import json from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Response, Security, status from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import List, Dict, Iterable, AsyncIterable import logging from uuid import uuid4 from api_v1.settings import settings from gpt4all import GPT4All import time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ### This should follow class CompletionRequest(BaseModel): model: str = Field(..., description='The model to generate a completion from.') prompt: str = Field(..., description='The prompt to begin completing from.') max_tokens: int = Field(7, description='Max tokens to generate') temperature: float = Field(0, description='Model temperature') top_p: float = Field(1.0, description='top_p') n: int = Field(1, description='') stream: bool = Field(False, description='Stream responses') class CompletionChoice(BaseModel): text: str index: int logprobs: float finish_reason: str class CompletionUsage(BaseModel): prompt_tokens: int completion_tokens: int total_tokens: int class CompletionResponse(BaseModel): id: str object: str = 'text_completion' created: int model: str choices: List[CompletionChoice] usage: CompletionUsage class CompletionStreamResponse(BaseModel): id: str object: str = 'text_completion' created: int model: str choices: List[CompletionChoice] router = APIRouter(prefix="/completions", tags=["Completion Endpoints"]) def stream_completion(output: Iterable, base_response: CompletionStreamResponse): """ Streams a GPT4All output to the client. Args: output: The output of GPT4All.generate(), which is an iterable of tokens. base_response: The base response object, which is cloned and modified for each token. Returns: A Generator of CompletionStreamResponse objects, which are serialized to JSON Event Stream format. """ for token in output: chunk = base_response.copy() chunk.choices = [dict(CompletionChoice( text=token, index=0, logprobs=-1, finish_reason='' ))] yield f"data: {json.dumps(dict(chunk))}\n\n""/", response_model=CompletionResponse) async def completions(request: CompletionRequest): ''' Completes a GPT4All model response. ''' model = GPT4All(model_name=settings.model, model_path=settings.gpt4all_path) output = model.generate(prompt=request.prompt, n_predict=request.max_tokens,, top_k=20, top_p=request.top_p, temp=request.temperature, n_batch=1024, repeat_penalty=1.2, repeat_last_n=10) # If streaming, we need to return a StreamingResponse if base_chunk = CompletionStreamResponse( id=str(uuid4()), created=time.time(), model=request.model, choices=[] ) return StreamingResponse((response for response in stream_completion(output, base_chunk)), media_type="text/event-stream") else: return CompletionResponse( id=str(uuid4()), created=time.time(), model=request.model, choices=[dict(CompletionChoice( text=output, index=0, logprobs=-1, finish_reason='stop' ))], usage={ 'prompt_tokens': 0, #TODO how to compute this? 'completion_tokens': 0, 'total_tokens': 0 } )