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3 years ago
/* crypto-1.2.4.js (c) 2013-2020 Kenji Urushima |
* crypto.js - Cryptographic Algorithm Provider class
* Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Kenji Urushima (
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* The above copyright and license notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
const { SecureRandom } = require('./rng');
* @fileOverview
* @name crypto-1.1.js
* @author Kenji Urushima
* @version 1.2.4 (2020-Jul-28)
* @since jsrsasign 2.2
* @license <a href="">MIT License</a>
* kjur's class library name space
* @name KJUR
* @namespace kjur's class library name space
if (typeof KJUR == "undefined" || !KJUR) KJUR = {};
* kjur's cryptographic algorithm provider library name space
* <p>
* This namespace privides following crytpgrahic classes.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest} - Java JCE(cryptograhic extension) style MessageDigest class</li>
* <li>{@link KJUR.crypto.Signature} - Java JCE(cryptograhic extension) style Signature class</li>
* <li>{@link KJUR.crypto.Cipher} - class for encrypting and decrypting data</li>
* <li>{@link KJUR.crypto.Util} - cryptographic utility functions and properties</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE: Please ignore method summary and document of this namespace. This caused by a bug of jsdoc2.
* </p>
* @name KJUR.crypto
* @namespace
if (typeof KJUR.crypto == "undefined" || !KJUR.crypto) KJUR.crypto = {};
* static object for cryptographic function utilities
* @name KJUR.crypto.Util
* @class static object for cryptographic function utilities
* @property {Array} DIGESTINFOHEAD PKCS#1 DigestInfo heading hexadecimal bytes for each hash algorithms
* @property {Array} DEFAULTPROVIDER associative array of default provider name for each hash and signature algorithms
* @description
KJUR.crypto.Util = new function() {
'sha1': "3021300906052b0e03021a05000414",
'sha224': "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c",
'sha256': "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420",
'sha384': "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430",
'sha512': "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440",
'md2': "3020300c06082a864886f70d020205000410",
'md5': "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410",
'ripemd160': "3021300906052b2403020105000414",
* @since crypto 1.1.1
'md5': 'cryptojs',
'sha1': 'cryptojs',
'sha224': 'cryptojs',
'sha256': 'cryptojs',
'sha384': 'cryptojs',
'sha512': 'cryptojs',
'ripemd160': 'cryptojs',
'hmacmd5': 'cryptojs',
'hmacsha1': 'cryptojs',
'hmacsha224': 'cryptojs',
'hmacsha256': 'cryptojs',
'hmacsha384': 'cryptojs',
'hmacsha512': 'cryptojs',
'hmacripemd160': 'cryptojs',
'MD5withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA1withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA224withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA256withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA384withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA512withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'RIPEMD160withRSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'MD5withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA1withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA224withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA256withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA384withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA512withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'RIPEMD160withECDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA1withDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA224withDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA256withDSA': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'MD5withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHAwithRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA1withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA224withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA256withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA384withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'SHA512withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
'RIPEMD160withRSAandMGF1': 'cryptojs/jsrsa',
* @since crypto 1.1.2
'md5': CryptoJS.algo.MD5,
'sha1': CryptoJS.algo.SHA1,
'sha224': CryptoJS.algo.SHA224,
'sha256': CryptoJS.algo.SHA256,
'sha384': CryptoJS.algo.SHA384,
'sha512': CryptoJS.algo.SHA512,
'ripemd160': CryptoJS.algo.RIPEMD160
* get hexadecimal DigestInfo
* @name getDigestInfoHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} hHash hexadecimal hash value
* @param {String} alg hash algorithm name (ex. 'sha1')
* @return {String} hexadecimal string DigestInfo ASN.1 structure
this.getDigestInfoHex = function(hHash, alg) {
if (typeof this.DIGESTINFOHEAD[alg] == "undefined")
throw "alg not supported in Util.DIGESTINFOHEAD: " + alg;
return this.DIGESTINFOHEAD[alg] + hHash;
* get PKCS#1 padded hexadecimal DigestInfo
* @name getPaddedDigestInfoHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} hHash hexadecimal hash value of message to be signed
* @param {String} alg hash algorithm name (ex. 'sha1')
* @param {Integer} keySize key bit length (ex. 1024)
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of PKCS#1 padded DigestInfo
this.getPaddedDigestInfoHex = function(hHash, alg, keySize) {
var hDigestInfo = this.getDigestInfoHex(hHash, alg);
var pmStrLen = keySize / 4; // minimum PM length
if (hDigestInfo.length + 22 > pmStrLen) // len(0001+ff(*8)+00+hDigestInfo)=22
throw "key is too short for SigAlg: keylen=" + keySize + "," + alg;
var hHead = "0001";
var hTail = "00" + hDigestInfo;
var hMid = "";
var fLen = pmStrLen - hHead.length - hTail.length;
for (var i = 0; i < fLen; i += 2) {
hMid += "ff";
var hPaddedMessage = hHead + hMid + hTail;
return hPaddedMessage;
* get hexadecimal hash of string with specified algorithm
* @name hashString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} s raw input string to be hashed
* @param {String} alg hash algorithm name
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.1.1
this.hashString = function(s, alg) {
var md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({'alg': alg});
return md.digestString(s);
* get hexadecimal hash of hexadecimal string with specified algorithm
* @name hashHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} sHex input hexadecimal string to be hashed
* @param {String} alg hash algorithm name
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.1.1
this.hashHex = function(sHex, alg) {
