# GPT4All Command-Line Interface (CLI) GPT4All on the command-line. ## Documentation ## Quickstart The CLI is based on the `gpt4all` Python bindings and the `typer` package. The following shows one way to get started with the CLI, the documentation has more information. Typically, you will want to replace `python` with `python3` on _Unix-like_ systems and `py -3` on _Windows_. Also, it's assumed you have all the necessary Python components already installed. The CLI is a self-contained Python script named [app.py] ([download][app.py-download]). As long as its package dependencies are present, you can download and run it from wherever you like. [app.py]: https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/blob/main/gpt4all-bindings/cli/app.py [app.py-download]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/main/gpt4all-bindings/cli/app.py ```shell # optional but recommended: create and use a virtual environment python -m venv gpt4all-cli ``` _Windows_ and _Unix-like_ systems differ slightly in how you activate a _virtual environment_: - _Unix-like_, typically: `. gpt4all-cli/bin/activate` - _Windows_: `gpt4all-cli\Scripts\activate` Then: ```shell # pip-install the necessary packages; omit '--user' if using a virtual environment python -m pip install --user --upgrade gpt4all typer # run the CLI python app.py repl ``` By default, it will automatically download the `groovy` model to `.cache/gpt4all/` in your user directory, if necessary. If you have already saved a model beforehand, specify its path with the `-m`/`--model` argument, for example: ```shell python app.py repl --model /home/user/my-gpt4all-models/GPT4All-13B-snoozy.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin ```