You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
5.1 KiB

#ifndef DATABASE_H
#define DATABASE_H
#include "embllm.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QLatin1String>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QObject>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QString>
#include <QThread>
#include <QVector>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QtSql>
#include <cstddef>
class EmbeddingLLM;
class Embeddings;
class QFileSystemWatcher;
class QSqlError;
class QTextStream;
class QTimer;
struct DocumentInfo
int folder;
QFileInfo doc;
int currentPage = 0;
size_t currentPosition = 0;
bool currentlyProcessing = false;
bool isPdf() const {
return doc.suffix() == QLatin1String("pdf");
struct ResultInfo {
QString file; // [Required] The name of the file, but not the full path
QString title; // [Optional] The title of the document
QString author; // [Optional] The author of the document
QString date; // [Required] The creation or the last modification date whichever is latest
QString text; // [Required] The text actually used in the augmented context
int page = -1; // [Optional] The page where the text was found
int from = -1; // [Optional] The line number where the text begins
int to = -1; // [Optional] The line number where the text ends
struct CollectionItem {
QString collection;
QString folder_path;
int folder_id = -1;
bool installed = false;
bool indexing = false;
QString error;
int currentDocsToIndex = 0;
int totalDocsToIndex = 0;
size_t currentBytesToIndex = 0;
size_t totalBytesToIndex = 0;
size_t currentEmbeddingsToIndex = 0;
size_t totalEmbeddingsToIndex = 0;
class Database : public QObject
Database(int chunkSize);
virtual ~Database();
public Q_SLOTS:
void start();
void scanQueue();
void scanDocuments(int folder_id, const QString &folder_path, bool isNew);
bool addFolder(const QString &collection, const QString &path, bool fromDb);
void removeFolder(const QString &collection, const QString &path);
void retrieveFromDB(const QList<QString> &collections, const QString &text, int retrievalSize, QList<ResultInfo> *results);
void cleanDB();
void changeChunkSize(int chunkSize);
void docsToScanChanged();
void updateInstalled(int folder_id, bool b);
void updateIndexing(int folder_id, bool b);
void updateError(int folder_id, const QString &error);
void updateCurrentDocsToIndex(int folder_id, size_t currentDocsToIndex);
void updateTotalDocsToIndex(int folder_id, size_t totalDocsToIndex);
void subtractCurrentBytesToIndex(int folder_id, size_t subtractedBytes);
void updateCurrentBytesToIndex(int folder_id, size_t currentBytesToIndex);
void updateTotalBytesToIndex(int folder_id, size_t totalBytesToIndex);
void updateCurrentEmbeddingsToIndex(int folder_id, size_t currentBytesToIndex);
void updateTotalEmbeddingsToIndex(int folder_id, size_t totalBytesToIndex);
void addCollectionItem(const CollectionItem &item, bool fromDb);
void removeFolderById(int folder_id);
void collectionListUpdated(const QList<CollectionItem> &collectionList);
private Q_SLOTS:
void directoryChanged(const QString &path);
bool addFolderToWatch(const QString &path);
bool removeFolderFromWatch(const QString &path);
int addCurrentFolders();
void handleEmbeddingsGenerated(const QVector<EmbeddingResult> &embeddings);
void handleErrorGenerated(int folder_id, const QString &error);
enum class FolderStatus { Started, Embedding, Complete };
struct FolderStatusRecord { qint64 startTime; bool isNew; int numDocs, docsChanged, chunksRead; };
void removeFolderInternal(const QString &collection, int folder_id, const QString &path);
size_t chunkStream(QTextStream &stream, int folder_id, int document_id, const QString &file,
const QString &title, const QString &author, const QString &subject, const QString &keywords, int page,
int maxChunks = -1);
void removeEmbeddingsByDocumentId(int document_id);
void scheduleNext(int folder_id, size_t countForFolder);
void handleDocumentError(const QString &errorMessage,
int document_id, const QString &document_path, const QSqlError &error);
size_t countOfDocuments(int folder_id) const;
size_t countOfBytes(int folder_id) const;
DocumentInfo dequeueDocument();
void removeFolderFromDocumentQueue(int folder_id);
void enqueueDocumentInternal(const DocumentInfo &info, bool prepend = false);
void enqueueDocuments(int folder_id, const QVector<DocumentInfo> &infos);
void updateIndexingStatus();
void updateFolderStatus(int folder_id, FolderStatus status, int numDocs = -1, bool atStart = false, bool isNew = false);
int m_chunkSize;
QTimer *m_scanTimer;
QMap<int, QQueue<DocumentInfo>> m_docsToScan;
QElapsedTimer m_indexingTimer;
QMap<int, FolderStatusRecord> m_foldersBeingIndexed;
QList<ResultInfo> m_retrieve;
QThread m_dbThread;
QFileSystemWatcher *m_watcher;
EmbeddingLLM *m_embLLM;
Embeddings *m_embeddings;
#endif // DATABASE_H