From 6e0c06604875818da8a31d83be4f9c364b29cd0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AT Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:58:09 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add zh_CN.ts translation. (#2657) Signed-off-by: Adam Treat --- .../{gpt4all_zh.ts => gpt4all_zh_CN.ts} | 905 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 463 insertions(+), 442 deletions(-) rename gpt4all-chat/translations/{gpt4all_zh.ts => gpt4all_zh_CN.ts} (80%) diff --git a/gpt4all-chat/translations/gpt4all_zh.ts b/gpt4all-chat/translations/gpt4all_zh_CN.ts similarity index 80% rename from gpt4all-chat/translations/gpt4all_zh.ts rename to gpt4all-chat/translations/gpt4all_zh_CN.ts index 9182ce0d..e6a6128a 100644 --- a/gpt4all-chat/translations/gpt4all_zh.ts +++ b/gpt4all-chat/translations/gpt4all_zh_CN.ts @@ -7,73 +7,73 @@ ← Existing Collections - + ← 存在集合 Add Document Collection - + 添加文档集合 Add a folder containing plain text files, PDFs, or Markdown. Configure additional extensions in Settings. - + 添加一个包含纯文本文件、PDF或Markdown的文件夹。在“设置”中配置其他扩展。 Please choose a directory - + 请选择一个目录 Name - + 名称 Collection name... - + 集合名称 Name of the collection to add (Required) - + 集合名称 (必须) Folder - + 目录 Folder path... - + 目录地址 Folder path to documents (Required) - + 文档的目录地址(必须) Browse - + 查看 Create Collection - + 创建集合 @@ -82,109 +82,109 @@ ← Existing Models - + ← 存在的模型 Explore Models - + 发现模型 Discover and download models by keyword search... - + 通过关键词查找并下载模型 ... Text field for discovering and filtering downloadable models - + 用于发现和筛选可下载模型的文本字段 Searching · - + 搜索中 Initiate model discovery and filtering - + 启动模型发现和过滤 Triggers discovery and filtering of models - + 触发模型的发现和筛选 Default - + 默认 Likes - + 喜欢 Downloads - + 下载 Recent - + 近期 Sort by: - + 排序: Asc - + 升序 Desc - + 倒序 Sort dir: - + 排序目录: None - + Limit: - + 限制: Network error: could not retrieve - + 网络问题:无法访问 @@ -192,73 +192,73 @@ Busy indicator - + 繁忙程度 Displayed when the models request is ongoing - + 在模型请求进行中时显示 Model file - + 模型文件 Model file to be downloaded - + 待下载模型 Description - + 描述 File description - + 文件描述 Cancel - + 取消 Resume - + 继续 Download - + 下载 Stop/restart/start the download - + 停止/重启/开始下载 Remove - + 删除 Remove model from filesystem - + 从系统中删除模型 @@ -266,79 +266,79 @@ Install - + 安装 Install online model - + 安装在线模型 <a href="#error">Error</a> - + <a href="#error">错误</a> Describes an error that occurred when downloading - + 描述下载过程中发生的错误 <strong><font size="2">WARNING: Not recommended for your hardware. - + <strong><font size="2">警告: 你的硬件不推荐. Model requires more memory ( - + 需要更多内存( GB) than your system has available ( - + 你的系统需要 ( Error for incompatible hardware - + 硬件不兼容的错误 Download progressBar - + 下载进度 Shows the progress made in the download - + 显示下载进度 Download speed - + 下载速度 Download speed in bytes/kilobytes/megabytes per second - + 下载速度 b/kb/mb /s Calculating... - + 计算中 @@ -346,55 +346,55 @@ Whether the file hash is being calculated - + 是否正在计算文件哈希 Displayed when the file hash is being calculated - + 在计算文件哈希时显示 enter $API_KEY - + 输入$API_KEY File size - + 文件大小 RAM required - + RAM 需要 GB - + GB Parameters - + 参数 Quant - + 量化 Type - + 类型 @@ -403,19 +403,19 @@ Application - + 应用 Network dialog - + 网络对话 opt-in to share feedback/conversations - + 选择加入以共享反馈/对话 @@ -427,199 +427,202 @@ above where this application resides on your filesystem.