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CPP_FILES := CryptoConst.cpp base64.cpp NTCPSession.cpp RouterInfo.cpp Transports.cpp \
RouterContext.cpp NetDb.cpp LeaseSet.cpp Tunnel.cpp TunnelEndpoint.cpp TunnelGateway.cpp \
TransitTunnel.cpp I2NPProtocol.cpp Log.cpp Garlic.cpp HTTPServer.cpp Streaming.cpp \
Destination.cpp Identity.cpp SSU.cpp SSUSession.cpp SSUData.cpp util.cpp Reseed.cpp \
DaemonLinux.cpp SSUData.cpp aes.cpp SOCKS.cpp UPnP.cpp TunnelPool.cpp HTTPProxy.cpp \
10 years ago
AddressBook.cpp Daemon.cpp I2PTunnel.cpp SAM.cpp BOB.cpp ClientContext.cpp \
Datagram.cpp i2p.cpp
H_FILES := CryptoConst.h base64.h NTCPSession.h RouterInfo.h Transports.h \
RouterContext.h NetDb.h LeaseSet.h Tunnel.h TunnelEndpoint.h TunnelGateway.h \
TransitTunnel.h I2NPProtocol.h Log.h Garlic.h HTTPServer.h Streaming.h Destination.h \
Identity.h SSU.h SSUSession.h SSUData.h util.h Reseed.h DaemonLinux.h SSUData.h \
aes.h SOCKS.h UPnP.h TunnelPool.h HTTPProxy.h AddressBook.h Daemon.h I2PTunnel.h \
10 years ago
version.h Signature.h SAM.h BOB.h ClientContext.h TransportSession.h Datagram.h
OBJECTS = $(addprefix obj/, $(notdir $(CPP_FILES:.cpp=.o)))