You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (c) 2013-2020, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include "Destination.h"
#include "I2PService.h"
#include "HTTPProxy.h"
#include "SOCKS.h"
#include "I2PTunnel.h"
#include "SAM.h"
10 years ago
#include "BOB.h"
9 years ago
#include "I2CP.h"
#include "AddressBook.h"
#include "I18N_langs.h"
namespace i2p
namespace client
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE[] = "type";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_CLIENT[] = "client";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_SERVER[] = "server";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_HTTP[] = "http";
9 years ago
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_IRC[] = "irc";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_UDPCLIENT[] = "udpclient";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_UDPSERVER[] = "udpserver";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_SOCKS[] = "socks";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_WEBSOCKS[] = "websocks";
const char I2P_TUNNELS_SECTION_TYPE_HTTPPROXY[] = "httpproxy";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_PORT[] = "port";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDRESS[] = "address";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_DESTINATION[] = "destination";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_KEYS[] = "keys";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_GZIP[] = "gzip";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_SIGNATURE_TYPE[] = "signaturetype";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_CRYPTO_TYPE[] = "cryptotype";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_DESTINATION_PORT[] = "destinationport";
8 years ago
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_MATCH_TUNNELS[] = "matchtunnels";
const char I2P_CLIENT_TUNNEL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT[] = "connecttimeout";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_HOST[] = "host";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_HOST_OVERRIDE[] = "hostoverride";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_PORT[] = "port";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_KEYS[] = "keys";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_SIGNATURE_TYPE[] = "signaturetype";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_INPORT[] = "inport";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_ACCESS_LIST[] = "accesslist";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_WHITE_LIST[] = "whitelist";
9 years ago
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_GZIP[] = "gzip";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_WEBIRC_PASSWORD[] = "webircpassword";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDRESS[] = "address";
const char I2P_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE_UNIQUE_LOCAL[] = "enableuniquelocal";
class ClientContext
ClientContext ();
~ClientContext ();
void Start ();
void Stop ();
void ReloadConfig ();
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> GetSharedLocalDestination () const { return m_SharedLocalDestination; };
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> CreateNewLocalDestination (bool isPublic = false, // transient
i2p::data::SigningKeyType sigType = i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519,
i2p::data::CryptoKeyType cryptoType = i2p::data::CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE_ELGAMAL,
const std::map<std::string, std::string> * params = nullptr); // used by SAM only
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> CreateNewLocalDestination (boost::asio::io_service& service,
bool isPublic = false, i2p::data::SigningKeyType sigType = i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519,
i2p::data::CryptoKeyType cryptoType = i2p::data::CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE_ELGAMAL,
const std::map<std::string, std::string> * params = nullptr); // same as previous but on external io_service
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> CreateNewLocalDestination (const i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys, bool isPublic = true,
const std::map<std::string, std::string> * params = nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> CreateNewLocalDestination (boost::asio::io_service& service,
const i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys, bool isPublic = true,
const std::map<std::string, std::string> * params = nullptr); // same as previous but on external io_service
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> CreateNewMatchedTunnelDestination(const i2p::data::PrivateKeys &keys,
const std::string & name, const std::map<std::string, std::string> * params = nullptr);
void DeleteLocalDestination (std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> destination);
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> FindLocalDestination (const i2p::data::IdentHash& destination) const;
bool LoadPrivateKeys (i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys, const std::string& filename,
i2p::data::SigningKeyType sigType = i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519,
i2p::data::CryptoKeyType cryptoType = i2p::data::CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE_ELGAMAL);
AddressBook& GetAddressBook () { return m_AddressBook; };
const BOBCommandChannel * GetBOBCommandChannel () const { return m_BOBCommandChannel; };
const SAMBridge * GetSAMBridge () const { return m_SamBridge; };
const I2CPServer * GetI2CPServer () const { return m_I2CPServer; };
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > GetForwardInfosFor(const i2p::data::IdentHash & destination);
// i18n
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> GetLanguage () { return m_Language; };
void SetLanguage (const std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> language) { m_Language = language; };
void ReadTunnels ();
void ReadTunnels (const std::string& tunConf, int& numClientTunnels, int& numServerTunnels);
void ReadHttpProxy ();
void ReadSocksProxy ();
template<typename Section, typename Type>
std::string GetI2CPOption (const Section& section, const std::string& name, const Type& value) const;
template<typename Section>
std::string GetI2CPStringOption (const Section& section, const std::string& name, const std::string& value) const; // GetI2CPOption with string default value
template<typename Section>
void ReadI2CPOptionsGroup (const Section& section, const std::string& group, std::map<std::string, std::string>& options) const;
template<typename Section>
void ReadI2CPOptions (const Section& section, bool isServer, std::map<std::string, std::string>& options) const; // for tunnels
void ReadI2CPOptionsFromConfig (const std::string& prefix, std::map<std::string, std::string>& options) const; // for HTTP and SOCKS proxy
void CleanupUDP(const boost::system::error_code & ecode);
void ScheduleCleanupUDP();
void VisitTunnels (bool clean);
void CreateNewSharedLocalDestination ();
void AddLocalDestination (std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> localDestination);
std::mutex m_DestinationsMutex;
std::map<i2p::data::IdentHash, std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> > m_Destinations;
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> m_SharedLocalDestination;
AddressBook m_AddressBook;
i2p::proxy::HTTPProxy * m_HttpProxy;
i2p::proxy::SOCKSProxy * m_SocksProxy;
std::map<boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint, std::shared_ptr<I2PService> > m_ClientTunnels; // local endpoint->tunnel
std::map<std::pair<i2p::data::IdentHash, int>, std::shared_ptr<I2PServerTunnel> > m_ServerTunnels; // <destination,port>->tunnel
8 years ago
std::mutex m_ForwardsMutex;
std::map<boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint, std::shared_ptr<I2PUDPClientTunnel> > m_ClientForwards; // local endpoint -> udp tunnel
std::map<std::pair<i2p::data::IdentHash, int>, std::shared_ptr<I2PUDPServerTunnel> > m_ServerForwards; // <destination,port> -> udp tunnel
SAMBridge * m_SamBridge;
10 years ago
BOBCommandChannel * m_BOBCommandChannel;
9 years ago
I2CPServer * m_I2CPServer;
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> m_CleanupUDPTimer;
// i18n
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> m_Language;
// for HTTP
const decltype(m_Destinations)& GetDestinations () const { return m_Destinations; };
const decltype(m_ClientTunnels)& GetClientTunnels () const { return m_ClientTunnels; };
const decltype(m_ServerTunnels)& GetServerTunnels () const { return m_ServerTunnels; };
const decltype(m_ClientForwards)& GetClientForwards () const { return m_ClientForwards; }
const decltype(m_ServerForwards)& GetServerForwards () const { return m_ServerForwards; }
const i2p::proxy::HTTPProxy * GetHttpProxy () const { return m_HttpProxy; }
const i2p::proxy::SOCKSProxy * GetSocksProxy () const { return m_SocksProxy; }
extern ClientContext context;