package main import ( "os" "" "" ) func getCommand() string { return os.Args[1] } func getArgs() []string { return os.Args[2:] } const help = `an idempotent tool for managing /etc/hosts * Commands will exit 0 or 1 in a sensible way to facilitate scripting. * Hostess operates on /etc/hosts by default. Specify the HOSTESS_PATH environment variable to change this. * Run 'hostess fix -n' to preview changes hostess will make to your hostsfile. * Report bugs and feedback at` func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "hostess" app.Authors = []cli.Author{{Name: "Chris Bednarski", Email: ""}} app.Usage = help app.Version = "0.1.0" app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "f", Usage: "operate even if there are errors or conflicts", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "n", Usage: "no-op. Show changes but don't write them.", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "q", Usage: "quiet operation -- no notices", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "s", Usage: "silent operation -- no errors (implies -q)", }, } app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "add", Usage: "add or replace a hosts entry", Action: hostess.Add, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "aff", Usage: "add or replace a hosts entry in an off state", Action: hostess.Add, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "del", Aliases: []string{"rm"}, Usage: "delete a hosts entry", Action: hostess.Del, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "has", Usage: "exit 0 if entry exists, 1 if not", Action: hostess.Has, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "on", Usage: "enable a hosts entry (if if exists)", Action: hostess.OnOff, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "off", Usage: "disable a hosts entry (don't delete it)", Action: hostess.OnOff, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "list", Aliases: []string{"ls"}, Usage: "list entries in the hosts file", Action: hostess.Ls, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "fix", Usage: "reformat the hosts file based on hostess' rules", Action: hostess.Fix, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "dump", Usage: "dump the hosts file as JSON", Action: hostess.Dump, Flags: app.Flags, }, { Name: "apply", Usage: "add hostnames from a JSON file to the hosts file", Action: hostess.Apply, Flags: app.Flags, }, } app.Run(os.Args) os.Exit(0) }