var md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({'alg': alg});
return md.digestHex(sHex);
* get hexadecimal SHA1 hash of string
* @name sha1
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} s raw input string to be hashed
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.0.3
this.sha1 = function(s) {
return this.hashString(s, 'sha1');
* get hexadecimal SHA256 hash of string
* @name sha256
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} s raw input string to be hashed
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.0.3
this.sha256 = function(s) {
return this.hashString(s, 'sha256');
this.sha256Hex = function(s) {
return this.hashHex(s, 'sha256');
* get hexadecimal SHA512 hash of string
* @name sha512
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} s raw input string to be hashed
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.0.3
this.sha512 = function(s) {
return this.hashString(s, 'sha512');
this.sha512Hex = function(s) {
return this.hashHex(s, 'sha512');
* check if key object (RSA/DSA/ECDSA) or not
* @name isKey
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {Object} obj any type argument to be checked
* @return {Boolean} true if this is key object otherwise false
* @since 1.0.3
this.isKey = function(obj) {
if (obj instanceof RSAKey ||
obj instanceof KJUR.crypto.DSA ||
obj instanceof KJUR.crypto.ECDSA) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* get hexadecimal MD5 hash of string
* @name md5
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} s input string to be hashed
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.0.3
* @example
* Util.md5('aaa') &rarr; 47bce5c74f589f4867dbd57e9ca9f808
KJUR.crypto.Util.md5 = function(s) {
var md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({'alg':'md5', 'prov':'cryptojs'});
return md.digestString(s);
* get hexadecimal RIPEMD160 hash of string
* @name ripemd160
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {String} s input string to be hashed
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of hash value
* @since 1.0.3
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Util.ripemd160("aaa") &rarr; 08889bd7b151aa174c21f33f59147fa65381edea
KJUR.crypto.Util.ripemd160 = function(s) {
var md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({'alg':'ripemd160', 'prov':'cryptojs'});
return md.digestString(s);
// @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
KJUR.crypto.Util.SECURERANDOMGEN = new SecureRandom();
* get hexadecimal string of random value from with specified byte length<br/>
* @name getRandomHexOfNbytes
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {Integer} n length of bytes of random
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of random
* @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbytes(3) &rarr; "6314af", "000000" or "001fb4"
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbytes(128) &rarr; "8fbc..." in 1024bits
KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbytes = function(n) {
var ba = new Array(n);
return BAtohex(ba);
* get BigInteger object of random value from with specified byte length<br/>
* @name getRandomBigIntegerOfNbytes
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {Integer} n length of bytes of random
* @return {BigInteger} BigInteger object of specified random value
* @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbytes(3) &rarr; 6314af of BigInteger
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbytes(128) &rarr; 8fbc... of BigInteger
KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbytes = function(n) {
return new BigInteger(KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbytes(n), 16);
* get hexadecimal string of random value from with specified bit length<br/>
* @name getRandomHexOfNbits
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {Integer} n length of bits of random
* @return {String} hexadecimal string of random
* @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbits(24) &rarr; "6314af", "000000" or "001fb4"
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbits(1024) &rarr; "8fbc..." in 1024bits
KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbits = function(n) {
var n_remainder = n % 8;
var n_quotient = (n - n_remainder) / 8;
var ba = new Array(n_quotient + 1);
ba[0] = (((255 << n_remainder) & 255) ^ 255) & ba[0];
return BAtohex(ba);
* get BigInteger object of random value from with specified bit length<br/>
* @name getRandomBigIntegerOfNbits
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {Integer} n length of bits of random
* @return {BigInteger} BigInteger object of specified random value
* @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbits(24) &rarr; 6314af of BigInteger
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbits(1024) &rarr; 8fbc... of BigInteger
KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbits = function(n) {
return new BigInteger(KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomHexOfNbits(n), 16);
* get BigInteger object of random value from zero to max value<br/>
* @name getRandomBigIntegerZeroToMax
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {BigInteger} biMax max value of BigInteger object for random value
* @return {BigInteger} BigInteger object of specified random value
* @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
* @description
* This static method generates a BigInteger object with random value
* greater than or equal to zero and smaller than or equal to biMax
* (i.e. 0 &le; result &le; biMax).
* @example
* biMax = new BigInteger("3fa411...", 16);
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerZeroToMax(biMax) &rarr; 8fbc... of BigInteger
KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerZeroToMax = function(biMax) {
var bitLenMax = biMax.bitLength();
while (1) {
var biRand = KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerOfNbits(bitLenMax);
if (biMax.compareTo(biRand) != -1) return biRand;
* get BigInteger object of random value from min value to max value<br/>
* @name getRandomBigIntegerMinToMax
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Util
* @function
* @param {BigInteger} biMin min value of BigInteger object for random value
* @param {BigInteger} biMax max value of BigInteger object for random value
* @return {BigInteger} BigInteger object of specified random value
* @since jsrsasign 7.0.0 crypto 1.1.11
* @description
* This static method generates a BigInteger object with random value
* greater than or equal to biMin and smaller than or equal to biMax
* (i.e. biMin &le; result &le; biMax).
