You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package hostess
import (
// MaybeErrorln will print an error message unless -s is passed
func MaybeErrorln(c *cli.Context, message string) {
if !c.Bool("s") {
os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", c.Command.Name, message))
// MaybeError will print an error message unless -s is passed and then exit
func MaybeError(c *cli.Context, message string) {
MaybeErrorln(c, message)
// MaybePrintln will print a message unless -q or -s is passed
func MaybePrintln(c *cli.Context, message string) {
if !c.Bool("q") && !c.Bool("s") {
// MaybeLoadHostFile will try to load, parse, and return a Hostfile. If we
// encounter errors we will terminate, unless -f is passed.
func MaybeLoadHostFile(c *cli.Context) *Hostfile {
hostsfile, errs := LoadHostFile()
if len(errs) > 0 && !c.Bool("f") {
for _, err := range errs {
MaybeErrorln(c, err.Error())
MaybeError(c, "Errors while parsing hostsfile. Try using fix -f")
return hostsfile
// ShowEnabled turns a boolean into a string (On) or (Off)
func ShowEnabled(on bool) string {
if on {
return "(On)"
} else {
return "(Off)"
// ShowHostname turns a Hostname into a string for display
func ShowHostname(hostname Hostname) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s %s", hostname.Domain, hostname.Ip, ShowEnabled(hostname.Enabled))
// StrPadRight adds spaces to the right of a string until it reaches l length.
// If the input string is already that long, do nothing.
func StrPadRight(s string, l int) string {
return s + strings.Repeat(" ", l-len(s))
func Add(c *cli.Context) {
if len(c.Args()) != 2 {
MaybeError(c, "expected <hostname> <ip>")
hostsfile := MaybeLoadHostFile(c)
hostname := Hostname{c.Args()[0], c.Args()[1], true}
var err error
if !hostsfile.Contains(hostname) {
err = hostsfile.Add(hostname)
if err == nil {
if c.Bool("n") {
} else {
MaybePrintln(c, fmt.Sprintf("Added %s", ShowHostname(hostname)))
} else {
MaybeError(c, err.Error())
func Del(c *cli.Context) {
if len(c.Args()) != 1 {
MaybeError(c, "expected <hostname>")
domain := c.Args()[0]
hostsfile := MaybeLoadHostFile(c)
found := hostsfile.ContainsDomain(domain)
if found {
if c.Bool("n") {
} else {
MaybePrintln(c, fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %s", domain))
} else {
MaybePrintln(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s not found in %s", domain, GetHostsPath()))
func Has(c *cli.Context) {
if len(c.Args()) != 1 {
MaybeError(c, "expected <hostname>")
domain := c.Args()[0]
hostsfile := MaybeLoadHostFile(c)
found := hostsfile.ContainsDomain(domain)
if found {
MaybePrintln(c, fmt.Sprintf("Found %s in %s", domain, GetHostsPath()))
} else {
MaybeError(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s not found in %s", domain, GetHostsPath()))
func Off(c *cli.Context) {
if len(c.Args()) != 1 {
MaybeError(c, "expected <hostname>")
func On(c *cli.Context) {
if len(c.Args()) != 1 {
MaybeError(c, "expected <hostname>")
func Ls(c *cli.Context) {
hostsfile := MaybeLoadHostFile(c)
maxdomain := 0
maxip := 0
for _, hostname := range hostsfile.Hosts {
dlen := len(hostname.Domain)
if dlen > maxdomain {
maxdomain = dlen
ilen := len(hostname.Ip)
if ilen > maxip {
maxip = ilen
for _, domain := range hostsfile.ListDomains() {
hostname := hostsfile.Hosts[domain]
fmt.Printf("%s -> %s %s\n",
StrPadRight(hostname.Domain, maxdomain),
StrPadRight(hostname.Ip, maxip),
const fix_help = `Programmatically rewrite your hostsfile.
Domains pointing to the same IP will be consolidated, sorted, and extra
whitespace and comments will be removed.
hostess fix Rewrite the hostsfile
hostess fix -n Show the new hostsfile. Don't write it
func Fix(c *cli.Context) {
hostsfile := MaybeLoadHostFile(c)
if c.Bool("n") {
} else {
func Dump(c *cli.Context) {
func Apply(c *cli.Context) {