AT d515ad3b18
Feature: dynamic changes of language and locale at runtime issue #2644 (#2659)
This change updates the UI to allow for dynamic changes of language and
locale at runtime. Right now none of the language translations are finished
yet or in releasable shape so it also adds a new option to the build that
enables/disables the feature. By default no translations are currently
enabled to be built as part of a release.

Signed-off-by: Adam Treat <>
2024-07-12 16:14:58 -04:00

659 lines
28 KiB

#include "mysettings.h"
#include "../gpt4all-backend/llmodel.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QGlobalStatic>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QIODevice>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QThread>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QtLogging>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
// FIXME: All of these default strings that are shown in the UI for settings need to be marked as
// translatable
namespace defaults {
static const int threadCount = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
static const bool forceMetal = false;
static const bool networkIsActive = false;
static const bool networkUsageStatsActive = false;
static const QString device = "Auto";
static const QString languageAndLocale = "Default";
} // namespace defaults
static const QVariantMap basicDefaults {
{ "chatTheme", "Light" },
{ "fontSize", "Small" },
{ "lastVersionStarted", "" },
{ "networkPort", 4891, },
{ "saveChatsContext", false },
{ "serverChat", false },
{ "userDefaultModel", "Application default" },
{ "suggestionMode", QVariant::fromValue(SuggestionMode::LocalDocsOnly) },
{ "localdocs/chunkSize", 512 },
{ "localdocs/retrievalSize", 3 },
{ "localdocs/showReferences", true },
{ "localdocs/fileExtensions", QStringList { "txt", "pdf", "md", "rst" } },
{ "localdocs/useRemoteEmbed", false },
{ "localdocs/nomicAPIKey", "" },
{ "localdocs/embedDevice", "Auto" },
{ "network/attribution", "" },
static QString defaultLocalModelsPath()
QString localPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation)
+ "/";
QString testWritePath = localPath + u"test_write.txt"_s;
QString canonicalLocalPath = QFileInfo(localPath).canonicalFilePath() + "/";
QDir localDir(localPath);
if (!localDir.exists()) {
if (!localDir.mkpath(localPath)) {
qWarning() << "ERROR: Local download directory can't be created:" << canonicalLocalPath;
return canonicalLocalPath;
if (QFileInfo::exists(testWritePath))
return canonicalLocalPath;
QFile testWriteFile(testWritePath);
if ( {
return canonicalLocalPath;
qWarning() << "ERROR: Local download path appears not writeable:" << canonicalLocalPath;
return canonicalLocalPath;
static QStringList getDevices(bool skipKompute = false)
QStringList deviceList { "Auto" };
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC) && defined(__aarch64__)
deviceList << "Metal";
std::vector<LLModel::GPUDevice> devices = LLModel::Implementation::availableGPUDevices();
for (LLModel::GPUDevice &d : devices) {
if (!skipKompute || strcmp(d.backend, "kompute"))
deviceList << QString::fromStdString(d.selectionName());
deviceList << "CPU";
return deviceList;
static QString getUiLanguage(const QString directory, const QString fileName)
QTranslator translator;
const QString filePath = directory + QDir::separator() + fileName;
if (translator.load(filePath)) {
const QString lang = fileName.mid(fileName.indexOf('_') + 1,
fileName.lastIndexOf('.') - fileName.indexOf('_') - 1);
return lang;
qDebug() << "ERROR: Failed to load translation file:" << filePath;
return QString();
static QStringList getUiLanguages(const QString &modelPath)
QStringList languageList( { QObject::tr("Default") } );
// Add the language translations from model path files first which is used by translation developers
// to load translations in progress without having to rebuild all of GPT4All from source
const QDir dir(modelPath);
const QStringList qmFiles = dir.entryList({"*.qm"}, QDir::Files);
for (const QString &fileName : qmFiles)
languageList << getUiLanguage(modelPath, fileName);
// Now add the internal language translations
const QDir dir(":/i18n");
const QStringList qmFiles = dir.entryList({"*.qm"}, QDir::Files);
for (const QString &fileName : qmFiles) {
const QString lang = getUiLanguage(":/i18n", fileName);
if (!languageList.contains(lang))
return languageList;
class MyPrivateSettings: public MySettings { };
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(MyPrivateSettings, settingsInstance)
MySettings *MySettings::globalInstance()
return settingsInstance();
: QObject(nullptr)
, m_deviceList(getDevices())
, m_embeddingsDeviceList(getDevices(/*skipKompute*/ true))