* @example
* biMin = new BigInteger("2fa411...", 16);
* biMax = new BigInteger("3fa411...", 16);
* KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerMinToMax(biMin, biMax) &rarr; 32f1... of BigInteger
KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerMinToMax = function(biMin, biMax) {
var flagCompare = biMin.compareTo(biMax);
if (flagCompare == 1) throw "biMin is greater than biMax";
if (flagCompare == 0) return biMin;
var biDiff = biMax.subtract(biMin);
var biRand = KJUR.crypto.Util.getRandomBigIntegerZeroToMax(biDiff);
return biRand.add(biMin);
// === Mac ===============================================================
* MessageDigest class which is very similar to class<br/>
* @name KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest
* @class MessageDigest class which is very similar to class
* @param {Array} params parameters for constructor
* @property {Array} HASHLENGTH static Array of resulted byte length of hash (ex. HASHLENGTH["sha1"] == 20)
* @description
* <br/>
* Currently this supports following algorithm and providers combination:
* <ul>
* <li>md5 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>sha1 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>sha224 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>sha256 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>sha384 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>sha512 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>ripemd160 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>sha256 - sjcl (NEW from crypto.js 1.0.4)</li>
* </ul>
* @example
* // CryptoJS provider sample
* var md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({alg: "sha1", prov: "cryptojs"});
* md.updateString('aaa')
* var mdHex = md.digest()
* // SJCL(Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library) provider sample
* var md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({alg: "sha256", prov: "sjcl"}); // sjcl supports sha256 only
* md.updateString('aaa')
* var mdHex = md.digest()
* // HASHLENGTH property
* KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.HASHLENGTH['sha1'] &rarr 20
* KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.HASHLENGTH['sha512'] &rarr 64
KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest = function(params) {
var md = null;
var algName = null;
var provName = null;
* set hash algorithm and provider<br/>
* @name setAlgAndProvider
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest#
* @function
* @param {String} alg hash algorithm name
* @param {String} prov provider name
* @description
* This methods set an algorithm and a cryptographic provider.<br/>
* Here is acceptable algorithm names ignoring cases and hyphens:
* <ul>
* <li>MD5</li>
* <li>SHA1</li>
* <li>SHA224</li>
* <li>SHA256</li>
* <li>SHA384</li>
* <li>SHA512</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE: Since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10, this method ignores
* upper or lower cases. Also any hyphens (i.e. "-") will be ignored
* so that "SHA1" or "SHA-1" will be acceptable.
* @example
* // for SHA1
* md.setAlgAndProvider('sha1', 'cryptojs');
* md.setAlgAndProvider('SHA1');
* // for RIPEMD160
* md.setAlgAndProvider('ripemd160', 'cryptojs');
this.setAlgAndProvider = function(alg, prov) {
alg = KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getCanonicalAlgName(alg);
if (alg !== null && prov === undefined) prov = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[alg];
// for cryptojs
if (':md5:sha1:sha224:sha256:sha384:sha512:ripemd160:'.indexOf(alg) != -1 &&
prov == 'cryptojs') {
try { = KJUR.crypto.Util.CRYPTOJSMESSAGEDIGESTNAME[alg].create();
} catch (ex) {
throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail alg=" + alg + "/" + ex;
this.updateString = function(str) {;
this.updateHex = function(hex) {
var wHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hex);;
this.digest = function() {
var hash =;
return hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
this.digestString = function(str) {
return this.digest();
this.digestHex = function(hex) {
return this.digest();
if (':sha256:'.indexOf(alg) != -1 &&
prov == 'sjcl') {
try { = new sjcl.hash.sha256();
} catch (ex) {
throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail alg=" + alg + "/" + ex;
this.updateString = function(str) {;
this.updateHex = function(hex) {
var baHex = sjcl.codec.hex.toBits(hex);;
this.digest = function() {
var hash =;
return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(hash);
this.digestString = function(str) {
return this.digest();
this.digestHex = function(hex) {
return this.digest();
* update digest by specified string
* @name updateString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest#
* @function
* @param {String} str string to update
* @description
* @example
* md.updateString('New York');
this.updateString = function(str) {
throw "updateString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName;
* update digest by specified hexadecimal string
* @name updateHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest#
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to update
* @description
* @example
* md.updateHex('0afe36');
this.updateHex = function(hex) {
throw "updateHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName;
* completes hash calculation and returns hash result
* @name digest
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest#
* @function
* @description
* @example
* md.digest()
this.digest = function() {
throw "digest() not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName;
* performs final update on the digest using string, then completes the digest computation
* @name digestString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest#
* @function
* @param {String} str string to final update
* @description
* @example
* md.digestString('aaa')
this.digestString = function(str) {
throw "digestString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName;
* performs final update on the digest using hexadecimal string, then completes the digest computation
* @name digestHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest#
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to final update
* @description
* @example
* md.digestHex('0f2abd')
this.digestHex = function(hex) {
throw "digestHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName;
if (params !== undefined) {
if (params['alg'] !== undefined) {
this.algName = params['alg'];
if (params['prov'] === undefined)
this.provName = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[this.algName];
this.setAlgAndProvider(this.algName, this.provName);
* get canonical hash algorithm name<br/>
* @name getCanonicalAlgName
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest
* @function
* @param {String} alg hash algorithm name (ex. MD5, SHA-1, SHA1, SHA512
* @return {String} canonical hash algorithm name
* @since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10
* @description
* This static method normalizes from any hash algorithm name such as
* "SHA-1", "SHA1", "MD5", "sha512" to lower case name without hyphens
* such as "sha1".
