#include "chatllm.h" #include "chat.h" #include "download.h" #include "network.h" #include "llmodel/gptj.h" #include "llmodel/llamamodel.h" #include "llmodel/mpt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG #define MPT_INTERNAL_STATE_VERSION 0 #define GPTJ_INTERNAL_STATE_VERSION 0 #define LLAMA_INTERNAL_STATE_VERSION 0 static QString modelFilePath(const QString &modelName) { QString appPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/ggml-" + modelName + ".bin"; QFileInfo infoAppPath(appPath); if (infoAppPath.exists()) return appPath; QString downloadPath = Download::globalInstance()->downloadLocalModelsPath() + "/ggml-" + modelName + ".bin"; QFileInfo infoLocalPath(downloadPath); if (infoLocalPath.exists()) return downloadPath; return QString(); } ChatLLM::ChatLLM(Chat *parent) : QObject{nullptr} , m_llmodel(nullptr) , m_promptResponseTokens(0) , m_responseLogits(0) , m_isRecalc(false) , m_chat(parent) { moveToThread(&m_llmThread); connect(this, &ChatLLM::sendStartup, Network::globalInstance(), &Network::sendStartup); connect(this, &ChatLLM::sendModelLoaded, Network::globalInstance(), &Network::sendModelLoaded); connect(m_chat, &Chat::idChanged, this, &ChatLLM::handleChatIdChanged); m_llmThread.setObjectName(m_chat->id()); m_llmThread.start(); } bool ChatLLM::loadDefaultModel() { const QList models = m_chat->modelList(); if (models.isEmpty()) { // try again when we get a list of models connect(Download::globalInstance(), &Download::modelListChanged, this, &ChatLLM::loadDefaultModel, Qt::SingleShotConnection); return false; } QSettings settings; settings.sync(); // The user default model can be set by the user in the settings dialog. The "default" user // default model is "Application default" which signals we should use the default model that was // specified by the models.json file. QString defaultModel = settings.value("userDefaultModel").toString(); if (defaultModel.isEmpty() || !models.contains(defaultModel) || defaultModel == "Application default") defaultModel = settings.value("defaultModel").toString(); if (defaultModel.isEmpty() || !models.contains(defaultModel)) defaultModel = models.first(); return loadModel(defaultModel); } bool ChatLLM::loadModel(const QString &modelName) { if (isModelLoaded() && m_modelName == modelName) return true; if (isModelLoaded()) { resetContextPrivate(); delete m_llmodel; m_llmodel = nullptr; emit isModelLoadedChanged(); } bool isGPTJ = false; bool isMPT = false; QString filePath = modelFilePath(modelName); QFileInfo info(filePath); if (info.exists()) { auto fin = std::ifstream(filePath.toStdString(), std::ios::binary); uint32_t magic; fin.read((char *) &magic, sizeof(magic)); fin.seekg(0); fin.close(); isGPTJ = magic == 0x67676d6c; isMPT = magic == 0x67676d6d; if (isGPTJ) { m_modelType = ModelType::GPTJ_; m_llmodel = new GPTJ; m_llmodel->loadModel(filePath.toStdString()); } else if (isMPT) { m_modelType = ModelType::MPT_; m_llmodel = new MPT; m_llmodel->loadModel(filePath.toStdString()); } else { m_modelType = ModelType::LLAMA_; m_llmodel = new LLamaModel; m_llmodel->loadModel(filePath.toStdString()); } restoreState(); #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm modelLoadedChanged" << m_chat->id(); fflush(stdout); #endif emit isModelLoadedChanged(); static bool isFirstLoad = true; if (isFirstLoad) { emit sendStartup(); isFirstLoad = false; } else emit sendModelLoaded(); } else { const QString error = QString("Could not find model %1").arg(modelName); emit modelLoadingError(error); } if (m_llmodel) setModelName(info.completeBaseName().remove(0, 5)); // remove the ggml- prefix return m_llmodel; } bool ChatLLM::isModelLoaded() const { return m_llmodel && m_llmodel->isModelLoaded(); } void ChatLLM::regenerateResponse() { m_ctx.n_past -= m_promptResponseTokens; m_ctx.n_past = std::max(0, m_ctx.n_past); // FIXME: This does not seem to be needed in my testing and llama models don't to it. Remove? m_ctx.logits.erase(m_ctx.logits.end() -= m_responseLogits, m_ctx.logits.end()); m_ctx.tokens.erase(m_ctx.tokens.end() -= m_promptResponseTokens, m_ctx.tokens.end()); m_promptResponseTokens = 0; m_responseLogits = 0; m_response = std::string(); emit responseChanged(); } void ChatLLM::resetResponse() { m_promptResponseTokens = 0; m_responseLogits = 0; m_response = std::string(); emit responseChanged(); } void ChatLLM::resetContext() { resetContextPrivate(); emit sendResetContext(); } void ChatLLM::resetContextPrivate() { regenerateResponse(); m_ctx = LLModel::PromptContext(); } std::string remove_leading_whitespace(const std::string& input) { auto first_non_whitespace = std::find_if(input.begin(), input.