import yargs from 'yargs'; import {hideBin} from 'yargs/helpers'; import {login, logout, startSession} from "./src/startSession"; import { deleteMessage, getContactSMSPages, getInBoxSMS, getSMSByUsers, getSMSContacts, getSMSPages, sendMessage } from "./src/ListSMS"; import {controlMobileData, reconnect, status} from "./src/MobileData"; // @ts-ignore yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .command('sendSMS', 'send SMS to contact or group of contacts', (yargs) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('phone', { describe: 'phones with ; as separator ', type: "string", }).positional('message', { describe: 'text message ', type: "string", }) }, async (argv) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); if (! { throw new Error('Phone number is not defined'); return; } await sendMessage(sessionData,, argv.message || ''); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('contacts', 'get contact list with the latest sms messages', (yargs) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('page', { describe: 'sms page', default: 1 }).positional('exportFile', { describe: 'export to file', default: './contacts.list' }).positional('exportFormat', { describe: 'export format (xml, json, none)', default: 'none' }) }, async (argv) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); switch (argv.exportFormat) { case 'json': { break; } case 'xml': { break; } case 'none': { break; } default: { throw new Error(`export Format ${argv.exportFile} does not supported: supported only: xml,json,none`) } } await getSMSContacts(sessionData,, argv.exportFile, argv.exportFormat); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('messages', 'get all messages from InBox', (yargs) => { return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }).positional('deleteAfter', { describe: 'delete all messages after reading ', default: false }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }) .positional('exportFile', { describe: 'export to file', default: './inbox.list' }).positional('exportFormat', { describe: 'export format (xml, json, none)', default: 'none' }) }, async (argv) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); switch (argv.exportFormat) { case 'json': { break; } case 'none': { break; } default: { throw new Error(`export Format ${argv.exportFile} does not supported: supported only: json,none`) } } await getInBoxSMS(sessionData, argv.deleteAfter, argv.exportFile, argv.exportFormat); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('contactPages', 'contact list pages', (yargs) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('exportFile', { describe: 'export to file', default: './contactsCount.list' }).positional('exportFormat', { describe: 'export format (xml, json, none)', default: 'none' }) }, async (argv) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); switch (argv.exportFormat) { case 'json': { break; } case 'xml': { break; } case 'none': { break; } default: { throw new Error(`export Format ${argv.exportFile} does not supported: supported only: xml,json,none`) } } await getSMSPages(sessionData, argv.exportFile, argv.exportFormat); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('sms', 'get contact SMS list', (yargs) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '', }).positional('phone', { describe: 'contact phone number', type: 'string' }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('page', { describe: 'sms page', default: 1 }).positional('exportFile', { describe: 'export to file', default: './sms.list' }).positional('exportFormat', { describe: 'export format (xml, json, none)', default: 'none' }).positional('deleteAfter', { describe: 'delete all messages after reading ', default: false }) }, async (argv) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); if (! { throw new Error('phone is not defined'); } switch (argv.exportFormat) { case 'json': { break; } case 'xml': { break; } case 'none': { break; } default: { throw new Error(`export Format ${argv.exportFile} does not supported: supported only: xml,json,none`) } } await getSMSByUsers(sessionData,,, argv.exportFile, argv.exportFormat, argv.deleteAfter); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('pages', 'count of sms pages', (yargs) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('phone', { describe: 'contact phone number', type: 'string' }).positional('exportFile', { describe: 'export to file', default: './smsCount.list' }).positional('exportFormat', { describe: 'export format (xml, json, none)', default: 'none' }) }, async (argv) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); if (! { throw new Error('phone is not defined'); } switch (argv.exportFormat) { case 'json': { break; } case 'xml': { break; } case 'none': { break; } default: { throw new Error(`export Format ${argv.exportFile} does not supported: supported only: xml,json,none`) } } await getContactSMSPages(sessionData,, argv.exportFile, argv.exportFormat); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('deleteSMS', 'delete sms by smsId', (yargs: any) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }) .positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('messageId', { describe: 'messageId or index', type: 'string' }) }, async (argv: any) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); if (!argv.messageId) { throw new Error('messageId is not defined'); } await deleteMessage(sessionData, argv.messageId); } finally { await logout(argv.url) } }).command('mobileData', 'Enable/Disable or Reconnect Mobile Data', (yargs: any) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }).positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('mode', { describe: 'change mobile data to on,off or reconnect', }) }, async (argv: any) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); switch (argv.mode) { case 'reconnect': { await reconnect(sessionData); return; } case 'on': { break; } case 'off': { break } default: { throw new Error('Does not support Mode: ' + argv.mode + '. Supported only on,off,reconnect') } } await controlMobileData(sessionData, argv.mode); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }).command('monitoring', 'current Monitoring status', (yargs: any) => { // @ts-ignore return yargs .positional('url', { describe: 'huawei host', default: '' }).positional('username', { describe: 'huawei username', default: 'admin' }) .positional('password', { describe: 'huawei password', type: 'string' }).positional('exportFile', { describe: 'export to file', default: './monitoring.log' }).positional('exportFormat', { describe: 'export format (xml, json, none)', default: 'none' }) }, async (argv: any) => { await login(argv.url, argv.username, argv.password); try { const sessionData = await startSession(argv.url); switch (argv.exportFormat) { case 'json': { break; } case 'xml': { break; } case 'none': { break; } default: { throw new Error(`export Format ${argv.exportFile} does not supported: supported only: xml,json,none`) } } await status(sessionData, argv.exportFile, argv.exportFormat); } finally { await logout(argv.url); } }) // .option('verbose', { // alias: 'v', // type: 'boolean', // description: 'Run with verbose logging' // }) .parse()