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getCanonicalAlgName("SHA-1") &rarr "sha1"
* KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getCanonicalAlgName("MD5") &rarr "md5"
KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getCanonicalAlgName = function(alg) {
if (typeof alg === "string") {
alg = alg.toLowerCase();
alg = alg.replace(/-/, '');
return alg;
* get resulted hash byte length for specified algorithm name<br/>
* @name getHashLength
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest
* @function
* @param {String} alg non-canonicalized hash algorithm name (ex. MD5, SHA-1, SHA1, SHA512
* @return {Integer} resulted hash byte length
* @since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10
* @description
* This static method returns resulted byte length for specified algorithm name such as "SHA-1".
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getHashLength("SHA-1") &rarr 20
* KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getHashLength("sha1") &rarr 20
KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.getHashLength = function(alg) {
var MD = KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest
var alg2 = MD.getCanonicalAlgName(alg);
if (MD.HASHLENGTH[alg2] === undefined)
throw "not supported algorithm: " + alg;
return MD.HASHLENGTH[alg2];
// described in KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest class (since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10)
KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest.HASHLENGTH = {
'md5': 16,
'sha1': 20,
'sha224': 28,
'sha256': 32,
'sha384': 48,
'sha512': 64,
'ripemd160': 20
// === Mac ===============================================================
* Mac(Message Authentication Code) class which is very similar to class
* @name KJUR.crypto.Mac
* @class Mac class which is very similar to class
* @param {Array} params parameters for constructor
* @description
* <br/>
* Currently this supports following algorithm and providers combination:
* <ul>
* <li>hmacmd5 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>hmacsha1 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>hmacsha224 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>hmacsha256 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>hmacsha384 - cryptojs</li>
* <li>hmacsha512 - cryptojs</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE: HmacSHA224 and HmacSHA384 issue was fixed since jsrsasign 4.1.4.
* Please use 'ext/cryptojs-312-core-fix*.js' instead of 'core.js' of original CryptoJS
* to avoid those issue.
* <br/>
* NOTE2: Hmac signature bug was fixed in jsrsasign 4.9.0 by providing CryptoJS
* bug workaround.
* <br/>
* Please see {@link KJUR.crypto.Mac.setPassword}, how to provide password
* in various ways in detail.
* @example
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": "pass"});
* mac.updateString('aaa')
* mac.doFinal() &rarr; "5737da..."
* // other password representation
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": {"hex": "6161"}});
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": {"utf8": "aa"}});
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": {"rstr": "\x61\x61"}});
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": {"b64": "Mi02/+...a=="}});
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": {"b64u": "Mi02_-...a"}});
KJUR.crypto.Mac = function(params) {
var mac = null;
var pass = null;
var algName = null;
var provName = null;
var algProv = null;
this.setAlgAndProvider = function(alg, prov) {
alg = alg.toLowerCase();
if (alg == null) alg = "hmacsha1";
alg = alg.toLowerCase();
if (alg.substr(0, 4) != "hmac") {
throw "setAlgAndProvider unsupported HMAC alg: " + alg;
if (prov === undefined) prov = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[alg];
this.algProv = alg + "/" + prov;
var hashAlg = alg.substr(4);
// for cryptojs
if (':md5:sha1:sha224:sha256:sha384:sha512:ripemd160:'.indexOf(hashAlg) != -1 &&
prov == 'cryptojs') {
try {
var mdObj = KJUR.crypto.Util.CRYPTOJSMESSAGEDIGESTNAME[hashAlg];
this.mac = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(mdObj, this.pass);
} catch (ex) {
throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail hashAlg=" + hashAlg + "/" + ex;
this.updateString = function(str) {
this.updateHex = function(hex) {
var wHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hex);
this.doFinal = function() {
var hash = this.mac.finalize();
return hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
this.doFinalString = function(str) {
return this.doFinal();
this.doFinalHex = function(hex) {
return this.doFinal();
* update digest by specified string<br/>
* @name updateString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Mac#
* @function
* @param {String} str string to update
* @description
* @example
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": "pass"});
* mac.updateString('aaa')
* mac.doFinal() &rarr; "5737da..."
this.updateString = function(str) {
throw "updateString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv;
* update digest by specified hexadecimal string<br/>
* @name updateHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Mac#
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to update
* @description
* @example
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": "pass"});
* mac.updateHex('616161')
* mac.doFinal() &rarr; "5737da..."
this.updateHex = function(hex) {
throw "updateHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv;
* completes hash calculation and returns hash result<br/>
* @name doFinal
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Mac#
* @function
* @returns hexadecimal string of Mac result value
* @description
* @example
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": "pass"});
* mac.updateString('aaa')
* mac.doFinal() &rarr; "5737da..."
this.doFinal = function() {
throw "digest() not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv;
* performs final update on the digest using string, then completes the digest computation<br/>
* @name doFinalString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Mac#
* @function
* @param {String} str raw string to final update
* @returns hexadecimal string of Mac result value
* @description
* @example
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": "pass"});
* mac.doFinalString("aaa") &rarr; "5737da..."
