package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "os" "" "" ) const help = `An idempotent tool for managing %s Commands fmt Reformat the hosts file add Add or overwrite a hosts entry rm Remote a hosts entry on Enable a hosts entry off Disable a hosts entry ls List hosts entries has Exit 0 if entry present in hosts file, 1 if not dump Export hosts entries as JSON apply Import hosts entries from JSON All commands that change the hosts file will implicitly reformat it. Flags -n will preview changes but not rewrite your hosts file -4 limit changes to IPv4 entries -6 limit changes to IPv6 entries Configuration HOSTESS_FMT may be set to unix or windows to force that platform's syntax HOSTESS_PATH may be set to point to a file other than the platform default About Copyright 2015-2020 Chris Bednarski ; MIT Licensed Portions Copyright the Go authors, licensed under BSD-style license Bugs and updates via ` var ( Version = "dev" ErrInvalidCommand = errors.New("invalid command") ) func ExitWithError(err error) { if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString(err.Error()) os.Stderr.WriteString("\n") os.Exit(1) } } func CommandUsage(command string) error { return fmt.Errorf("Usage: %s %s ", os.Args[0], command) } func wrappedMain() error { cli := flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError) ipv4 := cli.Bool("4",false, "IPv4") ipv6 := cli.Bool("6",false, "IPv6") preview := cli.Bool("n",false, "preview") cli.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf(help, hostess.GetHostsPath()) } if err := cli.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil { return err } options := &commands.Options{ IPVersion: 0, Preview: *preview, } if *ipv4 { options.IPVersion = options.IPVersion|commands.IPv4 } if *ipv6 { options.IPVersion = options.IPVersion|commands.IPv6 } command := cli.Arg(0) switch command { case "-v", "--version", "version": fmt.Println(Version) return nil case "-h", "--help", "help": cli.Usage() return nil case "fmt": return commands.Format(options) case "add": if len(cli.Args()) != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("Usage: %s add ", cli.Name()) } return commands.Add(options, cli.Arg(0), cli.Arg(1)) case "rm": if cli.Arg(0) == "" { return CommandUsage(command) } return commands.Remove(options, cli.Arg(0)) case "on": if cli.Arg(0) == "" { return CommandUsage(command) } return commands.Enable(options, cli.Arg(0)) case "off": if cli.Arg(0) == "" { return CommandUsage(command) } return commands.Disable(options, cli.Arg(0)) case "ls": return commands.List(options) case "has": if cli.Arg(0) == "" { return CommandUsage(command) } return commands.Has(options, cli.Arg(0)) case "dump": return commands.Dump(options) case "apply": if cli.Arg(0) == "" { return fmt.Errorf("Usage: %s apply ", os.Args[0]) } return commands.Apply(options, cli.Arg(0)) default: return ErrInvalidCommand } } func main() { ExitWithError(wrappedMain()) }