You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
3.3 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import string
import random
import json
import io
import base64
import math
from PIL import Image
from ...typing import ImageType
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from ...image import to_image, process_image, to_base64
image_config = {
"maxImagePixels": 360000,
"imageComp.ssionRate": 0.7,
"enableFaceBlurDebug": 0,
async def upload_image(
session: ClientSession,
image: ImageType,
tone: str,
proxy: str = None
) -> dict:
image = to_image(image)
width, height = image.size
max_image_pixels = image_config['maxImagePixels']
if max_image_pixels / (width * height) < 1:
new_width = int(width * math.sqrt(max_image_pixels / (width * height)))
new_height = int(height * math.sqrt(max_image_pixels / (width * height)))
new_width = width
new_height = height
new_img = process_image(image, new_width, new_height)
new_img_binary_data = to_base64(new_img, image_config['imageCompressionRate'])
data, boundary = build_image_upload_api_payload(new_img_binary_data, tone)
headers = session.headers.copy()
headers["content-type"] = f'multipart/form-data; boundary={boundary}'
headers["referer"] = ''
headers["origin"] = ''
async with"", data=data, headers=headers, proxy=proxy) as response:
if response.status != 200:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to upload image.")
image_info = await response.json()
if not image_info.get('blobId'):
raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse image info.")
result = {'bcid': image_info.get('blobId', "")}
result['blurredBcid'] = image_info.get('processedBlobId', "")
if result['blurredBcid'] != "":
result["imageUrl"] = "" + result['blurredBcid']
elif result['bcid'] != "":
result["imageUrl"] = "" + result['bcid']
result['originalImageUrl'] = (
+ result['blurredBcid']
if image_config["enableFaceBlurDebug"]
else ""
+ result['bcid']
return result
def build_image_upload_api_payload(image_bin: str, tone: str):
payload = {
'invokedSkills': ["ImageById"],
'subscriptionId': "Bing.Chat.Multimodal",
'invokedSkillsRequestData': {
'enableFaceBlur': True
'convoData': {
'convoid': "",
'convotone': tone
knowledge_request = {
'imageInfo': {},
'knowledgeRequest': payload
boundary="----WebKitFormBoundary" + ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=16))
data = (
+ '\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="knowledgeRequest"\r\n\r\n'
+ json.dumps(knowledge_request, ensure_ascii=False)
+ "\r\n--"
+ boundary
+ '\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="imageBase64"\r\n\r\n'
+ image_bin
+ "\r\n--"
+ boundary
+ "--\r\n"
return data, boundary