#include "llmodel.h" #include "dlhandle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # ifndef NOMINMAX # define NOMINMAX # endif # include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER # include #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__aarch64__) # include "sysinfo.h" // for getSystemTotalRAMInBytes #endif namespace fs = std::filesystem; #ifndef __APPLE__ static const std::string DEFAULT_BACKENDS[] = {"kompute", "cpu"}; #elif defined(__aarch64__) static const std::string DEFAULT_BACKENDS[] = {"metal", "cpu"}; #else static const std::string DEFAULT_BACKENDS[] = {"cpu"}; #endif std::string s_implementations_search_path = "."; #if !(defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64)) // irrelevant on non-x86_64 #define cpu_supports_avx() -1 #define cpu_supports_avx2() -1 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC static int get_cpu_info(int func_id, int reg_id) { int info[4]; __cpuid(info, func_id); return info[reg_id]; } // AVX via EAX=1: Processor Info and Feature Bits, bit 28 of ECX #define cpu_supports_avx() !!(get_cpu_info(1, 2) & (1 << 28)) // AVX2 via EAX=7, ECX=0: Extended Features, bit 5 of EBX #define cpu_supports_avx2() !!(get_cpu_info(7, 1) & (1 << 5)) #else // gcc/clang #define cpu_supports_avx() !!__builtin_cpu_supports("avx") #define cpu_supports_avx2() !!__builtin_cpu_supports("avx2") #endif LLModel::Implementation::Implementation(Dlhandle &&dlhandle_) : m_dlhandle(new Dlhandle(std::move(dlhandle_))) { auto get_model_type = m_dlhandle->get("get_model_type"); assert(get_model_type); m_modelType = get_model_type(); auto get_build_variant = m_dlhandle->get("get_build_variant"); assert(get_build_variant); m_buildVariant = get_build_variant(); m_getFileArch = m_dlhandle->get("get_file_arch"); assert(m_getFileArch); m_isArchSupported = m_dlhandle->get("is_arch_supported"); assert(m_isArchSupported); m_construct = m_dlhandle->get("construct"); assert(m_construct); } LLModel::Implementation::Implementation(Implementation &&o) : m_getFileArch(o.m_getFileArch) , m_isArchSupported(o.m_isArchSupported) , m_construct(o.m_construct) , m_modelType(o.m_modelType) , m_buildVariant(o.m_buildVariant) , m_dlhandle(o.m_dlhandle) { o.m_dlhandle = nullptr; } LLModel::Implementation::~Implementation() { delete m_dlhandle; } static bool isImplementation(const Dlhandle &dl) { return dl.get("is_g4a_backend_model_implementation"); } // Add the CUDA Toolkit to the DLL search path on Windows. // This is necessary for chat.exe to find CUDA when started from Qt Creator. static void addCudaSearchPath() { #ifdef _WIN32 if (const auto *cudaPath = _wgetenv(L"CUDA_PATH")) { auto libDir = std::wstring(cudaPath) + L"\\bin"; if (!AddDllDirectory(libDir.c_str())) { auto err = GetLastError(); std::wcerr << L"AddDllDirectory(\"" << libDir << L"\") failed with error 0x" << std::hex << err << L"\n"; } } #endif } const std::vector &LLModel::Implementation::implementationList() { if (cpu_supports_avx() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("CPU does not support AVX"); } // NOTE: allocated on heap so we leak intentionally on exit so we have a chance to clean up the // individual models without the cleanup of the static list interfering static auto* libs = new std::vector([] () { std::vector fres; addCudaSearchPath(); std::string impl_name_re = "llamamodel-mainline-(cpu|metal|kompute|vulkan|cuda)"; if (cpu_supports_avx2() == 0) { impl_name_re += "-avxonly"; } std::regex re(impl_name_re); auto search_in_directory = [&](const std::string& paths) { std::stringstream ss(paths); std::string path; // Split the paths string by the delimiter and process each path. while (std::getline(ss, path, ';')) { std::u8string u8_path(path.begin(), path.end()); // Iterate over all libraries for (const auto &f : fs::directory_iterator(u8_path)) { const fs::path &p = f.path(); if (p.extension() != LIB_FILE_EXT) continue; if (!std::regex_search(p.stem().string(), re)) continue; // Add to list if model implementation Dlhandle dl; try { dl = Dlhandle(p); } catch (const Dlhandle::Exception &e) { std::cerr << "Failed to load " << p.filename().string() << ": " << e.what() << "\n"; continue; } if (!isImplementation(dl)) { std::cerr << "Not an implementation: " << p.filename().string() << "\n"; continue; } fres.emplace_back(Implementation(std::move(dl))); } } }; search_in_directory(s_implementations_search_path); return fres; }()); // Return static result return *libs; } static std::string applyCPUVariant(const std::string &buildVariant) { if (buildVariant != "metal" && cpu_supports_avx2() == 