function Component() { } var targetDirectory; Component.prototype.beginInstallation = function() { targetDirectory = installer.value("TargetDir"); }; Component.prototype.createOperations = function() { try { // call the base create operations function component.createOperations(); if (systemInfo.productType === "windows") { try { var userProfile = installer.environmentVariable("USERPROFILE"); installer.setValue("UserProfile", userProfile); component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", targetDirectory + "/bin/chat.exe", "@UserProfile@/Desktop/GPT4All.lnk", "workingDirectory=" + targetDirectory + "/bin", "iconPath=" + targetDirectory + "/favicon.ico", "iconId=0", "description=Open GPT4All"); } catch (e) { print("ERROR: creating desktop shortcut" + e); } component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", targetDirectory + "/bin/chat.exe", "@StartMenuDir@/GPT4All.lnk", "workingDirectory=" + targetDirectory + "/bin", "iconPath=" + targetDirectory + "/favicon.ico", "iconId=0", "description=Open GPT4All"); } else if (systemInfo.productType === "osx") { var gpt4allAppPath = targetDirectory + "/bin/gpt4all/"; var symlinkPath = targetDirectory + "/../"; // Remove the symlink if it already exists component.addOperation("Execute", "rm", "-f", symlinkPath); // Create the symlink component.addOperation("Execute", "ln", "-s", gpt4allAppPath, symlinkPath); } else { // linux var homeDir = installer.environmentVariable("HOME"); if (!installer.fileExists(homeDir + "/Desktop/GPT4All.desktop")) { component.addOperation("CreateDesktopEntry", homeDir + "/Desktop/GPT4All.desktop", "Type=Application\nTerminal=false\nExec=\"" + targetDirectory + "/bin/chat\"\nName=GPT4All\nIcon=" + targetDirectory + "/logo-48.png\nName[en_US]=GPT4All"); } } } catch (e) { print("ERROR: running post installscript.qs" + e); } }