, m_uiLanguages(getUiLanguages(modelPath()))
QVariant MySettings::getBasicSetting(const QString &name) const
return m_settings.value(name, basicDefaults.value(name));
void MySettings::setBasicSetting(const QString &name, const QVariant &value, std::optional<QString> signal)
if (getBasicSetting(name) == value)
m_settings.setValue(name, value);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, u"%1Changed"_s.arg(signal.value_or(name)).toLatin1().constData());
void MySettings::restoreModelDefaults(const ModelInfo &info)
setModelTemperature(info, info.m_temperature);
setModelTopP(info, info.m_topP);
setModelMinP(info, info.m_minP);
setModelTopK(info, info.m_topK);;
setModelMaxLength(info, info.m_maxLength);
setModelPromptBatchSize(info, info.m_promptBatchSize);
setModelContextLength(info, info.m_contextLength);
setModelGpuLayers(info, info.m_gpuLayers);
setModelRepeatPenalty(info, info.m_repeatPenalty);
setModelRepeatPenaltyTokens(info, info.m_repeatPenaltyTokens);
setModelPromptTemplate(info, info.m_promptTemplate);
setModelSystemPrompt(info, info.m_systemPrompt);
setModelChatNamePrompt(info, info.m_chatNamePrompt);
setModelSuggestedFollowUpPrompt(info, info.m_suggestedFollowUpPrompt);
void MySettings::restoreApplicationDefaults()
void MySettings::restoreLocalDocsDefaults()
void MySettings::eraseModel(const ModelInfo &info)
QString MySettings::modelName(const ModelInfo &info) const
return m_settings.value(u"model-%1/name"_s.arg(,
!info.m_name.isEmpty() ? info.m_name : info.m_filename).toString();
void MySettings::setModelName(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
if ((modelName(info) == value || && !force)
if ((info.m_name == value || info.m_filename == value) && !info.shouldSaveMetadata())
m_settings.setValue(u"model-%1/name"_s.arg(, value);
if (!force)
emit nameChanged(info);
static QString modelSettingName(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &name)
return u"model-%1/%2"_s.arg(, name);
QVariant MySettings::getModelSetting(const QString &name, const ModelInfo &info) const
return m_settings.value(modelSettingName(info, name), info.getFields().value(name));
void MySettings::setModelSetting(const QString &name, const ModelInfo &info, const QVariant &value, bool force,
bool signal)
if (!force && ( || getModelSetting(name, info) == value))
QString settingName = modelSettingName(info, name);
if (info.getFields().value(name) == value && !info.shouldSaveMetadata())
m_settings.setValue(settingName, value);
if (signal && !force)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, u"%1Changed"_s.arg(name).toLatin1().constData(), Q_ARG(ModelInfo, info));
QString MySettings::modelFilename (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("filename", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelDescription (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("description", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelUrl (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("url", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelQuant (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("quant", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelType (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("type", info).toString(); }
bool MySettings::modelIsClone (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("isClone", info).toBool(); }
bool MySettings::modelIsDiscovered (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("isDiscovered", info).toBool(); }
int MySettings::modelLikes (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("likes", info).toInt(); }
int MySettings::modelDownloads (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("downloads", info).toInt(); }
QDateTime MySettings::modelRecency (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("recency", info).toDateTime(); }
double MySettings::modelTemperature (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("temperature", info).toDouble(); }
double MySettings::modelTopP (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("topP", info).toDouble(); }
double MySettings::modelMinP (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("minP", info).toDouble(); }
int MySettings::modelTopK (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("topK", info).toInt(); }
int MySettings::modelMaxLength (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("maxLength", info).toInt(); }
int MySettings::modelPromptBatchSize (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("promptBatchSize", info).toInt(); }
int MySettings::modelContextLength (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("contextLength", info).toInt(); }