<br><br> If you can't start it manually, then I'm afraid you'll have to<br> reinstall. - + 错误:更新系统无法找到用于检查更新的 MaintenanceTool! + 您是否使用在线安装程序安装了此应用程序?如果是的话, + MaintenanceTool 可执行文件应该位于文件系统中此应用程序所在目录的上一级目录。 + 如果无法手动启动它,那么恐怕您需要重新安装。 Error dialog - + 错误对话 Application Settings - + 应用设置 General - + 通用设置 Theme - + 主题 The application color scheme. - + 应用的主题颜色 Dark - + 深色 Light - + 亮色 LegacyDark - + LegacyDark Font Size - + 字体大小 The size of text in the application. - + 应用中的文本大小。 Device - + 设备 The compute device used for text generation. "Auto" uses Vulkan or Metal. - + 用于文本生成的计算设备. "自动" 使用 Vulkan or Metal. Default Model - + 默认模型 The preferred model for new chats. Also used as the local server fallback. - + 新聊天的首选模式。也用作本地服务器回退。 Download Path - + 下载目录 Where to store local models and the LocalDocs database. - + 本地模型和本地文档数据库存储目录 Browse - + 查看 Choose where to save model files - + 模型下载目录 Enable Datalake - + 开启数据湖 Send chats and feedback to the GPT4All Open-Source Datalake. - + 发送对话和反馈给GPT4All 的开源数据湖。 Advanced - + 高级 CPU Threads - + CPU线程 The number of CPU threads used for inference and embedding. - + 用于推理和嵌入的CPU线程数 Save Chat Context - + 保存对话上下文 Save the chat model's state to disk for faster loading. WARNING: Uses ~2GB per chat. - + 保存模型's 状态以提供更快加载速度. 警告: 需用 ~2GB 每个对话. Enable Local Server - + 开启本地服务 Expose an OpenAI-Compatible server to localhost. WARNING: Results in increased resource usage. - + 将OpenAI兼容服务器暴露给本地主机。警告:导致资源使用量增加。 API Server Port - + API 服务端口 The port to use for the local server. Requires restart. - + 使用本地服务的端口,需要重启 Check For Updates - + 检查更新 Manually check for an update to GPT4All. - + 手动检查更新 Updates - + 更新 @@ -628,24 +631,24 @@ New Chat - + 新对话 Server Chat - + 服务器对话 Prompt: - + 提示词: Response: - + 响应: @@ -654,73 +657,73 @@ Drawer - + 抽屉 Main navigation drawer - + 导航 + New Chat - + + 新对话 Create a new chat - + 新对话 Select the current chat or edit the chat when in edit mode - + 选择当前的聊天或在编辑模式下编辑聊天 Edit chat name - + 修改对话名称 Save chat name - + 保存对话名称 Delete chat - + 删除对话 Confirm chat deletion - + 确认删除对话 Cancel chat deletion - + 取消删除对话 List of chats - + 对话列表 List of chats in the drawer dialog - + 对话框中的聊天列表 @@ -728,32 +731,32 @@ TODAY - + 今天 THIS WEEK - + 本周 THIS MONTH - + 本月 LAST SIX MONTHS - + 半年内 THIS YEAR - + 今年内 LAST YEAR - + 去年 @@ -762,43 +765,43 @@ <h3>Encountered an error loading model:</h3><br> - + <h3>加载模型时遇到错误:</h3><br> <br><br>Model loading failures can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common causes include a bad file format, an incomplete or corrupted download, the wrong file type, not enough system RAM or an incompatible model type. Here are some suggestions for resolving the problem:<br><ul><li>Ensure the model file has a compatible format and type<li>Check the model file is complete in the download folder<li>You can find the download folder in the settings dialog<li>If you've sideloaded the model ensure the file is not corrupt by checking md5sum<li>Read more about what models are supported in our <a href="">documentation</a> for the gui<li>Check out our <a href="">discord channel</a> for help - + lt;br><br>模型加载失败可能由多种原因造成,但最常见的原因包括文件格式错误、下载不完整或损坏、文件类型错误、系统 RAM 不足或模型类型不兼容。