#include "llm.h" #include "download.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class MyLLM: public LLM { }; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(MyLLM, llmInstance) LLM *LLM::globalInstance() { return llmInstance(); } static LLModel::PromptContext s_ctx; static QString modelFilePath(const QString &modelName) { QString appPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator() + "ggml-" + modelName + ".bin"; QFileInfo infoAppPath(appPath); if (infoAppPath.exists()) return appPath; QString downloadPath = Download::globalInstance()->downloadLocalModelsPath() + QDir::separator() + "ggml-" + modelName + ".bin"; QFileInfo infoLocalPath(downloadPath); if (infoLocalPath.exists()) return downloadPath; return QString(); } LLMObject::LLMObject() : QObject{nullptr} , m_llmodel(nullptr) , m_responseTokens(0) , m_responseLogits(0) { moveToThread(&m_llmThread); connect(&m_llmThread, &QThread::started, this, &LLMObject::loadModel); m_llmThread.setObjectName("llm thread"); m_llmThread.start(); } bool LLMObject::loadModel() { const QList models = modelList(); if (models.isEmpty()) { // try again when we get a list of models connect(Download::globalInstance(), &Download::modelListChanged, this, &LLMObject::loadModel, Qt::SingleShotConnection); return false; } return loadModelPrivate(models.first()); } bool LLMObject::loadModelPrivate(const QString &modelName) { if (isModelLoaded() && m_modelName == modelName) return true; if (isModelLoaded()) { resetContext(); delete m_llmodel; m_llmodel = nullptr; emit isModelLoadedChanged(); } bool isGPTJ = false; QString filePath = modelFilePath(modelName); QFileInfo info(filePath); if (info.exists()) { auto fin = std::ifstream(filePath.toStdString(), std::ios::binary); uint32_t magic; fin.read((char *) &magic, sizeof(magic)); fin.seekg(0); isGPTJ = magic == 0x67676d6c; if (isGPTJ) { m_llmodel = new GPTJ; m_llmodel->loadModel(modelName.toStdString(), fin); } else { m_llmodel = new LLamaModel; m_llmodel->loadModel(filePath.toStdString()); } emit isModelLoadedChanged(); emit threadCountChanged(); } if (m_llmodel) setModelName(info.completeBaseName().remove(0, 5)); // remove the ggml- prefix return m_llmodel; } void LLMObject::setThreadCount(int32_t n_threads) { if (m_llmodel->threadCount() != n_threads) { m_llmodel->setThreadCount(n_threads); emit threadCountChanged(); } } int32_t LLMObject::threadCount() { if (!m_llmodel) return 1; return m_llmodel->threadCount(); } bool LLMObject::isModelLoaded() const { return m_llmodel && m_llmodel->isModelLoaded(); } void LLMObject::regenerateResponse() { s_ctx.n_past -= m_responseTokens; s_ctx.n_past = std::max(0, s_ctx.n_past); // FIXME: This does not seem to be needed in my testing and llama models don't to it. Remove? s_ctx.logits.erase(s_ctx.logits.end() -= m_responseLogits, s_ctx.logits.end()); m_responseTokens = 0; m_responseLogits = 0; m_response = std::string(); emit responseChanged(); } void LLMObject::resetResponse() { m_responseTokens = 0; m_responseLogits = 0; m_response = std::string(); emit responseChanged(); } void LLMObject::resetContext() { regenerateResponse(); s_ctx = LLModel::PromptContext(); } std::string remove_leading_whitespace(const std::string& input) { auto first_non_whitespace = std::find_if(input.begin(), input.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }); return std::string(first_non_whitespace, input.end()); } std::string trim_whitespace(const std::string& input) { auto first_non_whitespace = std::find_if(input.begin(), input.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }); auto last_non_whitespace = std::find_if(input.rbegin(), input.rend(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }).base(); return std::string(first_non_whitespace, last_non_whitespace); } QString LLMObject::response() const { return QString::fromStdString(remove_leading_whitespace(m_response)); } QString LLMObject::modelName() const { return m_modelName; } void LLMObject::setModelName(const QString &modelName) { m_modelName = modelName; emit modelNameChanged(); emit modelListChanged(); } void LLMObject::modelNameChangeRequested(const QString &modelName) { if (!loadModelPrivate(modelName)) qWarning() << "ERROR: Could not load model" << modelName; } QList LLMObject::modelList() const { // Build a model list from exepath and from the localpath QList list; QString exePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator(); QString localPath = Download::globalInstance()->downloadLocalModelsPath(); { QDir dir(exePath); dir.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "ggml-*.bin"); QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(); for (QString f : fileNames) { QString filePath = exePath + f; QFileInfo info(filePath); QString name = info.completeBaseName().remove(0, 5); if (info.exists()) { if (name == m_modelName) list.prepend(name); else list.append(name); } } } if (localPath != exePath) { QDir dir(localPath); dir.