int MySettings::modelGpuLayers (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("gpuLayers", info).toInt(); }
double MySettings::modelRepeatPenalty (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("repeatPenalty", info).toDouble(); }
int MySettings::modelRepeatPenaltyTokens (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("repeatPenaltyTokens", info).toInt(); }
QString MySettings::modelPromptTemplate (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("promptTemplate", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelSystemPrompt (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("systemPrompt", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelChatNamePrompt (const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("chatNamePrompt", info).toString(); }
QString MySettings::modelSuggestedFollowUpPrompt(const ModelInfo &info) const { return getModelSetting("suggestedFollowUpPrompt", info).toString(); }
void MySettings::setModelFilename(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("filename", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelDescription(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("description", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelUrl(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("url", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelQuant(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("quant", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelType(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("type", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelIsClone(const ModelInfo &info, bool value, bool force)
setModelSetting("isClone", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelIsDiscovered(const ModelInfo &info, bool value, bool force)
setModelSetting("isDiscovered", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelLikes(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("likes", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelDownloads(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("downloads", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelRecency(const ModelInfo &info, const QDateTime &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("recency", info, value, force);
void MySettings::setModelTemperature(const ModelInfo &info, double value, bool force)
setModelSetting("temperature", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelTopP(const ModelInfo &info, double value, bool force)
setModelSetting("topP", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelMinP(const ModelInfo &info, double value, bool force)
setModelSetting("minP", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelTopK(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("topK", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelMaxLength(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("maxLength", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelPromptBatchSize(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("promptBatchSize", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelContextLength(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("contextLength", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelGpuLayers(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("gpuLayers", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelRepeatPenalty(const ModelInfo &info, double value, bool force)
setModelSetting("repeatPenalty", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelRepeatPenaltyTokens(const ModelInfo &info, int value, bool force)
setModelSetting("repeatPenaltyTokens", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelPromptTemplate(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("promptTemplate", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelSystemPrompt(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("systemPrompt", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelChatNamePrompt(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("chatNamePrompt", info, value, force, true);
void MySettings::setModelSuggestedFollowUpPrompt(const ModelInfo &info, const QString &value, bool force)
setModelSetting("suggestedFollowUpPrompt", info, value, force, true);
int MySettings::threadCount() const
int c = m_settings.value("threadCount", defaults::threadCount).toInt();
// The old thread setting likely left many people with 0 in settings config file, which means
// we should reset it to the default going forward
if (c <= 0)
c = defaults::threadCount;
c = std::max(c, 1);
c = std::min(c, QThread::idealThreadCount());
return c;
void MySettings::setThreadCount(int value)
if (threadCount() == value)
value = std::max(value, 1);
