You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
2.8 KiB

import json
import time
import random
import string
from typing import Any
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_cors import CORS
from g4f import ChatCompletion
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return 'interference api, url:'
@app.route('/chat/completions', methods=['POST'])
def chat_completions():
model = request.get_json().get('model', 'gpt-3.5-turbo')
stream = request.get_json().get('stream', False)
messages = request.get_json().get('messages')
response = ChatCompletion.create(model = model,
stream = stream, messages = messages)
completion_id = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=28))
completion_timestamp = int(time.time())
if not stream:
return {
'id': f'chatcmpl-{completion_id}',
'object': 'chat.completion',
'created': completion_timestamp,
'model': model,
'choices': [
'index': 0,
'message': {
'role': 'assistant',
'content': response,
'finish_reason': 'stop',
'usage': {
'prompt_tokens': None,
'completion_tokens': None,
'total_tokens': None,
def streaming():
for chunk in response:
completion_data = {
'id': f'chatcmpl-{completion_id}',
'object': 'chat.completion.chunk',
'created': completion_timestamp,
'model': model,
'choices': [
'index': 0,
'delta': {
'content': chunk,
'finish_reason': None,
content = json.dumps(completion_data, separators=(',', ':'))
yield f'data: {content}\n\n'
end_completion_data: dict[str, Any] = {
'id': f'chatcmpl-{completion_id}',
'object': 'chat.completion.chunk',
'created': completion_timestamp,
'model': model,
'choices': [
'index': 0,
'delta': {},
'finish_reason': 'stop',
content = json.dumps(end_completion_data, separators=(',', ':'))
yield f'data: {content}\n\n'
return app.response_class(streaming(), mimetype='text/event-stream')
def run_interference():'', port=1337, debug=True)