You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

454 lines
14 KiB

#include "chat.h"
#include "chatlistmodel.h"
#include "mysettings.h"
#include "modellist.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "server.h"
Chat::Chat(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_id(Network::globalInstance()->generateUniqueId())
, m_name(tr("New Chat"))
, m_chatModel(new ChatModel(this))
, m_responseInProgress(false)
, m_responseState(Chat::ResponseStopped)
, m_creationDate(QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch())
, m_llmodel(new ChatLLM(this))
, m_isServer(false)
, m_shouldDeleteLater(false)
, m_isModelLoaded(false)
, m_shouldLoadModelWhenInstalled(false)
Chat::Chat(bool isServer, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_id(Network::globalInstance()->generateUniqueId())
, m_name(tr("Server Chat"))
, m_chatModel(new ChatModel(this))
, m_responseInProgress(false)
, m_responseState(Chat::ResponseStopped)
, m_creationDate(QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch())
, m_llmodel(new Server(this))
, m_isServer(true)
, m_shouldDeleteLater(false)
, m_isModelLoaded(false)
, m_shouldLoadModelWhenInstalled(false)
delete m_llmodel;
m_llmodel = nullptr;
void Chat::connectLLM()
// Should be in different threads
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::isModelLoadedChanged, this, &Chat::handleModelLoadedChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::responseChanged, this, &Chat::handleResponseChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::promptProcessing, this, &Chat::promptProcessing, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::responseStopped, this, &Chat::responseStopped, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::modelLoadingError, this, &Chat::handleModelLoadingError, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::recalcChanged, this, &Chat::handleRecalculating, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::generatedNameChanged, this, &Chat::generatedNameChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::reportSpeed, this, &Chat::handleTokenSpeedChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::reportDevice, this, &Chat::handleDeviceChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::databaseResultsChanged, this, &Chat::handleDatabaseResultsChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::modelInfoChanged, this, &Chat::handleModelInfoChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::promptRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::prompt, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::modelChangeRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::modelChangeRequested, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::loadDefaultModelRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::loadDefaultModel, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::loadModelRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::loadModel, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::generateNameRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::generateName, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::regenerateResponseRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::regenerateResponse, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::resetResponseRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::resetResponse, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::resetContextRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::resetContext, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Chat::processSystemPromptRequested, m_llmodel, &ChatLLM::processSystemPrompt, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ModelList::globalInstance()->installedModels(), &InstalledModels::countChanged,
this, &Chat::handleModelInstalled, Qt::QueuedConnection);
void Chat::reset()
// Erase our current on disk representation as we're completely resetting the chat along with id
emit resetContextRequested();
m_id = Network::globalInstance()->generateUniqueId();
emit idChanged(m_id);
// NOTE: We deliberately do no reset the name or creation date to indictate that this was originally
// an older chat that was reset for another purpose. Resetting this data will lead to the chat
// name label changing back to 'New Chat' and showing up in the chat model list as a 'New Chat'
// further down in the list. This might surprise the user. In the future, we me might get rid of
// the "reset context" button in the UI. Right now, by changing the model in the combobox dropdown
// we effectively do a reset context. We *have* to do this right now when switching between different
// types of models. The only way to get rid of that would be a very long recalculate where we rebuild
// the context if we switch between different types of models. Probably the right way to fix this
// is to allow switching models but throwing up a dialog warning users if we switch between types
// of models that a long recalculation will ensue.
void Chat::processSystemPrompt()
emit processSystemPromptRequested();
bool Chat::isModelLoaded() const
return m_isModelLoaded;
void Chat::resetResponseState()
if (m_responseInProgress && m_responseState == Chat::LocalDocsRetrieval)
m_tokenSpeed = QString();
emit tokenSpeedChanged();
m_responseInProgress = true;
m_responseState = Chat::LocalDocsRetrieval;
emit responseInProgressChanged();
emit responseStateChanged();
void Chat::prompt(const QString &prompt)
emit promptRequested( m_collections, prompt);
void Chat::regenerateResponse()
const int index = m_chatModel->count() - 1;
m_chatModel->updateReferences(index, QString(), QList<QString>());
emit regenerateResponseRequested();
void Chat::stopGenerating()
QString Chat::response() const
return m_response;
QString Chat::responseState() const
switch (m_responseState) {
case ResponseStopped: return QStringLiteral("response stopped");
case LocalDocsRetrieval: return QStringLiteral("retrieving ") + m_collections.join(", ");
case LocalDocsProcessing: return QStringLiteral("processing ") + m_collections.join(", ");
case PromptProcessing: return QStringLiteral("processing");
case ResponseGeneration: return QStringLiteral("generating response");
return QString();
void Chat::handleResponseChanged(const QString &response)
if (m_responseState != Chat::ResponseGeneration) {
m_responseState = Chat::ResponseGeneration;
emit responseStateChanged();
m_response = response;
const int index = m_chatModel->count() - 1;
m_chatModel->updateValue(index, this->response());
emit responseChanged();
void Chat::handleModelLoadedChanged(bool loaded)
if (m_shouldDeleteLater)
if (loaded == m_isModelLoaded)
m_isModelLoaded = loaded;
emit isModelLoadedChanged();
void Chat::promptProcessing()
m_responseState = !databaseResults().isEmpty() ? Chat::LocalDocsProcessing : Chat::PromptProcessing;
emit responseStateChanged();
void Chat::responseStopped()
m_tokenSpeed = QString();
emit tokenSpeedChanged();
if (MySettings::globalInstance()->localDocsShowReferences()) {
const QString chatResponse = response();
QList<QString> references;
QList<QString> referencesContext;
int validReferenceNumber = 1;
for (const ResultInfo &info : databaseResults()) {
if (info.file.isEmpty())
if (validReferenceNumber == 1)
references.append((!chatResponse.endsWith("\n") ? "\n" : QString()) + QStringLiteral("\n---"));
QString reference;
QTextStream stream(&reference);
stream << (validReferenceNumber++) << ". ";
if (!info.title.isEmpty())
stream << "\"" << info.title << "\". ";
if (!
