#include "utils.h" #include #include void replace(std::string & str, const std::string & needle, const std::string & replacement) { size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = str.find(needle, pos)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(pos, needle.length(), replacement); pos += replacement.length(); } } std::map json_parse(const std::string & fname) { std::map result; // read file into string std::string json; { std::ifstream ifs(fname); if (!ifs) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", fname.c_str()); exit(1); } json = std::string((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); } if (json[0] != '{') { return result; } // parse json { bool has_key = false; bool in_token = false; std::string str_key = ""; std::string str_val = ""; int n = json.size(); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if (!in_token) { if (json[i] == ' ') continue; if (json[i] == '"') { in_token = true; continue; } } else { if (json[i] == '\\' && i+1 < n) { if (has_key == false) { str_key += json[i]; } else { str_val += json[i]; } ++i; } else if (json[i] == '"') { if (has_key == false) { has_key = true; ++i; while (json[i] == ' ') ++i; ++i; // : while (json[i] == ' ') ++i; if (json[i] != '\"') { while (json[i] != ',' && json[i] != '}') { str_val += json[i++]; } has_key = false; } else { in_token = true; continue; } } else { has_key = false; } ::replace(str_key, "\\u0120", " " ); // \u0120 -> space ::replace(str_key, "\\u010a", "\n"); // \u010a -> new line ::replace(str_key, "\\\"", "\""); // \\\" -> " try { result[str_key] = std::stoi(str_val); } catch (...) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignoring key '%s' with value '%s'\n", fname.c_str(), str_key.c_str(), str_val.c_str()); } str_key = ""; str_val = ""; in_token = false; continue; } if (has_key == false) { str_key += json[i]; } else { str_val += json[i]; } } } } return result; } std::vector gpt_tokenize_inner(const gpt_vocab & vocab, const std::string & text) { std::vector words; // first split the text into words { std::string str = text; std::string pat = R"('s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d| ?[[:alpha:]]+| ?[[:digit:]]+| ?[^\s[:alpha:][:digit:]]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+)"; std::regex re(pat); std::smatch m; while (std::regex_search(str, m, re)) { for (auto x : m) { words.push_back(x); } str = m.suffix(); } } // find the longest tokens that form the words: std::vector tokens; for (const auto & word : words) { if (word.size() == 0) continue; int i = 0; int n = word.size(); while (i < n) { int j = n; while (j > i) { auto it = vocab.token_to_id.find(word.substr(i, j-i)); if (it != vocab.token_to_id.end()) { tokens.push_back(it->second); i = j; break; } --j; } if (i == n) { break; } if (j == i) { auto sub = word.substr(i, 1); if (vocab.token_to_id.find(sub) != vocab.token_to_id.end()) { tokens.push_back(vocab.token_to_id.at(sub)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown token '%s'\n", __func__, sub.data()); } ++i; } } } return tokens; } std::string regex_escape(const std::string &s) { static const std::regex metacharacters(R"([\.\^\$\-\+\(\)\[\]\{\}\|\?\*])"); return std::regex_replace(s, metacharacters, "\\$&"); } std::vector gpt_tokenize(const gpt_vocab & vocab, const std::string & text) { // Generate the subpattern from the special_tokens vector if it's not empty if (!vocab.special_tokens.empty()) { std::vector out; std::vector chunks; std::string str = text; std::string special_tokens_subpattern; for (const auto &token : vocab.special_tokens) { if (!special_tokens_subpattern.empty()) { special_tokens_subpattern += "|"; } special_tokens_subpattern += regex_escape(token); } std::regex re(special_tokens_subpattern); std::smatch m; while (std::regex_search(str, m, re)) { auto tok = vocab.token_to_id.find(m.str()); if (tok != vocab.token_to_id.end()) { auto tokid = tok->second; auto pfxtoks = gpt_tokenize_inner(vocab, m.prefix()); out.insert(out.end(), pfxtoks.begin(), pfxtoks.end()); out.push_back(tokid); str = m.suffix(); } } if (!str.empty()) { auto tokrest = gpt_tokenize_inner(vocab, str); out.insert(out.end(), tokrest.begin(), tokrest.end()); } return out; } else { return gpt_tokenize_inner(vocab, text); } } bool gpt_vocab_init(const std::string & fname, gpt_vocab & vocab) { printf("%s: loading vocab from '%s'\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); vocab.token_to_id = ::json_parse(fname); for (const auto & kv : vocab.token_to_id) { vocab.id_to_token[kv.second] = kv.first; } printf("%s: vocab size = %d\n", __func__, (int) vocab.token_to_id.size()); // print the vocabulary //for (auto kv : vocab.token_to_id) { // printf("'%s' -> %d\n", kv.first.data(), kv.second); //} return true; } gpt_vocab::id gpt_sample_top_k_top_p( const gpt_vocab & vocab, const size_t actualVocabSize, const int32_t * last_n_tokens_data, int last_n_tokens_size, const std::vector logits, int top_k, double top_p, double temp, float repeat_penalty, std::mt19937 & rng) { int n_logits = actualVocabSize; const auto last_n_tokens = std::vector(last_n_tokens_data, last_n_tokens_data + last_n_tokens_size); const auto * plogits = logits.data() + logits.size() - n_logits; std::vector> logits_id; logits_id.reserve(n_logits); { const float scale = 1.0f/temp; for (int i = 0; i < n_logits; ++i) { // repetition penalty from ctrl paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.05858) // credit https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama/compare/main...shawwn:llama:main if (std::find(last_n_tokens.begin(), last_n_tokens.end(), i) != last_n_tokens.end()) { // if score < 0 then repetition penalty has to multiplied to reduce the previous token probability if (plogits[i] < 0.0f) { logits_id.push_back(std::make_pair(plogits[i]*scale*repeat_penalty, i)); } else { logits_id.push_back(std::make_pair(plogits[i]*scale/repeat_penalty, i)); } } else { logits_id.push_back(std::make_pair(plogits[i]*scale, i)); } } } // find the top K tokens std::partial_sort( logits_id.begin(), logits_id.begin() + top_k, logits_id.end(), [](const std::pair & a, const std::pair & b) { return a.first > b.first; }); logits_id.resize(top_k); double maxl = -INFINITY; for (const auto & kv : logits_id) { maxl = std::max(maxl, kv.first); } // compute probs for the top K tokens std::vector probs; probs.reserve(logits_id.size()); double sum = 0.0; for (const auto & kv : logits_id) { double p = exp(kv.first - maxl); probs.push_back(p); sum += p; } // normalize the probs for (auto & p : probs) { p /= sum; } if (top_p < 1.0f) { double cumsum = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < top_k; i++) { cumsum += probs[i]; if (cumsum >= top_p) { top_k = i + 1; probs.resize(top_k); logits_id.resize(top_k); break; } } cumsum = 1.0/cumsum; for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); i++) { probs[i] *= cumsum; } } //printf("\n"); //for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); i++) { // printf("%d: '%s' %f\n", i, vocab.id_to_token.at(logits_id[i].second).c_str(), probs[i]); //} //exit(0); std::discrete_distribution<> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end()); int idx = dist(rng); return logits_id[idx].second; }