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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop">
<summary>Open-source assistant</summary>
<p>Cross platform Qt based GUI for GPT4All</p>
<li>Fast CPU and GPU based inference using ggml for open source LLM's</li>
<li>The UI is made to look and feel like you've come to expect from a chatty gpt</li>
<li>Check for updates so you can always stay fresh with latest models</li>
<li>Easy to install with precompiled binaries available for all three major desktop platforms</li>
<li>Multi-model - Ability to load more than one model and switch between them</li>
<li>Supports llama.cpp style models</li>
<li>Model downloader in GUI featuring many popular open source models</li>
<li>Settings dialog to change temp, top_p, top_k, threads, etc</li>
<li>Copy your conversation to clipboard</li>
<screenshot type="default">
<caption>Main Window</caption>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<url type="bugtracker"></url>
<url type="vcs-browser"></url>
<release version="3.1.0" date="2024-07-24"/>
<release version="3.0.0" date="2024-07-02"/>
<release version="2.7.5" date="2024-05-03"/>
<launchable type="desktop-id">io.gpt4all.gpt4all.desktop</launchable>
<content_rating type="oars-1.1">
<content_attribute id="language-profanity">mild</content_attribute>
<content_attribute id="language-humor">moderate</content_attribute>
<content_attribute id="language-discrimination">mild</content_attribute>