stream << "By " << << ". ";
if (!
stream << "Date: " << << ". ";
stream << "In " << info.file << ". ";
if ( != -1)
stream << "Page " << << ". ";
if (info.from != -1) {
stream << "Lines " << info.from;
if ( != -1)
stream << "-" <<;
stream << ". ";
stream << "[Context](context://" << validReferenceNumber - 1 << ")";
const int index = m_chatModel->count() - 1;
m_chatModel->updateReferences(index, references.join("\n"), referencesContext);
emit responseChanged();
m_responseInProgress = false;
m_responseState = Chat::ResponseStopped;
emit responseInProgressChanged();
emit responseStateChanged();
if (m_generatedName.isEmpty())
emit generateNameRequested();
if (chatModel()->count() < 3)
ModelInfo Chat::modelInfo() const
return m_modelInfo;
void Chat::setModelInfo(const ModelInfo &modelInfo)
if (m_modelInfo == modelInfo)
m_isModelLoaded = false;
emit isModelLoadedChanged();
m_modelLoadingError = QString();
emit modelLoadingErrorChanged();
m_modelInfo = modelInfo;
emit modelInfoChanged();
emit modelChangeRequested(modelInfo);
void Chat::newPromptResponsePair(const QString &prompt)
m_chatModel->updateCurrentResponse(m_chatModel->count() - 1, false);
m_chatModel->appendPrompt(tr("Prompt: "), prompt);
m_chatModel->appendResponse(tr("Response: "), prompt);
emit resetResponseRequested();
void Chat::serverNewPromptResponsePair(const QString &prompt)
m_chatModel->updateCurrentResponse(m_chatModel->count() - 1, false);
m_chatModel->appendPrompt(tr("Prompt: "), prompt);
m_chatModel->appendResponse(tr("Response: "), prompt);
bool Chat::isRecalc() const
return m_llmodel->isRecalc();
void Chat::unloadAndDeleteLater()
if (!isModelLoaded()) {
m_shouldDeleteLater = true;
void Chat::unloadModel()
void Chat::reloadModel()
// If the installed model list is empty, then we mark a special flag and monitor for when a model
// is installed
if (!ModelList::globalInstance()->installedModels()->count()) {
m_shouldLoadModelWhenInstalled = true;
void Chat::handleModelInstalled()
if (!m_shouldLoadModelWhenInstalled)
m_shouldLoadModelWhenInstalled = false;
void Chat::generatedNameChanged(const QString &name)
// Only use the first three words maximum and remove newlines and extra spaces
m_generatedName = name.simplified();
QStringList words = m_generatedName.split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
int wordCount = qMin(3, words.size());
m_name = words.mid(0, wordCount).join(' ');
emit nameChanged();
void Chat::handleRecalculating()
emit recalcChanged();
void Chat::handleModelLoadingError(const QString &error)
qWarning() << "ERROR:" << qPrintable(error) << "id" << id();
m_modelLoadingError = error;
emit modelLoadingErrorChanged();
void Chat::handleTokenSpeedChanged(const QString &tokenSpeed)
m_tokenSpeed = tokenSpeed;
emit tokenSpeedChanged();
void Chat::handleDeviceChanged(const QString &device)
m_device = device;
emit deviceChanged();
void Chat::handleDatabaseResultsChanged(const QList<ResultInfo> &results)
m_databaseResults = results;
void Chat::handleModelInfoChanged(const ModelInfo &modelInfo)
if (m_modelInfo == modelInfo)
m_modelInfo = modelInfo;
emit modelInfoChanged();
bool Chat::serialize(QDataStream &stream, int version) const
stream << m_creationDate;
stream << m_id;
stream << m_name;
stream << m_userName;
if (version > 4)
stream <<;
stream << m_modelInfo.filename();
if (version > 2)
stream << m_collections;
if (!m_llmodel->serialize(stream, version))
return false;
if (!m_chatModel->serialize(stream, version))
return false;
return stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok;
bool Chat::deserialize(QDataStream &stream, int version)
stream >> m_creationDate;
stream >> m_id;
emit idChanged(m_id);
stream >> m_name;
stream >> m_userName;
emit nameChanged();
QString modelId;
stream >> modelId;
if (version > 4) {
if (!ModelList::globalInstance()->contains(modelId))
return false;
m_modelInfo = ModelList::globalInstance()->modelInfo(modelId);
} else {
if (!ModelList::globalInstance()->containsByFilename(modelId))
return false;
m_modelInfo = ModelList::globalInstance()->modelInfoByFilename(modelId);
emit modelInfoChanged();
// Prior to version 2 gptj models had a bug that fixed the kv_cache to F32 instead of F16 so
// unfortunately, we cannot deserialize these
if (version < 2 && m_modelInfo.filename().contains("gpt4all-j"))
return false;
if (version > 2) {
stream >> m_collections;
emit collectionListChanged(m_collections);
if (!m_llmodel->deserialize(stream, version))
return false;
if (!m_chatModel->deserialize(stream, version))
return false;
emit chatModelChanged();
return stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok;
QList<QString> Chat::collectionList() const
return m_collections;
bool Chat::hasCollection(const QString &collection) const
return m_collections.contains(collection);
void Chat::addCollection(const QString &collection)
if (hasCollection(collection))
emit collectionListChanged(m_collections);
void Chat::removeCollection(const QString &collection)
if (!hasCollection(collection))
emit collectionListChanged(m_collections);