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "ggml-*.bin"); QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(); for (QString f : fileNames) { QString filePath = localPath + f; QFileInfo info(filePath); QString name = info.completeBaseName().remove(0, 5); if (info.exists() && !list.contains(name)) { // don't allow duplicates if (name == m_modelName) list.prepend(name); else list.append(name); } } } if (list.isEmpty()) { if (exePath != localPath) { qWarning() << "ERROR: Could not find any applicable models in" << exePath << "nor" << localPath; } else { qWarning() << "ERROR: Could not find any applicable models in" << exePath; } return QList(); } return list; } bool LLMObject::handleResponse(const std::string &response) { #if 0 printf("%s", response.c_str()); fflush(stdout); #endif ++m_responseTokens; if (!response.empty()) { m_response.append(response); emit responseChanged(); } // Stop generation if we encounter prompt or response tokens QString r = QString::fromStdString(m_response); if (r.contains("### Prompt:") || r.contains("### Response:")) return false; return !m_stopGenerating; } bool LLMObject::prompt(const QString &prompt, const QString &prompt_template, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p, float temp, int32_t n_batch) { if (!isModelLoaded()) return false; QString instructPrompt = prompt_template.arg(prompt); m_stopGenerating = false; auto func = std::bind(&LLMObject::handleResponse, this, std::placeholders::_1); emit responseStarted(); qint32 logitsBefore = s_ctx.logits.size(); m_llmodel->prompt(instructPrompt.toStdString(), func, s_ctx, n_predict, top_k, top_p, temp, n_batch); m_responseLogits += s_ctx.logits.size() - logitsBefore; std::string trimmed = trim_whitespace(m_response); if (trimmed != m_response) { m_response = trimmed; emit responseChanged(); } emit responseStopped(); return true; } LLM::LLM() : QObject{nullptr} , m_llmodel(new LLMObject) , m_responseInProgress(false) { connect(Download::globalInstance(), &Download::modelListChanged, this, &LLM::modelListChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::isModelLoadedChanged, this, &LLM::isModelLoadedChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::responseChanged, this, &LLM::responseChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::responseStarted, this, &LLM::responseStarted, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::responseStopped, this, &LLM::responseStopped, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::modelNameChanged, this, &LLM::modelNameChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::modelListChanged, this, &LLM::modelListChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::threadCountChanged, this, &LLM::threadCountChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_llmodel, &LLMObject::threadCountChanged, this, &LLM::syncThreadCount, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &LLM::promptRequested, m_llmodel, &LLMObject::prompt, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &LLM::modelNameChangeRequested, m_llmodel, &LLMObject::modelNameChangeRequested, Qt::QueuedConnection); // The following are blocking operations and will block the gui thread, therefore must be fast // to respond to connect(this, &LLM::regenerateResponseRequested, m_llmodel, &LLMObject::regenerateResponse, Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(this, &LLM::resetResponseRequested, m_llmodel, &LLMObject::resetResponse, Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(this, &LLM::resetContextRequested, m_llmodel, &LLMObject::resetContext, Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(this, &LLM::setThreadCountRequested, m_llmodel, &LLMObject::setThreadCount, Qt::QueuedConnection); } bool LLM::isModelLoaded() const { return m_llmodel->isModelLoaded(); } void LLM::prompt(const QString &prompt, const QString &prompt_template, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p, float temp, int32_t n_batch) { emit promptRequested(prompt, prompt_template, n_predict, top_k, top_p, temp, n_batch); } void LLM::regenerateResponse() { emit regenerateResponseRequested(); // blocking queued connection } void LLM::resetResponse() { emit resetResponseRequested(); // blocking queued connection } void LLM::resetContext() { emit resetContextRequested(); // blocking queued connection } void LLM::stopGenerating() { m_llmodel->stopGenerating(); } QString LLM::response() const { return m_llmodel->response(); } void LLM::responseStarted() { m_responseInProgress = true; emit responseInProgressChanged(); } void LLM::responseStopped() { m_responseInProgress = false; emit responseInProgressChanged(); } QString LLM::modelName() const { return m_llmodel->modelName(); } void LLM::setModelName(const QString &modelName) { // doesn't block but will unload old model and load new one which the gui can see through changes // to the isModelLoaded property emit modelNameChangeRequested(modelName); } QList LLM::modelList() const { return m_llmodel->modelList(); } void LLM::syncThreadCount() { emit setThreadCountRequested(m_desiredThreadCount); } void LLM::setThreadCount(int32_t n_threads) { if (n_threads <= 0) { n_threads = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); } m_desiredThreadCount = n_threads; syncThreadCount(); } int32_t LLM::threadCount() { return m_llmodel->threadCount(); } bool LLM::checkForUpdates() const { #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) QString tool("maintenancetool"); #elif defined(Q_OS_WINDOWS) QString tool("maintenancetool.exe"); #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) QString tool("../../../maintenancetool.app/Contents/MacOS/maintenancetool"); #endif QString fileName = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator() + ".." + QDir::separator() + tool; if (!QFileInfo::exists(fileName)) { qDebug() << "Couldn't find tool at" << fileName << "so cannot check for updates!"; return false; } return QProcess::startDetached(fileName); }