value = std::min(value, QThread::idealThreadCount());
m_settings.setValue("threadCount", value);
emit threadCountChanged();
bool MySettings::saveChatsContext() const { return getBasicSetting("saveChatsContext" ).toBool(); }
bool MySettings::serverChat() const { return getBasicSetting("serverChat" ).toBool(); }
int MySettings::networkPort() const { return getBasicSetting("networkPort" ).toInt(); }
QString MySettings::userDefaultModel() const { return getBasicSetting("userDefaultModel" ).toString(); }
QString MySettings::chatTheme() const { return getBasicSetting("chatTheme" ).toString(); }
QString MySettings::fontSize() const { return getBasicSetting("fontSize" ).toString(); }
QString MySettings::lastVersionStarted() const { return getBasicSetting("lastVersionStarted" ).toString(); }
int MySettings::localDocsChunkSize() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/chunkSize" ).toInt(); }
int MySettings::localDocsRetrievalSize() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/retrievalSize" ).toInt(); }
bool MySettings::localDocsShowReferences() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/showReferences").toBool(); }
QStringList MySettings::localDocsFileExtensions() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/fileExtensions").toStringList(); }
bool MySettings::localDocsUseRemoteEmbed() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/useRemoteEmbed").toBool(); }
QString MySettings::localDocsNomicAPIKey() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/nomicAPIKey" ).toString(); }
QString MySettings::localDocsEmbedDevice() const { return getBasicSetting("localdocs/embedDevice" ).toString(); }
QString MySettings::networkAttribution() const { return getBasicSetting("network/attribution" ).toString(); }
SuggestionMode MySettings::suggestionMode() const { return getBasicSetting("suggestionMode").value<SuggestionMode>(); };
void MySettings::setSaveChatsContext(bool value) { setBasicSetting("saveChatsContext", value); }
void MySettings::setServerChat(bool value) { setBasicSetting("serverChat", value); }
void MySettings::setNetworkPort(int value) { setBasicSetting("networkPort", value); }
void MySettings::setUserDefaultModel(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("userDefaultModel", value); }
void MySettings::setChatTheme(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("chatTheme", value); }
void MySettings::setFontSize(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("fontSize", value); }
void MySettings::setLastVersionStarted(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("lastVersionStarted", value); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsChunkSize(int value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/chunkSize", value, "localDocsChunkSize"); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsRetrievalSize(int value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/retrievalSize", value, "localDocsRetrievalSize"); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsShowReferences(bool value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/showReferences", value, "localDocsShowReferences"); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsFileExtensions(const QStringList &value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/fileExtensions", value, "localDocsFileExtensions"); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsUseRemoteEmbed(bool value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/useRemoteEmbed", value, "localDocsUseRemoteEmbed"); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsNomicAPIKey(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/nomicAPIKey", value, "localDocsNomicAPIKey"); }
void MySettings::setLocalDocsEmbedDevice(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("localdocs/embedDevice", value, "localDocsEmbedDevice"); }
void MySettings::setNetworkAttribution(const QString &value) { setBasicSetting("network/attribution", value, "networkAttribution"); }
void MySettings::setSuggestionMode(SuggestionMode value) { setBasicSetting("suggestionMode", int(value)); }
QString MySettings::modelPath()
// We have to migrate the old setting because I changed the setting key recklessly in v2.4.11
// which broke a lot of existing installs
const bool containsOldSetting = m_settings.contains("modelPaths");
if (containsOldSetting) {
const bool containsNewSetting = m_settings.contains("modelPath");
if (!containsNewSetting)
m_settings.setValue("modelPath", m_settings.value("modelPaths"));
return m_settings.value("modelPath", defaultLocalModelsPath()).toString();
void MySettings::setModelPath(const QString &value)
QString filePath = (value.startsWith("file://") ?
