import QtCore import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Controls.Basic import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Dialogs import modellist import mysettings import network MySettingsTab { onRestoreDefaultsClicked: { MySettings.restoreApplicationDefaults(); } title: qsTr("Application") contentItem: GridLayout { id: applicationSettingsTabInner columns: 3 rowSpacing: 10 columnSpacing: 10 Label { id: defaultModelLabel text: qsTr("Default model:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 0 } MyComboBox { id: comboBox Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 1 Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.minimumWidth: 350 Layout.fillWidth: true model: ModelList.userDefaultModelList Accessible.role: Accessible.ComboBox qsTr("ComboBox for displaying/picking the default model") Accessible.description: qsTr("Use this for picking the default model to use; the first item is the current default model") function updateModel() { comboBox.currentIndex = comboBox.indexOfValue(MySettings.userDefaultModel); } Component.onCompleted: { comboBox.updateModel() } Connections { target: MySettings function onUserDefaultModelChanged() { comboBox.updateModel() } } onActivated: { MySettings.userDefaultModel = comboBox.currentText } } Label { id: modelPathLabel text: qsTr("Download path:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 0 } MyDirectoryField { id: modelPathDisplayField text: MySettings.modelPath implicitWidth: 300 Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 1 Layout.fillWidth: true ToolTip.text: qsTr("Path where model files will be downloaded to") ToolTip.visible: hovered Accessible.role: Accessible.ToolTip modelPathDisplayField.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text onEditingFinished: { if (isValid) { MySettings.modelPath = modelPathDisplayField.text } else { text = MySettings.modelPath } } } MyButton { Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 2 text: qsTr("Browse") Accessible.description: qsTr("Opens a folder picker dialog to choose where to save model files") onClicked: { openFolderDialog("file://" + MySettings.modelPath, function(selectedFolder) { MySettings.modelPath = selectedFolder }) } } Label { id: nThreadsLabel text: qsTr("CPU Threads:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 3 Layout.column: 0 } MyTextField { text: MySettings.threadCount color: theme.textColor ToolTip.text: qsTr("Amount of processing threads to use bounded by 1 and number of logical processors") ToolTip.visible: hovered Layout.row: 3 Layout.column: 1 validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 } onEditingFinished: { var val = parseInt(text) if (!isNaN(val)) { MySettings.threadCount = val focus = false } else { text = MySettings.threadCount } } Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText nThreadsLabel.text Accessible.description: ToolTip.text } Label { id: saveChatsLabel text: qsTr("Save chats to disk:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 4 Layout.column: 0 } MyCheckBox { id: saveChatsBox Layout.row: 4 Layout.column: 1 checked: MySettings.saveChats onClicked: { Network.sendSaveChatsToggled(saveChatsBox.checked); MySettings.saveChats = !MySettings.saveChats } ToolTip.text: qsTr("WARNING: Saving chats to disk can be ~2GB per chat") ToolTip.visible: hovered } Label { id: saveChatGPTChatsLabel text: qsTr("Save ChatGPT chats to disk:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 5 Layout.column: 0 } MyCheckBox { id: saveChatGPTChatsBox Layout.row: 5 Layout.column: 1 checked: MySettings.saveChatGPTChats onClicked: { MySettings.saveChatGPTChats = !MySettings.saveChatGPTChats } } Label { id: serverChatLabel text: qsTr("Enable API server:") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 6 Layout.column: 0 } MyCheckBox { id: serverChatBox Layout.row: 6 Layout.column: 1 checked: MySettings.serverChat onClicked: { MySettings.serverChat = !MySettings.serverChat } ToolTip.text: qsTr("WARNING: This enables the gui to act as a local REST web server(OpenAI API compliant) for API requests and will increase your RAM usage as well") ToolTip.visible: hovered } Rectangle { Layout.row: 7 Layout.column: 0 Layout.columnSpan: 3 Layout.fillWidth: true height: 1 color: theme.tabBorder } } advancedSettings: GridLayout { columns: 3 rowSpacing: 10 columnSpacing: 10 Rectangle { Layout.row: 2 Layout.column: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: 3 height: 1 color: theme.tabBorder } Label { id: gpuOverrideLabel text: qsTr("Force Metal (macOS+arm):") color: theme.textColor Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 0 } RowLayout { Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 1 Layout.columnSpan: 2 MyCheckBox { id: gpuOverrideBox checked: MySettings.forceMetal onClicked: { MySettings.forceMetal = !MySettings.forceMetal } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.minimumHeight: warningLabel.height Label { id: warningLabel width: parent.width color: theme.textErrorColor wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: qsTr("WARNING: On macOS with arm (M1+) this setting forces usage of the GPU. Can cause crashes if the model requires more RAM than the system supports. Because of crash possibility the setting will not persist across restarts of the application. This has no effect on non-macs or intel.") } } } } }