#ifndef CHATLLM_H #define CHATLLM_H #include "database.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "modellist.h" #include "../gpt4all-backend/llmodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals; class QDataStream; enum LLModelType { GPTJ_, LLAMA_, API_, }; struct LLModelInfo { std::unique_ptr model; QFileInfo fileInfo; // NOTE: This does not store the model type or name on purpose as this is left for ChatLLM which // must be able to serialize the information even if it is in the unloaded state }; class TokenTimer : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit TokenTimer(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_elapsed(0) {} static int rollingAverage(int oldAvg, int newNumber, int n) { // i.e. to calculate the new average after then nth number, // you multiply the old average by n−1, add the new number, and divide the total by n. return qRound(((float(oldAvg) * (n - 1)) + newNumber) / float(n)); } void start() { m_tokens = 0; m_elapsed = 0; m_time.invalidate(); } void stop() { handleTimeout(); } void inc() { if (!m_time.isValid()) m_time.start(); ++m_tokens; if (m_time.elapsed() > 999) handleTimeout(); } Q_SIGNALS: void report(const QString &speed); private Q_SLOTS: void handleTimeout() { m_elapsed += m_time.restart(); emit report(u"%1 tokens/sec"_s.arg(m_tokens / float(m_elapsed / 1000.0f), 0, 'g', 2)); } private: QElapsedTimer m_time; qint64 m_elapsed; quint32 m_tokens; }; class Chat; class ChatLLM : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool isRecalc READ isRecalc NOTIFY recalcChanged) public: ChatLLM(Chat *parent, bool isServer = false); virtual ~ChatLLM(); void destroy(); static void destroyStore(); bool isModelLoaded() const; void regenerateResponse(); void resetResponse(); void resetContext(); void stopGenerating() { m_stopGenerating = true; } bool shouldBeLoaded() const { return m_shouldBeLoaded; } void setShouldBeLoaded(bool b); void requestTrySwitchContext(); void setForceUnloadModel(bool b) { m_forceUnloadModel = b; } void setMarkedForDeletion(bool b) { m_markedForDeletion = b; } QString response() const; ModelInfo modelInfo() const; void setModelInfo(const ModelInfo &info); bool isRecalc() const { return m_isRecalc; } QString generatedName() const { return QString::fromStdString(m_nameResponse); } bool serialize(QDataStream &stream, int version, bool serializeKV); bool deserialize(QDataStream &stream, int version, bool deserializeKV, bool discardKV); void setStateFromText(const QVector> &stateFromText) { m_stateFromText = stateFromText; } public Q_SLOTS: bool prompt(const QList &collectionList, const QString &prompt); bool loadDefaultModel(); void trySwitchContextOfLoadedModel(const ModelInfo &modelInfo); bool loadModel(const ModelInfo &modelInfo); void modelChangeRequested(const ModelInfo &modelInfo); void unloadModel(); void reloadModel(); void generateName(); void handleChatIdChanged(const QString &id); void handleShouldBeLoadedChanged(); void handleThreadStarted(); void handleForceMetalChanged(bool forceMetal); void handleDeviceChanged(); void processSystemPrompt(); void processRestoreStateFromText(); Q_SIGNALS: void recalcChanged(); void modelLoadingPercentageChanged(float); void modelLoadingError(const QString &error); void modelLoadingWarning(const QString &warning); void responseChanged(const QString &response); void promptProcessing(); void responseStopped(qint64 promptResponseMs); void generatedNameChanged(const QString &name); void stateChanged(); void threadStarted(); void shouldBeLoadedChanged(); void trySwitchContextRequested(const ModelInfo &modelInfo); void trySwitchContextOfLoadedModelCompleted(int value); void requestRetrieveFromDB(const QList &collections, const QString &text, int retrievalSize, QList *results); void reportSpeed(const QString &speed); void reportDevice(const QString &device); void reportFallbackReason(const QString &fallbackReason); void databaseResultsChanged(const QList&); void modelInfoChanged(const ModelInfo &modelInfo); protected: bool promptInternal(const QList &collectionList, const QString &prompt, const QString &promptTemplate, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p, float min_p, float temp, int32_t n_batch, float repeat_penalty, int32_t repeat_penalty_tokens); bool handlePrompt(int32_t token); bool handleResponse(int32_t token, const std::string &response); bool handleRecalculate(bool isRecalc); bool handleNamePrompt(int32_t token); bool handleNameResponse(int32_t token, const std::string &response); bool handleNameRecalculate(bool isRecalc); bool handleSystemPrompt(int32_t token); bool handleSystemResponse(int32_t token, const std::string &response); bool handleSystemRecalculate(bool isRecalc); bool handleRestoreStateFromTextPrompt(int32_t token); bool handleRestoreStateFromTextResponse(int32_t token, const std::string &response); bool handleRestoreStateFromTextRecalculate(bool isRecalc); void saveState(); void restoreState(); protected: LLModel::PromptContext m_ctx; quint32 m_promptTokens; quint32 m_promptResponseTokens; private: std::string m_response; std::string m_nameResponse; LLModelInfo m_llModelInfo; LLModelType m_llModelType; ModelInfo m_modelInfo; TokenTimer *m_timer; QByteArray m_state; QThread m_llmThread; std::atomic m_stopGenerating; std::atomic m_shouldBeLoaded; std::atomic m_isRecalc; std::atomic m_forceUnloadModel; std::atomic m_markedForDeletion; bool m_isServer; bool m_forceMetal; bool m_reloadingToChangeVariant; bool m_processedSystemPrompt; bool m_restoreStateFromText; // m_pristineLoadedState is set if saveSate is unnecessary, either because: // - an unload was queued during LLModel::restoreState() // - the chat will be restored from text and hasn't been interacted with yet bool m_pristineLoadedState = false; QVector> m_stateFromText; }; #endif // CHATLLM_H