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }); return std::string(first_non_whitespace, input.end()); } std::string trim_whitespace(const std::string& input) { auto first_non_whitespace = std::find_if(input.begin(), input.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }); auto last_non_whitespace = std::find_if(input.rbegin(), input.rend(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isspace(c); }).base(); return std::string(first_non_whitespace, last_non_whitespace); } QString ChatLLM::response() const { return QString::fromStdString(remove_leading_whitespace(m_response)); } QString ChatLLM::modelName() const { return m_modelName; } void ChatLLM::setModelName(const QString &modelName) { m_modelName = modelName; emit modelNameChanged(); } void ChatLLM::modelNameChangeRequested(const QString &modelName) { if (!loadModel(modelName)) qWarning() << "ERROR: Could not load model" << modelName; } bool ChatLLM::handlePrompt(int32_t token) { // m_promptResponseTokens and m_responseLogits are related to last prompt/response not // the entire context window which we can reset on regenerate prompt #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm prompt process" << m_chat->id() << token; #endif ++m_promptResponseTokens; return !m_stopGenerating; } bool ChatLLM::handleResponse(int32_t token, const std::string &response) { #if defined(DEBUG) printf("%s", response.c_str()); fflush(stdout); #endif // check for error if (token < 0) { m_response.append(response); emit responseChanged(); return false; } // m_promptResponseTokens and m_responseLogits are related to last prompt/response not // the entire context window which we can reset on regenerate prompt ++m_promptResponseTokens; Q_ASSERT(!response.empty()); m_response.append(response); emit responseChanged(); return !m_stopGenerating; } bool ChatLLM::handleRecalculate(bool isRecalc) { if (m_isRecalc != isRecalc) { m_isRecalc = isRecalc; emit recalcChanged(); } return !m_stopGenerating; } bool ChatLLM::prompt(const QString &prompt, const QString &prompt_template, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p, float temp, int32_t n_batch, float repeat_penalty, int32_t repeat_penalty_tokens, int n_threads) { if (!isModelLoaded()) return false; QString instructPrompt = prompt_template.arg(prompt); m_stopGenerating = false; auto promptFunc = std::bind(&ChatLLM::handlePrompt, this, std::placeholders::_1); auto responseFunc = std::bind(&ChatLLM::handleResponse, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); auto recalcFunc = std::bind(&ChatLLM::handleRecalculate, this, std::placeholders::_1); emit responseStarted(); qint32 logitsBefore = m_ctx.logits.size(); m_ctx.n_predict = n_predict; m_ctx.top_k = top_k; m_ctx.top_p = top_p; m_ctx.temp = temp; m_ctx.n_batch = n_batch; m_ctx.repeat_penalty = repeat_penalty; m_ctx.repeat_last_n = repeat_penalty_tokens; m_llmodel->setThreadCount(n_threads); #if defined(DEBUG) printf("%s", qPrintable(instructPrompt)); fflush(stdout); #endif m_llmodel->prompt(instructPrompt.toStdString(), promptFunc, responseFunc, recalcFunc, m_ctx); #if defined(DEBUG) printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif m_responseLogits += m_ctx.logits.size() - logitsBefore; std::string trimmed = trim_whitespace(m_response); if (trimmed != m_response) { m_response = trimmed; emit responseChanged(); } emit responseStopped(); return true; } void ChatLLM::unloadModel() { #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm unloadModel" << m_chat->id(); #endif saveState(); delete m_llmodel; m_llmodel = nullptr; emit isModelLoadedChanged(); } void ChatLLM::reloadModel(const QString &modelName) { #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm reloadModel" << m_chat->id(); #endif if (modelName.isEmpty()) { loadDefaultModel(); } else { loadModel(modelName); } } void ChatLLM::generateName() { Q_ASSERT(isModelLoaded()); if (!isModelLoaded()) return; QString instructPrompt("### Instruction:\n" "Describe response above in three words.