this.doFinalString = function(str) {
throw "digestString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv;
* performs final update on the digest using hexadecimal string, then completes the digest computation<br/>
* @name doFinalHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Mac#
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to final update
* @returns hexadecimal string of Mac result value
* @description
* @example
* var mac = new KJUR.crypto.Mac({alg: "HmacSHA256", "pass": "pass"});
* mac.doFinalHex("616161") &rarr; "5737da..."
this.doFinalHex = function(hex) {
throw "digestHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv;
* set password for Mac<br/>
* @name setPassword
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Mac#
* @function
* @param {Object} pass password for Mac
* @since crypto 1.1.7 jsrsasign 4.9.0
* @description
* This method will set password for (H)Mac internally.
* Argument 'pass' can be specified as following:
* <ul>
* <li>even length string of 0..9, a..f or A-F: implicitly specified as hexadecimal string</li>
* <li>not above string: implicitly specified as raw string</li>
* <li>{rstr: "\x65\x70"}: explicitly specified as raw string</li>
* <li>{hex: "6570"}: explicitly specified as hexacedimal string</li>
* <li>{utf8: "秘密"}: explicitly specified as UTF8 string</li>
* <li>{b64: "Mi78..=="}: explicitly specified as Base64 string</li>
* <li>{b64u: "Mi7-_"}: explicitly specified as Base64URL string</li>
* </ul>
* It is *STRONGLY RECOMMENDED* that explicit representation of password argument
* to avoid ambiguity. For example string "6161" can mean a string "6161" or
* a hexadecimal string of "aa" (i.e. \x61\x61).
* @example
* mac = KJUR.crypto.Mac({'alg': 'hmacsha256'});
* // set password by implicit raw string
* mac.setPassword("\x65\x70\xb9\x0b");
* mac.setPassword("password");
* // set password by implicit hexadecimal string
* mac.setPassword("6570b90b");
* mac.setPassword("6570B90B");
* // set password by explicit raw string
* mac.setPassword({"rstr": "\x65\x70\xb9\x0b"});
* // set password by explicit hexadecimal string
* mac.setPassword({"hex": "6570b90b"});
* // set password by explicit utf8 string
* mac.setPassword({"utf8": "passwordパスワード");
* // set password by explicit Base64 string
* mac.setPassword({"b64": "Mb+c3f/=="});
* // set password by explicit Base64URL string
* mac.setPassword({"b64u": "Mb-c3f_"});
this.setPassword = function(pass) {
// internal this.pass shall be CryptoJS DWord Object for CryptoJS bug
// work around. CrytoJS HMac password can be passed by
// raw string as described in the manual however it doesn't
// work properly in some case. If password was passed
// by CryptoJS DWord which is not described in the manual
// it seems to work. (fixed since crypto 1.1.7)
if (typeof pass == 'string') {
var hPass = pass;
if (pass.length % 2 == 1 || ! pass.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/)) { // raw str
hPass = rstrtohex(pass);
this.pass = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hPass);
if (typeof pass != 'object')
throw "KJUR.crypto.Mac unsupported password type: " + pass;
var hPass = null;
if (pass.hex !== undefined) {
if (pass.hex.length % 2 != 0 || ! pass.hex.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/))
throw "Mac: wrong hex password: " + pass.hex;
hPass = pass.hex;
if (pass.utf8 !== undefined) hPass = utf8tohex(pass.utf8);
if (pass.rstr !== undefined) hPass = rstrtohex(pass.rstr);
if (pass.b64 !== undefined) hPass = b64tohex(pass.b64);
if (pass.b64u !== undefined) hPass = b64utohex(pass.b64u);
if (hPass == null)
throw "KJUR.crypto.Mac unsupported password type: " + pass;
this.pass = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hPass);
if (params !== undefined) {
if (params.pass !== undefined) {
if (params.alg !== undefined) {
this.algName = params.alg;
if (params['prov'] === undefined)
this.provName = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[this.algName];
this.setAlgAndProvider(this.algName, this.provName);
// ====== Signature class ====================================================
* Signature class which is very similar to class
* @name KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @class Signature class which is very similar to class
* @param {Array} params parameters for constructor
* @property {String} state Current state of this signature object whether 'SIGN', 'VERIFY' or null
* @description
* <br/>
* As for params of constructor's argument, it can be specify following attributes:
* <ul>
* <li>alg - signature algorithm name (ex. {MD5,SHA1,SHA224,SHA256,SHA384,SHA512,RIPEMD160}with{RSA,ECDSA,DSA})</li>
* <li>provider - currently 'cryptojs/jsrsa' only</li>
* </ul>
* This Signature class supports following signature algorithm and provider names:
* <ul>
* <li>MD5withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA384withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA512withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>MD5withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA384withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA512withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>MD5withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHAwithRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA384withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA512withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* </ul>
* As for RSA-PSS signature algorithm names and signing parameters
* such as MGF function and salt length, please see
* {@link KJUR.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier} class.