QUrl(value).toLocalFile() : value);
QString canonical = QFileInfo(filePath).canonicalFilePath() + "/";
if (modelPath() == canonical)
m_settings.setValue("modelPath", canonical);
emit modelPathChanged();
QString MySettings::device()
auto value = m_settings.value("device");
if (!value.isValid())
return defaults::device;
auto device = value.toString();
if (!device.isEmpty()) {
auto deviceStr = device.toStdString();
auto newNameStr = LLModel::GPUDevice::updateSelectionName(deviceStr);
if (newNameStr != deviceStr) {
auto newName = QString::fromStdString(newNameStr);
qWarning() << "updating device name:" << device << "->" << newName;
device = newName;
m_settings.setValue("device", device);
return device;
void MySettings::setDevice(const QString &value)
if (device() != value) {
m_settings.setValue("device", value);
emit deviceChanged();
bool MySettings::forceMetal() const
return m_forceMetal;
void MySettings::setForceMetal(bool value)
if (m_forceMetal != value) {
m_forceMetal = value;
emit forceMetalChanged(value);
bool MySettings::networkIsActive() const
return m_settings.value("network/isActive", defaults::networkIsActive).toBool();
bool MySettings::isNetworkIsActiveSet() const
return m_settings.value("network/isActive").isValid();
void MySettings::setNetworkIsActive(bool value)
auto cur = m_settings.value("network/isActive");
if (!cur.isValid() || cur.toBool() != value) {
m_settings.setValue("network/isActive", value);
emit networkIsActiveChanged();
bool MySettings::networkUsageStatsActive() const
return m_settings.value("network/usageStatsActive", defaults::networkUsageStatsActive).toBool();
bool MySettings::isNetworkUsageStatsActiveSet() const
return m_settings.value("network/usageStatsActive").isValid();
void MySettings::setNetworkUsageStatsActive(bool value)
auto cur = m_settings.value("network/usageStatsActive");
if (!cur.isValid() || cur.toBool() != value) {
m_settings.setValue("network/usageStatsActive", value);
emit networkUsageStatsActiveChanged();
QString MySettings::languageAndLocale() const
auto value = m_settings.value("languageAndLocale");
if (!value.isValid())
return defaults::languageAndLocale;
return value.toString();
QString MySettings::filePathForLocale(const QLocale &locale)
// Check and see if we have a translation for the chosen locale and set it if possible otherwise
// we return the filepath for the 'en' translation
const QStringList uiLanguages = locale.uiLanguages(QLocale::TagSeparator::Underscore);
// Scan this directory for files named like gpt4all_%1.qm that match and if so return them first
// this is the model download directory and it can be used by translation developers who are
// trying to test their translations by just compiling the translation with the lrelease tool
// rather than having to recompile all of GPT4All
QString directory = modelPath();
for (const QString &bcp47Name : uiLanguages) {
QString filePath = QString("%1/gpt4all_%2.qm").arg(directory).arg(bcp47Name);
QFileInfo filePathInfo(filePath);
if (filePathInfo.exists()) return filePath;
// Now scan the internal built-in translations
for (QString bcp47Name : uiLanguages) {
QString filePath = QString(":/i18n/gpt4all_%1.qm").arg(bcp47Name);
QFileInfo filePathInfo(filePath);
if (filePathInfo.exists()) return filePath;
return QString(":/i18n/gpt4all_en.qm");
void MySettings::setLanguageAndLocale(const QString &bcp47Name)
if (!bcp47Name.isEmpty() && languageAndLocale() != bcp47Name)
m_settings.setValue("languageAndLocale", bcp47Name);
// When the app is started this method is called with no bcp47Name given which sets the translation
// to either the default which is the system locale or the one explicitly set by the user previously.
QLocale locale;
const QString l = languageAndLocale();
if (l == "Default")
locale = QLocale::system();
locale = QLocale(l);
// If we previously installed a translator, then remove it
if (m_translator) {
if (!qGuiApp->removeTranslator(m_translator)) {
qDebug() << "ERROR: Failed to remove the previous translator";
} else {
delete m_translator;
m_translator = nullptr;
// We expect that the translator was removed and is now a nullptr
const QString filePath = filePathForLocale(locale);
// Installing the default gpt4all_en.qm fails presumably because it has no strings that are
// different from the ones stored in the binary
if (!m_translator && !filePath.endsWith("en.qm")) {
// Create a new translator object on the heap
m_translator = new QTranslator(this);
bool success = m_translator->load(filePath);
if (!success) {
qDebug() << "ERROR: Failed to load translation file:" << filePath;
delete m_translator;
m_translator = nullptr;
// If we've successfully loaded it, then try and install it
if (!qGuiApp->installTranslator(m_translator)) {
qDebug() << "ERROR: Failed to install the translator:" << filePath;
delete m_translator;
m_translator = nullptr;
// Finally, set the locale whether we have a translation or not
emit languageAndLocaleChanged();