import QtCore import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Controls.Basic import QtQuick.Dialogs import QtQuick.Layouts import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel import chatlistmodel import download import modellist import network import llm import mysettings Dialog { id: settingsDialog modal: true opacity: 0.9 padding: 20 bottomPadding: 30 background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: theme.backgroundDarkest border.width: 1 border.color: theme.dialogBorder radius: 10 } onOpened: { Network.sendSettingsDialog(); } property var currentChat: ChatListModel.currentChat Theme { id: theme } function restoreGenerationDefaults() { MySettings.restoreGenerationDefaults(); templateTextArea.text = MySettings.promptTemplate } function restoreApplicationDefaults() { MySettings.restoreApplicationDefaults(); ModelList.localModelsPath = MySettings.modelPath LLM.threadCount = MySettings.threadCount LLM.serverEnabled = MySettings.serverChat ChatListModel.shouldSaveChats = MySettings.saveChats ChatListModel.shouldSaveChatGPTChats = MySettings.saveChatGPTChats MySettings.forceMetal = false } Component.onCompleted: { LLM.threadCount = MySettings.threadCount LLM.serverEnabled = MySettings.serverChat ChatListModel.shouldSaveChats = MySettings.saveChats ChatListModel.shouldSaveChatGPTChats = MySettings.saveChatGPTChats ModelList.localModelsPath = MySettings.modelPath } Item { Accessible.role: Accessible.Dialog qsTr("Settings dialog") Accessible.description: qsTr("Dialog containing various application settings") } TabBar { id: settingsTabBar width: parent.width / 1.25 z: 200 TabButton { id: genSettingsButton contentItem: IconLabel { color: theme.textColor font.bold: genSettingsButton.checked text: qsTr("Generation") } background: Rectangle { color: genSettingsButton.checked ? theme.backgroundDarkest : theme.backgroundLight Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: genSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: !genSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left width: genSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right width: genSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button qsTr("Generation settings") Accessible.description: qsTr("Settings related to how the model generates text") } TabButton { id: appSettingsButton contentItem: IconLabel { color: theme.textColor font.bold: appSettingsButton.checked text: qsTr("Application") } background: Rectangle { color: appSettingsButton.checked ? theme.backgroundDarkest : theme.backgroundLight Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: appSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: !appSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left width: appSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right width: appSettingsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button qsTr("Application settings") Accessible.description: qsTr("Settings related to general behavior of the application") } TabButton { id: localDocsButton contentItem: IconLabel { color: theme.textColor font.bold: localDocsButton.checked text: qsTr("LocalDocs Plugin (BETA)") } background: Rectangle { color: localDocsButton.checked ? theme.backgroundDarkest : theme.backgroundLight Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: localDocsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: !localDocsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left width: localDocsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right width: localDocsButton.checked color: theme.tabBorder } } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button qsTr("LocalDocs settings") Accessible.description: qsTr("Settings related to localdocs plugin") } } StackLayout { settingsTabBar.bottom anchors.topMargin: -1 width: parent.width height: availableHeight currentIndex: settingsTabBar.currentIndex Item { id: generationSettingsTab ScrollView { background: Rectangle { color: 'transparent' border.color: theme.tabBorder border.width: 1 radius: 2 } padding: 10 width: parent.width height: parent.height - 30 contentWidth: availableWidth - 20 contentHeight: generationSettingsTabInner.implicitHeight + 40 ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn GridLayout { id: generationSettingsTabInner anchors.margins: 10 columns: 2 rowSpacing: 10 columnSpacing: 10 anchors.fill: parent Label { id: tempLabel text: qsTr("Temperature:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 0 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.temperature color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Temperature increases the chances of choosing less likely tokens.\nNOTE: Higher temperature gives more creative but less predictable outputs.") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 0 Layout.column: 1 validator: DoubleValidator { locale: "C" } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseFloat(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.temperature = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.temperature } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText tempLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: topPLabel text: qsTr("Top P:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.topP color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Only the most likely tokens up to a total probability of top_p can be chosen.