* Here are supported elliptic cryptographic curve names and their aliases for ECDSA:
* <ul>
* <li>secp256k1</li>
* <li>secp256r1, NIST P-256, P-256, prime256v1</li>
* <li>secp384r1, NIST P-384, P-384</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE1: DSA signing algorithm is also supported since crypto 1.1.5.
* <h4>EXAMPLES</h4>
* @example
* // RSA signature generation
* var sig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({"alg": "SHA1withRSA"});
* sig.init(prvKeyPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var hSigVal = sig.sign();
* // DSA signature validation
* var sig2 = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({"alg": "SHA1withDSA"});
* sig2.init(certPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var isValid = sig2.verify(hSigVal);
* // ECDSA signing
* var sig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({'alg':'SHA1withECDSA'});
* sig.init(prvKeyPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var sigValueHex = sig.sign();
* // ECDSA verifying
* var sig2 = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({'alg':'SHA1withECDSA'});
* sig.init(certPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var isValid = sig.verify(sigValueHex);
KJUR.crypto.Signature = function(params) {
var prvKey = null; // RSAKey/KJUR.crypto.{ECDSA,DSA} object for signing
var pubKey = null; // RSAKey/KJUR.crypto.{ECDSA,DSA} object for verifying
var md = null; // KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest object
var sig = null;
var algName = null;
var provName = null;
var algProvName = null;
var mdAlgName = null;
var pubkeyAlgName = null; // rsa,ecdsa,rsaandmgf1(=rsapss)
var state = null;
var pssSaltLen = -1;
var initParams = null;
var sHashHex = null; // hex hash value for hex
var hDigestInfo = null;
var hPaddedDigestInfo = null;
var hSign = null;
this._setAlgNames = function() {
var matchResult = this.algName.match(/^(.+)with(.+)$/);
if (matchResult) {
this.mdAlgName = matchResult[1].toLowerCase();
this.pubkeyAlgName = matchResult[2].toLowerCase();
if (this.pubkeyAlgName == "rsaandmgf1" &&
this.mdAlgName == "sha") {
this.mdAlgName = "sha1";
this._zeroPaddingOfSignature = function(hex, bitLength) {
var s = "";
var nZero = bitLength / 4 - hex.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nZero; i++) {
s = s + "0";
return s + hex;
* set signature algorithm and provider
* @name setAlgAndProvider
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {String} alg signature algorithm name
* @param {String} prov provider name
* @description
* @example
* md.setAlgAndProvider('SHA1withRSA', 'cryptojs/jsrsa');
this.setAlgAndProvider = function(alg, prov) {
if (prov != 'cryptojs/jsrsa')
throw new Error("provider not supported: " + prov);
if (':md5:sha1:sha224:sha256:sha384:sha512:ripemd160:'.indexOf(this.mdAlgName) != -1) {
try { = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({'alg':this.mdAlgName});
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error("setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail alg=" +
this.mdAlgName + "/" + ex);
this.init = function(keyparam, pass) {
var keyObj = null;
try {
if (pass === undefined) {
keyObj = KEYUTIL.getKey(keyparam);
} else {
keyObj = KEYUTIL.getKey(keyparam, pass);
} catch (ex) {
throw "init failed:" + ex;
if (keyObj.isPrivate === true) {
this.prvKey = keyObj;
this.state = "SIGN";
} else if (keyObj.isPublic === true) {
this.pubKey = keyObj;
this.state = "VERIFY";
} else {
throw "init failed.:" + keyObj;
this.updateString = function(str) {;
this.updateHex = function(hex) {;
this.sign = function() {
this.sHashHex =;
// hex parameter EC public key
if (this.prvKey === undefined &&
this.ecprvhex !== undefined &&
this.eccurvename !== undefined &&
KJUR.crypto.ECDSA !== undefined) {
this.prvKey = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({'curve': this.eccurvename,
prv: this.ecprvhex});
if (this.prvKey instanceof RSAKey &&
this.pubkeyAlgName === "rsaandmgf1") {
this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHashPSS(this.sHashHex,
// RSA
} else if (this.prvKey instanceof RSAKey &&
this.pubkeyAlgName === "rsa") {
this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex,
} else if (this.prvKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.ECDSA) {
this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex);
// DSA
} else if (this.prvKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.DSA) {
this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex);
} else {
throw "Signature: unsupported private key alg: " + this.pubkeyAlgName;
return this.hSign;
this.signString = function(str) {
return this.sign();
this.signHex = function(hex) {
return this.sign();
this.verify = function(hSigVal) {
this.sHashHex =;
// hex parameter EC public key
if (this.pubKey === undefined &&
this.ecpubhex !== undefined &&
this.eccurvename !== undefined &&
KJUR.crypto.ECDSA !== undefined) {
this.pubKey = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({curve: this.eccurvename,
pub: this.ecpubhex});
if (this.pubKey instanceof RSAKey &&
this.pubkeyAlgName === "rsaandmgf1") {
return this.pubKey.verifyWithMessageHashPSS(this.sHashHex, hSigVal,
// RSA
} else if (this.pubKey instanceof RSAKey &&
this.pubkeyAlgName === "rsa") {
return this.pubKey.verifyWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex, hSigVal);
} else if (KJUR.crypto.ECDSA !== undefined &&
this.pubKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.ECDSA) {
return this.pubKey.verifyWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex, hSigVal);
// DSA
} else if (KJUR.crypto.DSA !== undefined &&
this.pubKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.DSA) {
return this.pubKey.verifyWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex, hSigVal);
} else {
throw "Signature: unsupported public key alg: " + this.pubkeyAlgName;
* Initialize this object for signing or verifying depends on key
* @name init
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {Object} key specifying public or private key as plain/encrypted PKCS#5/8 PEM file, certificate PEM or {@link RSAKey}, {@link KJUR.crypto.DSA} or {@link KJUR.crypto.ECDSA} object
* @param {String} pass (OPTION) passcode for encrypted private key
* @since crypto 1.1.3
* @description
* This method is very useful initialize method for Signature class since
* you just specify key then this method will automatically initialize it
* using {@link KEYUTIL.getKey} method.
