from setuptools import setup, find_packages import os import pathlib import platform import shutil package_name = "gpt4all" # Define the location of your prebuilt C library files SRC_CLIB_DIRECTORY = os.path.join("..", "..", "gpt4all-backend") SRC_CLIB_BUILD_DIRECTORY = os.path.join("..", "..", "gpt4all-backend", "build") LIB_NAME = "llmodel" DEST_CLIB_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(package_name, f"{LIB_NAME}_DO_NOT_MODIFY") DEST_CLIB_BUILD_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(DEST_CLIB_DIRECTORY, "build") system = platform.system() def get_c_shared_lib_extension(): if system == "Darwin": return "dylib" elif system == "Linux": return "so" elif system == "Windows": return "dll" else: raise Exception("Operating System not supported") lib_ext = get_c_shared_lib_extension() def copy_prebuilt_C_lib(src_dir, dest_dir, dest_build_dir): files_copied = 0 if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) os.mkdir(dest_build_dir) for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(src_dir): for item in filenames: # copy over header files to dest dir s = os.path.join(dirpath, item) if item.endswith(".h"): d = os.path.join(dest_dir, item) shutil.copy2(s, d) files_copied += 1 if item.endswith(lib_ext) or item.endswith('.metallib'): s = os.path.join(dirpath, item) d = os.path.join(dest_build_dir, item) shutil.copy2(s, d) files_copied += 1 return files_copied # NOTE: You must provide correct path to the prebuilt llmodel C library. # Specifically, the llmodel.h and C shared library are needed. copy_prebuilt_C_lib(SRC_CLIB_DIRECTORY, DEST_CLIB_DIRECTORY, DEST_CLIB_BUILD_DIRECTORY) def get_long_description(): with open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "", encoding="utf-8") as fp: return setup( name=package_name, version="2.7.0", description="Python bindings for GPT4All", long_description=get_long_description(), long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author="Nomic and the Open Source Community", author_email="", url="", project_urls={ "Documentation": "", "Source code": "", }, classifiers = [ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ], python_requires='>=3.8', packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[ 'requests', 'tqdm', 'importlib_resources; python_version < "3.9"', 'typing-extensions>=4.3.0; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.11"', ], extras_require={ 'cuda': [ 'nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12', 'nvidia-cublas-cu12', ], 'all': [ 'gpt4all[cuda]; platform_system == "Windows" or platform_system == "Linux"', ], 'dev': [ 'gpt4all[all]', 'pytest', 'twine', 'wheel', 'setuptools', 'mkdocs-material', 'mkautodoc', 'mkdocstrings[python]', 'mkdocs-jupyter', 'black', 'isort', 'typing-extensions>=3.10', ] }, package_data={'llmodel': [os.path.join(DEST_CLIB_DIRECTORY, "*")]}, include_package_data=True )