# GPT4All CLI The GPT4All command-line interface (CLI) is a Python script which is built on top of the [Python bindings][docs-bindings-python] ([repository][repo-bindings-python]) and the [typer] package. The source code, README, and local build instructions can be found [here][repo-bindings-cli]. [docs-bindings-python]: gpt4all_python.html [repo-bindings-python]: https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/tree/main/gpt4all-bindings/python [repo-bindings-cli]: https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/tree/main/gpt4all-bindings/cli [typer]: https://typer.tiangolo.com/ ## Installation ### The Short Version The CLI is a Python script called [app.py]. If you're already familiar with Python best practices, the short version is to [download app.py][app.py-download] into a folder of your choice, install the two required dependencies with some variant of: ```shell pip install gpt4all typer ``` Then run it with a variant of: ```shell python app.py repl ``` In case you're wondering, _REPL_ is an acronym for [read-eval-print loop][wiki-repl]. [app.py]: https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/blob/main/gpt4all-bindings/cli/app.py [app.py-download]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/main/gpt4all-bindings/cli/app.py [wiki-repl]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop ### Recommendations & The Long Version Especially if you have several applications/libraries which depend on Python, to avoid descending into dependency hell at some point, you should: - Consider to always install into some kind of [_virtual environment_][venv]. - On a _Unix-like_ system, don't use `sudo` for anything other than packages provided by the system package manager, i.e. never with `pip`. [venv]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html There are several ways and tools available to do this, so below are descriptions on how to install with a _virtual environment_ (recommended) or a user installation on all three main platforms. Different platforms can have slightly different ways to start the Python interpreter itself. Note: _Typer_ has an optional dependency for more fanciful output. If you want that, replace `typer` with `typer[all]` in the pip-install instructions below. #### Virtual Environment Installation You can name your _virtual environment_ folder for the CLI whatever you like. In the following, `gpt4all-cli` is used throughout. ##### macOS There are at least three ways to have a Python installation on _macOS_, and possibly not all of them provide a full installation of Python and its tools. When in doubt, try the following: ```shell python3 -m venv --help python3 -m pip --help ``` Both should print the help for the `venv` and `pip` commands, respectively. If they don't, consult the documentation of your Python installation on how to enable them, or download a separate Python variant, for example try an [unified installer package from python.org][python.org-downloads]. [python.org-downloads]: https://www.python.org/downloads/ Once ready, do: ```shell python3 -m venv gpt4all-cli . gpt4all-cli/bin/activate python3 -m pip install gpt4all typer ``` ##### Windows Download the [official installer from python.org][python.org-downloads] if Python isn't already present on your system. A _Windows_ installation should already provide all the components for a _virtual environment_. Run: ```shell py -3 -m venv gpt4all-cli gpt4all-cli\Scripts\activate py -m pip install gpt4all typer ``` ##### Linux On Linux, a Python installation is often split into several packages and not all are necessarily installed by default. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu and derived distros, you will want to ensure their presence with the following: ```shell sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-pip ``` The next steps are similar to the other platforms: ```shell python3 -m venv gpt4all-cli . gpt4all-cli/bin/activate python3 -m pip install gpt4all typer ``` On other distros, the situation might be different. Especially the package names can vary a lot. You'll have to look it up in the documentation, software directory, or package search. #### User Installation ##### macOS There are at least three ways to have a Python installation on _macOS_, and possibly not all of them provide a full installation of Python and its tools. When in doubt, try the following: ```shell python3 -m pip --help ``` That should print the help for the `pip` command. If it doesn't, consult the documentation of your Python installation on how to enable them, or download a separate Python variant, for example try an [unified installer package from python.org][python.org-downloads]. Once ready, do: ```shell python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade gpt4all typer ``` ##### Windows Download the [official installer from python.org][python.org-downloads] if Python isn't already present on your system. It includes all the necessary components. Run: ```shell py -3 -m pip install --user --upgrade gpt4all typer ``` ##### Linux On Linux, a Python installation is often split into several packages and not all are necessarily installed by default. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu and derived distros, you will want to ensure their presence with the following: ```shell sudo apt-get install python3-pip ``` The next steps are similar to the other platforms: ```shell python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade gpt4all typer ``` On other distros, the situation might be different. Especially the package names can vary a lot. You'll have to look it up in the documentation, software directory, or package search. ## Running the CLI The CLI is a self-contained script called [app.py]. As such, you can [download][app.py-download] and save it anywhere you like, as long as the Python interpreter has access to the mentioned dependencies. Note: different platforms can have slightly different ways to start Python. Whereas below the interpreter command is written as `python` you typically want to type instead: - On _Unix-like_ systems: `python3` - On _Windows_: `py -3` The simplest way to start the CLI is: ```shell python app.py repl ``` This automatically selects the [groovy] model and downloads it into the `.cache/gpt4all/` folder of your home directory, if not already present. [groovy]: https://huggingface.co/nomic-ai/gpt4all-j#model-details If you want to use a different model, you can do so with the `-m`/`--model` parameter. If only a model file name is provided, it will again check in `.cache/gpt4all/` and might start downloading. If instead given a path to an existing model, the command could for example look like this: ```shell python app.py repl --model /home/user/my-gpt4all-models/GPT4All-13B-snoozy.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin ``` When you're done and want to end a session, simply type `/exit`. To get help and information on all the available commands and options on the command-line, run: ```shell python app.py --help ``` And while inside the running _REPL_, write `/help`. Note that if you've installed the required packages into a _virtual environment_, you don't need to activate that every time you want to run the CLI. Instead, you can just start it with the Python interpreter in the folder `gpt4all-cli/bin/` (_Unix-like_) or `gpt4all-cli/Script/` (_Windows_). That also makes it easy to set an alias e.g. in [Bash][bash-aliases] or [PowerShell][posh-aliases]: - Bash: `alias gpt4all="'/full/path/to/gpt4all-cli/bin/python' '/full/path/to/app.py' repl"` - PowerShell: ```posh Function GPT4All-Venv-CLI {"C:\full\path\to\gpt4all-cli\Scripts\python.exe" "C:\full\path\to\app.py" repl} Set-Alias -Name gpt4all -Value GPT4All-Venv-CLI ``` Don't forget to save these in the start-up file of your shell. [bash-aliases]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Aliases.html [posh-aliases]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/set-alias Finally, if on _Windows_ you see a box instead of an arrow `⇢` as the prompt character, you should change the console font to one which offers better Unicode support.