\nNOTE: Prevents choosing highly unlikely tokens, aka Nucleus Sampling") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 1 validator: DoubleValidator { locale: "C" } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseFloat(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.topP = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.topP } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText topPLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: topKLabel text: qsTr("Top K:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.topK color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Only the top K most likely tokens will be chosen from") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 1 validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseInt(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.topK = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.topK } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText topKLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: maxLengthLabel text: qsTr("Max Length:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 3 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.maxLength color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Maximum length of response in tokens") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 3 Layout.column: 1 validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseInt(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.maxLength = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.maxLength } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText maxLengthLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: batchSizeLabel text: qsTr("Prompt Batch Size:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 4 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.promptBatchSize color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Amount of prompt tokens to process at once.\nNOTE: Higher values can speed up reading prompts but will use more RAM") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 4 Layout.column: 1 validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseInt(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.promptBatchSize = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.promptBatchSize } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText batchSizeLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: repeatPenaltyLabel text: qsTr("Repeat Penalty:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 5 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.repeatPenalty color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Amount to penalize repetitiveness of the output") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 5 Layout.column: 1 validator: DoubleValidator { locale: "C" } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseFloat(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.repeatPenalty = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.repeatPenalty } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText repeatPenaltyLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: repeatPenaltyTokensLabel text: qsTr("Repeat Penalty Tokens:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 6 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.repeatPenaltyTokens color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("How far back in output to apply repeat penalty") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 6 Layout.column: 1 validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseInt(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.repeatPenaltyTokens = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.repeatPenaltyTokens } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText repeatPenaltyTokensLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } ColumnLayout { Layout.row: 7 Layout.column: 0 Layout.topMargin: 10 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop spacing: 20 Label { id: promptTemplateLabel text: qsTr("Prompt Template:") color: theme.textColor } Label { id: promptTemplateLabelHelp Layout.maximumWidth: promptTemplateLabel.width visible: templateTextArea.text.indexOf( "%1") === -1 color: theme.textErrorColor text: qsTr("Must contain the string \"%1\" to be replaced with the user's input.") wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText text } } Rectangle { Layout.row: 7 Layout.column: 1 Layout.fillWidth: true height: 200 color: "transparent" clip: true ScrollView { id: templateScrollView anchors.fill: parent TextArea { id: templateTextArea text: MySettings.promptTemplate color: theme.textColor background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 150 color: theme.backgroundLighter radius: 10 } padding: 10 wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap onTextChanged: { if (templateTextArea.text.indexOf("%1") !== -1) { MySettings.promptTemplate = text } } bottomPadding: 10 Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText promptTemplateLabel.text Accessible.description: promptTemplateLabelHelp.text ToolTip.text: qsTr("The prompt template partially determines how models will respond to prompts.\nNOTE: A longer, detailed template can lead to higher quality answers, but can also slow down generation.") ToolTip.visible: hovered } } } MyButton { Layout.row: 8 Layout.column: 1 Layout.fillWidth: true text: qsTr("Restore Defaults") Accessible.description: qsTr("Restores the settings dialog to a default state") onClicked: { settingsDialog.restoreGenerationDefaults() } } } } } Item { id: applicationSettingsTab ScrollView { background: Rectangle { color: 'transparent' border.color: theme.tabBorder border.width: 1 radius: 2 } padding: 10 width: parent.width height: parent.height - 30 contentWidth: availableWidth - 20 ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn GridLayout { anchors.margins: 10 columns: 3 rowSpacing: 10 columnSpacing: 10 anchors.fill: parent Label { id: defaultModelLabel text: qsTr("Default model:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 