxy { static const size_t http_buffer_size = 8192; class HTTPProxyHandler: public i2p::client::I2PServiceHandler, public std::enable_shared_from_this { private: enum state { GET_METHOD, GET_HOSTNAME, GET_HTTPV, GET_HTTPVNL, //TODO: fallback to finding HOst: header if needed DONE }; void EnterState(state nstate); bool HandleData(uint8_t *http_buff, std::size_t len); void HandleSockRecv(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t bytes_transfered); void Terminate(); void AsyncSockRead(); void HTTPRequestFailed(/*std::string message*/); void ExtractRequest(); bool ValidateHTTPRequest(); bool CreateHTTPRequest(uint8_t *http_buff, std::size_t len); void SentHTTPFailed(const boost::system::error_code & ecode); void HandleStreamRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr stream); uint8_t m_http_buff[http_buffer_size]; boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket * m_sock; std::string m_request; //Data left to be sent std::string m_url; //URL std::string m_method; //Method std::string m_version; //HTTP version std::string m_address; //Address std::string m_path; //Path int m_port; //Port state m_state;//Parsing state public: HTTPProxyHandler(HTTPProxyServer * parent, boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket * sock) : I2PServiceHandler(parent), m_sock(sock) { AsyncSockRead(); EnterState(GET_METHOD); } ~HTTPProxyHandler() { Terminate(); } }; void HTTPProxyHandler::AsyncSockRead() { LogPrint(eLogDebug,"--- HTTP Proxy async sock read"); if(m_sock) { m_sock->async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(m_http_buff, http_buffer_size), std::bind(&HTTPProxyHandler::HandleSockRecv, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } else { LogPrint(eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy no socket for read"); } } void HTTPProxyHandler::Terminate() { if (Kill()) return; if (m_sock) { LogPrint(eLogDebug,"--- HTTP Proxy close sock"); m_sock->close(); delete m_sock; m_sock = nullptr; } Done(shared_from_this()); } /* All hope is lost beyond this point */ //TODO: handle this apropriately void HTTPProxyHandler::HTTPRequestFailed(/*HTTPProxyHandler::errTypes error*/) { std::string response = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n"; boost::asio::async_write(*m_sock, boost::asio::buffer(response,response.size()), std::bind(&HTTPProxyHandler::SentHTTPFailed, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1)); } void HTTPProxyHandler::EnterState(HTTPProxyHandler::state nstate) { m_state = nstate; } void HTTPProxyHandler::ExtractRequest() { LogPrint(eLogDebug,"--- HTTP Proxy method is: ", m_method, "\nRequest is: ", m_url); std::string server=""; std::string port="80"; boost::regex rHTTP("http://(.*?)(:(\\d+))?(/.*)"); boost::smatch m; std::string path; if(boost::regex_search(m_url, m, rHTTP, boost::match_extra)) { server=m[1].str(); if(m[2].str() != "") { port=m[3].str(); } path=m[4].str(); } LogPrint(eLogDebug,"--- HTTP Proxy server is: ",server, " port is: ", port, "\n path is: ",path); m_address = server; m_port = boost::lexical_cast(port); m_path = path; } bool HTTPProxyHandler::ValidateHTTPRequest() { if ( m_version != "HTTP/1.0" && m_version != "HTTP/1.1" ) { LogPrint(eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy unsupported version: ", m_version); HTTPRequestFailed(); //TODO: send right stuff return false; } return true; } bool HTTPProxyHandler::CreateHTTPRequest(uint8_t *http_buff, std::size_t len) { ExtractRequest(); //TODO: parse earlier if (!ValidateHTTPRequest()) return false; m_request = m_method; m_request.push_back(' '); m_request += m_path; m_request.push_back(' '); m_request += m_version; m_request.push_back('\r'); m_request.push_back('\n'); m_request.append("Connection: close\r\n"); m_request.append(reinterpret_cast(http_buff),len); return true; } bool HTTPProxyHandler::HandleData(uint8_t *http_buff, std::size_t len) { assert(len); // This should always be called with a least a byte left to parse while (len > 0) { //TODO: fallback to finding HOst: header if needed switch (m_state) { case GET_METHOD: switch (*http_buff) { case ' ': EnterState(GET_HOSTNAME); break; default: m_method.push_back(*http_buff); break; } break; case GET_HOSTNAME: switch (*http_buff) { case ' ': EnterState(GET_HTTPV); break; default: m_url.push_back(*http_buff); break; } break; case GET_HTTPV: switch (*http_buff) { case '\r': EnterState(GET_HTTPVNL); break; default: m_version.push_back(*http_buff); break; } break; case GET_HTTPVNL: switch (*http_buff) { case '\n': EnterState(DONE); break; default: LogPrint(eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy rejected invalid request ending with: ", ((int)*http_buff)); HTTPRequestFailed(); //TODO: add correct code return false; } break; default: LogPrint(eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy invalid state: ", m_state); HTTPRequestFailed(); //TODO: add correct code 500 return false; } http_buff++; len--; if (m_state == DONE) return CreateHTTPRequest(http_buff,len); } return true; } void HTTPProxyHandler::HandleSockRecv(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len) { LogPrint(eLogDebug,"--- HTTP Proxy sock recv: ", len); if(ecode) { LogPrint(eLogWarning," --- HTTP Proxy sock recv got error: ", ecode); Terminate(); return; } if (HandleData(m_http_buff, len)) { if (m_state == DONE) { LogPrint(eLogInfo,"--- HTTP Proxy requested: ", m_url); GetOwner()->CreateStream (std::bind (&HTTPProxyHandler::HandleStreamRequestComplete, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1), m_address, m_port); } else { AsyncSockRead(); } } } void HTTPProxyHandler::SentHTTPFailed(const boost::system::error_code & ecode) { if (!ecode) { Terminate(); } else { LogPrint (eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy Closing socket after sending failure because: ", ecode.message ()); Terminate(); } } void HTTPProxyHandler::HandleStreamRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr stream) { if (stream) { if (Kill()) return; LogPrint (eLogInfo,"--- HTTP Proxy New I2PTunnel connection"); auto connection = std::make_shared(GetOwner(), m_sock, stream); GetOwner()->AddHandler (connection); connection->I2PConnect (reinterpret_cast(m_request.data()), m_request.size()); Done(shared_from_this()); } else { LogPrint (eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy Issue when creating the stream, check the previous warnings for more info."); HTTPRequestFailed(); // TODO: Send correct error message host unreachable } } void HTTPProxyServer::Start () { m_Acceptor.listen (); Accept (); } void HTTPProxyServer::Stop () { m_Acceptor.close(); m_Timer.cancel (); ClearHandlers(); } void HTTPProxyServer::Accept () { auto newSocket = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket (GetService ()); m_Acceptor.async_accept (*newSocket, std::bind (&HTTPProxyServer::HandleAccept, this, std::placeholders::_1, newSocket)); } void HTTPProxyServer::HandleAccept (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket * socket) { if (!ecode) { LogPrint(eLogDebug,"--- HTTP Proxy accepted"); AddHandler(std::make_shared (this, socket)); Accept(); } else { LogPrint (eLogError,"--- HTTP Proxy Closing socket on accept because: ", ecode.message ()); delete socket; } } } }