\n" "### Response:\n"); auto promptFunc = std::bind(&ChatLLM::handleNamePrompt, this, std::placeholders::_1); auto responseFunc = std::bind(&ChatLLM::handleNameResponse, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); auto recalcFunc = std::bind(&ChatLLM::handleNameRecalculate, this, std::placeholders::_1); LLModel::PromptContext ctx = m_ctx; #if defined(DEBUG) printf("%s", qPrintable(instructPrompt)); fflush(stdout); #endif m_llmodel->prompt(instructPrompt.toStdString(), promptFunc, responseFunc, recalcFunc, ctx); #if defined(DEBUG) printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif std::string trimmed = trim_whitespace(m_nameResponse); if (trimmed != m_nameResponse) { m_nameResponse = trimmed; emit generatedNameChanged(); } } void ChatLLM::handleChatIdChanged() { m_llmThread.setObjectName(m_chat->id()); } bool ChatLLM::handleNamePrompt(int32_t token) { Q_UNUSED(token); qt_noop(); return true; } bool ChatLLM::handleNameResponse(int32_t token, const std::string &response) { Q_UNUSED(token); m_nameResponse.append(response); emit generatedNameChanged(); QString gen = QString::fromStdString(m_nameResponse).simplified(); QStringList words = gen.split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); int wordCount = words.size(); return words.size() <= 3; } bool ChatLLM::handleNameRecalculate(bool isRecalc) { Q_UNUSED(isRecalc); Q_UNREACHABLE(); return true; } bool ChatLLM::serialize(QDataStream &stream, int version) { if (version > 1) { stream << m_modelType; switch (m_modelType) { case MPT_: stream << MPT_INTERNAL_STATE_VERSION; break; case GPTJ_: stream << GPTJ_INTERNAL_STATE_VERSION; break; case LLAMA_: stream << LLAMA_INTERNAL_STATE_VERSION; break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } stream << response(); stream << generatedName(); stream << m_promptResponseTokens; stream << m_responseLogits; stream << m_ctx.n_past; stream << quint64(m_ctx.logits.size()); stream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast(m_ctx.logits.data()), m_ctx.logits.size() * sizeof(float)); stream << quint64(m_ctx.tokens.size()); stream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast(m_ctx.tokens.data()), m_ctx.tokens.size() * sizeof(int)); saveState(); QByteArray compressed = qCompress(m_state); stream << compressed; #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm serialize" << m_chat->id() << m_state.size(); #endif return stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok; } bool ChatLLM::deserialize(QDataStream &stream, int version) { if (version > 1) { int internalStateVersion; stream >> m_modelType; stream >> internalStateVersion; // for future use } QString response; stream >> response; m_response = response.toStdString(); QString nameResponse; stream >> nameResponse; m_nameResponse = nameResponse.toStdString(); stream >> m_promptResponseTokens; stream >> m_responseLogits; stream >> m_ctx.n_past; quint64 logitsSize; stream >> logitsSize; m_ctx.logits.resize(logitsSize); stream.readRawData(reinterpret_cast(m_ctx.logits.data()), logitsSize * sizeof(float)); quint64 tokensSize; stream >> tokensSize; m_ctx.tokens.resize(tokensSize); stream.readRawData(reinterpret_cast(m_ctx.tokens.data()), tokensSize * sizeof(int)); if (version > 0) { QByteArray compressed; stream >> compressed; m_state = qUncompress(compressed); } else { stream >> m_state; } #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm deserialize" << m_chat->id(); #endif return stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok; } void ChatLLM::saveState() { if (!isModelLoaded()) return; const size_t stateSize = m_llmodel->stateSize(); m_state.resize(stateSize); #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm saveState" << m_chat->id() << "size:" << m_state.size(); #endif m_llmodel->saveState(static_cast(reinterpret_cast(m_state.data()))); } void ChatLLM::restoreState() { if (!isModelLoaded() || m_state.isEmpty()) return; #if defined(DEBUG) qDebug() << "chatllm restoreState" << m_chat->id() << "size:" << m_state.size(); #endif m_llmodel->restoreState(static_cast(reinterpret_cast(m_state.data()))); m_state.clear(); m_state.resize(0); }