0 } MyComboBox { id: comboBox Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 1 Layout.minimumWidth: 350 model: ModelList.userDefaultModelList Accessible.role: Accessible.ComboBox qsTr("ComboBox for displaying/picking the default model") Accessible.description: qsTr("Use this for picking the default model to use; the first item is the current default model") function updateModel() { comboBox.currentIndex = comboBox.indexOfValue(MySettings.userDefaultModel); } Component.onCompleted: { comboBox.updateModel() } Connections { target: MySettings function onUserDefaultModelChanged() { comboBox.updateModel() } } onActivated: { MySettings.userDefaultModel = comboBox.currentText } } FolderDialog { id: modelPathDialog title: "Please choose a directory" currentFolder: "file://" + ModelList.localModelsPath onAccepted: { modelPathDisplayField.text = selectedFolder ModelList.localModelsPath = modelPathDisplayField.text MySettings.modelPath = ModelList.localModelsPath } } Label { id: modelPathLabel text: qsTr("Download path:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 0 } MyDirectoryField { id: modelPathDisplayField text: ModelList.localModelsPath implicitWidth: 300 Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 1 Layout.fillWidth: true ToolTip.text: qsTr("Path where model files will be downloaded to") ToolTip.visible: hovered Accessible.role: Accessible.ToolTip modelPathDisplayField.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text onEditingFinished: { if (isValid) { ModelList.localModelsPath = modelPathDisplayField.text MySettings.modelPath = ModelList.localModelsPath } else { text = ModelList.localModelsPath } } } MyButton { Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 2 text: qsTr("Browse") Accessible.description: qsTr("Opens a folder picker dialog to choose where to save model files") onClicked: } Label { id: nThreadsLabel text: qsTr("CPU Threads:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 3 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.threadCount color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Amount of processing threads to use, a setting of 0 will use the lesser of 4 or your number of CPU threads") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 3 Layout.column: 1 validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseInt(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.threadCount = val LLM.threadCount = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.threadCount } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText nThreadsLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: saveChatsLabel text: qsTr("Save chats to disk:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 4 Layout.column: 0 } MyCheckBox { id: saveChatsBox Layout.row: 4 Layout.column: 1 checked: MySettings.saveChats onClicked: { Network.sendSaveChatsToggled(saveChatsBox.checked); MySettings.saveChats = !MySettings.saveChats ChatListModel.shouldSaveChats = saveChatsBox.checked } ToolTip.text: qsTr("WARNING: Saving chats to disk can be ~2GB per chat") ToolTip.visible: hovered } Label { id: saveChatGPTChatsLabel text: qsTr("Save ChatGPT chats to disk:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 5 Layout.column: 0 } MyCheckBox { id: saveChatGPTChatsBox Layout.row: 5 Layout.column: 1 checked: MySettings.saveChatGPTChats onClicked: { MySettings.saveChatGPTChats = !MySettings.saveChatGPTChats ChatListModel.shouldSaveChatGPTChats = saveChatGPTChatsBox.checked } } Label { id: serverChatLabel text: qsTr("Enable API server:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 6 Layout.column: 0 } MyCheckBox { id: serverChatBox Layout.row: 6 Layout.column: 1 checked: MySettings.serverChat onClicked: { MySettings.serverChat = !MySettings.serverChat LLM.serverEnabled = serverChatBox.checked } ToolTip.text: qsTr("WARNING: This enables the gui to act as a local REST web server(OpenAI API compliant) for API requests and will increase your RAM usage as well") ToolTip.visible: hovered } Rectangle { Layout.row: 7 Layout.column: 0 Layout.columnSpan: 3 Layout.fillWidth: true height: 1 color: theme.dialogBorder } Rectangle { Layout.row: 9 Layout.column: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: 3 height: 1 color: theme.dialogBorder } Label { id: gpuOverrideLabel text: qsTr("Force Metal (macOS+arm):") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 8 Layout.column: 0 } RowLayout { Layout.row: 8 Layout.column: 1 Layout.columnSpan: 2 MyCheckBox { id: gpuOverrideBox checked: MySettings.forceMetal onClicked: { MySettings.forceMetal = !MySettings.forceMetal } } Label { id: warningLabel Layout.maximumWidth: 730 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop color: theme.textErrorColor wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: qsTr("WARNING: On macOS with arm (M1+) this setting forces usage of the GPU. Can cause crashes if the model requires more RAM than the system supports. Because of crash possibility the setting will not persist across restarts of the application. This has no effect on non-macs or intel.") } } MyButton { Layout.row: 10 Layout.column: 1 Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true text: qsTr("Restore Defaults") Accessible.description: qsTr("Restores the settings dialog to a default state") onClicked: { settingsDialog.restoreApplicationDefaults() } } } } } Item { id: localDocsTab ScrollView { background: Rectangle { color: 'transparent' border.color: theme.tabBorder border.width: 1 radius: 2 } padding: 10 width: parent.width height: parent.height - 30 contentWidth: availableWidth - 20 ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn LocalDocs { anchors.margins: 10 anchors.fill: parent } } } } }