0) { return buildVariant + "-avxonly"; } return buildVariant; } const LLModel::Implementation* LLModel::Implementation::implementation(const char *fname, const std::string& buildVariant) { bool buildVariantMatched = false; std::optional archName; for (const auto& i : implementationList()) { if (buildVariant != i.m_buildVariant) continue; buildVariantMatched = true; char *arch = i.m_getFileArch(fname); if (!arch) continue; archName = arch; bool archSupported = i.m_isArchSupported(arch); free(arch); if (archSupported) return &i; } if (!buildVariantMatched) return nullptr; if (!archName) throw UnsupportedModelError("Unsupported file format"); throw BadArchError(std::move(*archName)); } LLModel *LLModel::Implementation::construct(const std::string &modelPath, const std::string &backend, int n_ctx) { std::vector desiredBackends; if (backend != "auto") { desiredBackends.push_back(backend); } else { desiredBackends.insert(desiredBackends.end(), DEFAULT_BACKENDS, std::end(DEFAULT_BACKENDS)); } for (const auto &desiredBackend: desiredBackends) { const auto *impl = implementation(modelPath.c_str(), applyCPUVariant(desiredBackend)); if (impl) { // Construct llmodel implementation auto *fres = impl->m_construct(); fres->m_implementation = impl; #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__aarch64__) // FIXME: See if metal works for intel macs /* TODO(cebtenzzre): after we fix requiredMem, we should change this to happen at * load time, not construct time. right now n_ctx is incorrectly hardcoded 2048 in * most (all?) places where this is called, causing underestimation of required * memory. */ if (backend == "auto" && desiredBackend == "metal") { // on a 16GB M2 Mac a 13B q4_0 (0.52) works for me but a 13B q4_K_M (0.55) does not size_t req_mem = fres->requiredMem(modelPath, n_ctx, 100); if (req_mem >= size_t(0.53f * getSystemTotalRAMInBytes())) { delete fres; continue; } } #else (void)n_ctx; #endif return fres; } } throw MissingImplementationError("Could not find any implementations for backend: " + backend); } LLModel *LLModel::Implementation::constructGlobalLlama(const std::optional &backend) { static std::unordered_map> implCache; const std::vector *impls; try { impls = &implementationList(); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { std::cerr << __func__ << ": implementationList failed: " << e.what() << "\n"; return nullptr; } std::vector desiredBackends; if (backend) { desiredBackends.push_back(backend.value()); } else { desiredBackends.insert(desiredBackends.end(), DEFAULT_BACKENDS, std::end(DEFAULT_BACKENDS)); } const Implementation *impl = nullptr; for (const auto &desiredBackend: desiredBackends) { auto cacheIt = implCache.find(desiredBackend); if (cacheIt != implCache.end()) return cacheIt->second.get(); // cached for (const auto &i: *impls) { if (i.m_modelType == "LLaMA" && i.m_buildVariant == applyCPUVariant(desiredBackend)) { impl = &i; break; } } if (impl) { auto *fres = impl->m_construct(); fres->m_implementation = impl; implCache[desiredBackend] = std::unique_ptr(fres); return fres; } } std::cerr << __func__ << ": could not find Llama implementation for backend: " << backend.value_or("default") << "\n"; return nullptr; } std::vector LLModel::Implementation::availableGPUDevices(size_t memoryRequired) { std::vector devices; #ifndef __APPLE__ static const std::string backends[] = {"kompute", "cuda"}; for (const auto &backend: backends) { auto *llama = constructGlobalLlama(backend); if (llama) { auto backendDevs = llama->availableGPUDevices(memoryRequired); devices.insert(devices.end(), backendDevs.begin(), backendDevs.end()); } } #endif return devices; } int32_t LLModel::Implementation::maxContextLength(const std::string &modelPath) { auto *llama = constructGlobalLlama(); return llama ? llama->maxContextLength(modelPath) : -1; } int32_t LLModel::Implementation::layerCount(const std::string &modelPath) { auto *llama = constructGlobalLlama(); return llama ? llama->layerCount(modelPath) : -1; } bool LLModel::Implementation::isEmbeddingModel(const std::string &modelPath) { auto *llama = constructGlobalLlama(); return llama && llama->isEmbeddingModel(modelPath); } void LLModel::Implementation::setImplementationsSearchPath(const std::string& path) { s_implementations_search_path = path; } const std::string& LLModel::Implementation::implementationsSearchPath() { return s_implementations_search_path; } bool LLModel::Implementation::hasSupportedCPU() { return cpu_supports_avx() != 0; } int LLModel::Implementation::cpuSupportsAVX2() { return cpu_supports_avx2(); }