* As for 'key', following argument type are supported:
* <h5>signing</h5>
* <ul>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#8 encrypted RSA/ECDSA private key concluding "BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#5 encrypted RSA/DSA private key concluding "BEGIN RSA/DSA PRIVATE KEY" and ",ENCRYPTED"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#8 plain RSA/ECDSA private key concluding "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#5 plain RSA/DSA private key concluding "BEGIN RSA/DSA PRIVATE KEY" without ",ENCRYPTED"</li>
* <li>RSAKey object of private key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.ECDSA object of private key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.DSA object of private key</li>
* </ul>
* <h5>verification</h5>
* <ul>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#8 RSA/EC/DSA public key concluding "BEGIN PUBLIC KEY"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted X.509 certificate with RSA/EC/DSA public key concluding
* <li>RSAKey object of public key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.ECDSA object of public key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.DSA object of public key</li>
* </ul>
* @example
* sig.init(sCertPEM)
this.init = function(key, pass) {
throw "init(key, pass) not supported for this alg:prov=" +
* Updates the data to be signed or verified by a string
* @name updateString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {String} str string to use for the update
* @description
* @example
* sig.updateString('aaa')
this.updateString = function(str) {
throw "updateString(str) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName;
* Updates the data to be signed or verified by a hexadecimal string
* @name updateHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to use for the update
* @description
* @example
* sig.updateHex('1f2f3f')
this.updateHex = function(hex) {
throw "updateHex(hex) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName;
* Returns the signature bytes of all data updates as a hexadecimal string
* @name sign
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @return the signature bytes as a hexadecimal string
* @description
* @example
* var hSigValue = sig.sign()
this.sign = function() {
throw "sign() not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName;
* performs final update on the sign using string, then returns the signature bytes of all data updates as a hexadecimal string
* @name signString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {String} str string to final update
* @return the signature bytes of a hexadecimal string
* @description
* @example
* var hSigValue = sig.signString('aaa')
this.signString = function(str) {
throw "digestString(str) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName;
* performs final update on the sign using hexadecimal string, then returns the signature bytes of all data updates as a hexadecimal string
* @name signHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to final update
* @return the signature bytes of a hexadecimal string
* @description
* @example
* var hSigValue = sig.signHex('1fdc33')
this.signHex = function(hex) {
throw "digestHex(hex) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName;
* verifies the passed-in signature.
* @name verify
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature#
* @function
* @param {String} str string to final update
* @return {Boolean} true if the signature was verified, otherwise false
* @description
* @example
* var isValid = sig.verify('1fbcefdca4823a7(snip)')
this.verify = function(hSigVal) {
throw "verify(hSigVal) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName;
this.initParams = params;
if (params !== undefined) {
if (params.alg !== undefined) {
this.algName = params.alg;
if (params.prov === undefined) {
this.provName = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[this.algName];
} else {
this.provName = params.prov;
this.algProvName = this.algName + ":" + this.provName;
this.setAlgAndProvider(this.algName, this.provName);
if (params['psssaltlen'] !== undefined) this.pssSaltLen = params['psssaltlen'];
if (params.prvkeypem !== undefined) {
if (params.prvkeypas !== undefined) {
throw "both prvkeypem and prvkeypas parameters not supported";
} else {
try {
var prvKey = KEYUTIL.getKey(params.prvkeypem);
} catch (ex) {
throw "fatal error to load pem private key: " + ex;
// ====== Cipher class ============================================================
* Cipher class to encrypt and decrypt data<br/>
* @name KJUR.crypto.Cipher
* @class Cipher class to encrypt and decrypt data<br/>
* @param {Array} params parameters for constructor
* @since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10
* @description
* Here is supported canonicalized cipher algorithm names and its standard names:
* <ul>
* <li>RSA - RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding (default for RSAKey)</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1AndMGF1Padding</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP224 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-224AndMGF1Padding(*)</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP256 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP384 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-384AndMGF1Padding(*)</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP512 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-512AndMGF1Padding(*)</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE: (*) is not supported in Java JCE.<br/>
* Currently this class supports only RSA encryption and decryption
* based on RSAES-OAEP and RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme.
* However it is planning to implement also symmetric ciphers near in the future */
KJUR.crypto.Cipher = function(params) {
* encrypt raw string by specified key and algorithm<br/>
* @name encrypt
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Cipher
* @function
* @param {String} s input string to encrypt
* @param {Object} keyObj RSAKey object or hexadecimal string of symmetric cipher key
* @param {String} algName short/long algorithm name for encryption/decryption
* @return {String} hexadecimal encrypted string
* @since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10
* @description
* This static method encrypts raw string with specified key and algorithm.
