import QtCore import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Controls.Basic import QtQuick.Layouts import download import network import llm MyDialog { id: thumbsDownDialog modal: true padding: 20 Theme { id: theme } property alias response: thumbsDownNewResponse.text Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 20 Item { width: childrenRect.width height: childrenRect.height Image { id: img anchors.left: parent.left width: 60 height: 60 source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/thumbs_down.svg" } Text { anchors.left: img.right anchors.leftMargin: 30 anchors.verticalCenter: img.verticalCenter text: qsTr("Please edit the text below to provide a better response. (optional)") color: theme.textColor font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge } } ScrollView { clip: true height: 120 width: parent.width ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff MyTextArea { id: thumbsDownNewResponse placeholderText: qsTr("Please provide a better response...") } } } footer: DialogButtonBox { padding: 20 alignment: Qt.AlignRight spacing: 10 MySettingsButton { text: qsTr("Submit") Accessible.description: qsTr("Submits the user's response") DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole } MySettingsButton { text: qsTr("Cancel") Accessible.description: qsTr("Closes the response dialog") DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole } background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" } } }