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Cipher.encrypt("aaa", pubRSAKeyObj) &rarr; "1abc2d..."
* KJUR.crypto.Cipher.encrypt("aaa", pubRSAKeyObj, "RSAOAEP") &rarr; "23ab02..."
KJUR.crypto.Cipher.encrypt = function(s, keyObj, algName) {
if (keyObj instanceof RSAKey && keyObj.isPublic) {
var algName2 = KJUR.crypto.Cipher.getAlgByKeyAndName(keyObj, algName);
if (algName2 === "RSA") return keyObj.encrypt(s);
if (algName2 === "RSAOAEP") return keyObj.encryptOAEP(s, "sha1");
var a = algName2.match(/^RSAOAEP(\d+)$/);
if (a !== null) return keyObj.encryptOAEP(s, "sha" + a[1]);
throw "Cipher.encrypt: unsupported algorithm for RSAKey: " + algName;
} else {
throw "Cipher.encrypt: unsupported key or algorithm";
* decrypt encrypted hexadecimal string with specified key and algorithm<br/>
* @name decrypt
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Cipher
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecial string of encrypted message
* @param {Object} keyObj RSAKey object or hexadecimal string of symmetric cipher key
* @param {String} algName short/long algorithm name for encryption/decryption
* @return {String} decrypted raw string
* @since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10
* @description
* This static method decrypts encrypted hexadecimal string with specified key and algorithm.
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Cipher.decrypt("aaa", prvRSAKeyObj) &rarr; "1abc2d..."
* KJUR.crypto.Cipher.decrypt("aaa", prvRSAKeyObj, "RSAOAEP) &rarr; "23ab02..."
KJUR.crypto.Cipher.decrypt = function(hex, keyObj, algName) {
if (keyObj instanceof RSAKey && keyObj.isPrivate) {
var algName2 = KJUR.crypto.Cipher.getAlgByKeyAndName(keyObj, algName);
if (algName2 === "RSA") return keyObj.decrypt(hex);
if (algName2 === "RSAOAEP") return keyObj.decryptOAEP(hex, "sha1");
var a = algName2.match(/^RSAOAEP(\d+)$/);
if (a !== null) return keyObj.decryptOAEP(hex, "sha" + a[1]);
throw "Cipher.decrypt: unsupported algorithm for RSAKey: " + algName;
} else {
throw "Cipher.decrypt: unsupported key or algorithm";
* get canonicalized encrypt/decrypt algorithm name by key and short/long algorithm name<br/>
* @name getAlgByKeyAndName
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Cipher
* @function
* @param {Object} keyObj RSAKey object or hexadecimal string of symmetric cipher key
* @param {String} algName short/long algorithm name for encryption/decryption
* @return {String} canonicalized algorithm name for encryption/decryption
* @since jsrsasign 6.2.0 crypto 1.1.10
* @description
* Here is supported canonicalized cipher algorithm names and its standard names:
* <ul>
* <li>RSA - RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding (default for RSAKey)</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1AndMGF1Padding</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP224 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-224AndMGF1Padding(*)</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP256 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP384 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-384AndMGF1Padding(*)</li>
* <li>RSAOAEP512 - RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-512AndMGF1Padding(*)</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE: (*) is not supported in Java JCE.
* @example
* KJUR.crypto.Cipher.getAlgByKeyAndName(objRSAKey) &rarr; "RSA"
* KJUR.crypto.Cipher.getAlgByKeyAndName(objRSAKey, "RSAOAEP") &rarr; "RSAOAEP"
KJUR.crypto.Cipher.getAlgByKeyAndName = function(keyObj, algName) {
if (keyObj instanceof RSAKey) {
if (":RSA:RSAOAEP:RSAOAEP224:RSAOAEP256:RSAOAEP384:RSAOAEP512:".indexOf(algName) != -1)
return algName;
if (algName === null || algName === undefined) return "RSA";
throw "getAlgByKeyAndName: not supported algorithm name for RSAKey: " + algName;
throw "getAlgByKeyAndName: not supported algorithm name: " + algName;
// ====== Other Utility class =====================================================
* static object for cryptographic function utilities
* @name KJUR.crypto.OID
* @class static object for cryptography related OIDs
* @property {Array} oidhex2name key value of hexadecimal OID and its name
* (ex. '2a8648ce3d030107' and 'secp256r1')
* @since crypto 1.1.3
* @description
KJUR.crypto.OID = new function() {
this.oidhex2name = {
'2a864886f70d010101': 'rsaEncryption',
'2a8648ce3d0201': 'ecPublicKey',
'2a8648ce380401': 'dsa',
'2a8648ce3d030107': 'secp256r1',
'2b8104001f': 'secp192k1',
'2b81040021': 'secp224r1',
'2b8104000a': 'secp256k1',
'2b81040023': 'secp521r1',
'2b81040022': 'secp384r1',
'2a8648ce380403': 'SHA1withDSA', // 1.2.840.10040.4.3
'608648016503040301': 'SHA224withDSA', // 2.16.840.
'608648016503040302': 'SHA256withDSA', // 2.16.840.
module.exports.KJUR = KJUR;