以下是解决该问题的一些建议:<br><ul><li>确保模型文件具有兼容的格式和类型<li>检查下载文件夹中的模型文件是否完整<li>您可以在设置对话框中找到下载文件夹<li>如果您已侧载模型,请通过检查 md5sum 确保文件未损坏<li>在我们的<a href="">文档</a>中了解有关支持哪些模型的更多信息对于 gui<li>查看我们的<a href="">discord 频道</a> 获取帮助 <h3>Warning</h3><p>%1</p> - + <h3>警告</h3><p>%1</p> Switch model dialog - + 切换模型对话 Warn the user if they switch models, then context will be erased - + 如果用户切换模型,则警告用户,然后上下文将被删除 Conversation copied to clipboard. - + 复制对话到剪切板 Code copied to clipboard. - + 复制代码到剪切板 @@ -820,67 +823,67 @@ Response: - + 响应: Chat panel - + 对话面板 Chat panel with options - + 对话面板选项 Reload the currently loaded model - + 重载当前模型 Eject the currently loaded model - + 弹出当前加载的模型 No model installed. - + 没有安装模型 Model loading error. - + 模型加载错误 Waiting for model... - + 稍等片刻 Switching context... - + 切换上下文 Choose a model... - + 选择模型 Not found: %1 - + 没找到: %1 @@ -888,19 +891,19 @@ Reload · - + 重载· Loading · - + 载入中· The top item is the current model - + 当前模型的最佳选项 @@ -908,140 +911,140 @@ LocalDocs - + 本地文档 Add documents - + 添加文档 add collections of documents to the chat - + 将文档集合添加到聊天中 Load · - + 加载· (default) → - + (默认) → Load the default model - + 载入默认模型 Loads the default model which can be changed in settings - + 加载默认模型,可以在设置中更改 No Model Installed - + 没有下载模型 GPT4All requires that you install at least one model to get started - + GPT4All要求您至少安装一个模型才能开始 Install a Model - + 下载模型 Shows the add model view - + 查看添加的模型 Conversation with the model - + 使用此模型对话 prompt / response pairs from the conversation - + 对话中的提示/响应对 GPT4All - + GPT4All You - + Busy indicator - + 繁忙程度 The model is thinking - + 模型在思考 recalculating context ... - + 重新生成上下文... response stopped ... - + 响应停止... retrieving localdocs: - + 检索本地文档: searching localdocs: - + 检索本地文档: processing ... - + 处理中 generating response ... - + 响应中... @@ -1049,133 +1052,133 @@ model to get started Copy - + 复制 Copy Message - + 复制内容 Disable markdown - + 不允许markdown Enable markdown - + 允许markdown Thumbs up - + 点赞 Gives a thumbs up to the response - + 点赞响应 Thumbs down - + 点踩 Opens thumbs down dialog - + 打开点踩对话框 %1 Sources - + %1 资源 Erase and reset chat session - + 擦除并重置聊天会话 Copy chat session to clipboard - + 复制对话到剪切板 Redo last chat response - + 重新生成上个响应 Stop the current response generation - + 停止当前响应 Reloads the model - + 重载模型 Send a message... - + 发送消息... Load a model to continue... - + 选择模型并继续 Send messages/prompts to the model - + 发送消息/提示词给模型 Cut - + 剪切 Paste - + 粘贴 Select All - + 全选 Send message - + 发送消息 Sends the message/prompt contained in textfield to the model - + 将文本框中包含的消息/提示发送给模型 @@ -1184,13 +1187,13 @@ model to get started Warning: searching collections while indexing can return incomplete results - + 提示: 索引时搜索集合可能会返回不完整的结果 %n file(s) - + @@ -1198,7 +1201,7 @@ model to get started %n word(s) - + @@ -1206,19 +1209,19 @@ model to get started Updating - + 更新中 + Add Docs - + + 添加文档 Select a collection to make it available to the chat model. - + 选择一个集合,使其可用于聊天模型。 @@ -1227,109 +1230,109 @@ model to get started Welcome to GPT4All - + 欢迎 The privacy-first LLM chat application - + 隐私至上的大模型咨询应用程序 Start chatting - + 开始聊天 Start Chatting - + 开始聊天 Chat with any LLM - + 大预言模型聊天 LocalDocs - + 本地文档 Chat with your local files - + 本地文件聊天 Find Models - + 查找模型 Explore and download models - + 发现并下载模型 Latest news - + 新闻 Latest news from GPT4All - + GPT4All新闻 Release Notes - + 发布日志 Documentation - + 文档 Discord - + Discord X (Twitter) - + X (Twitter) Github - + Github - + Subscribe to Newsletter - + 订阅信息 @@ -1338,133 +1341,133 @@ model to get started LocalDocs - + 本地文档 LocalDocs Settings - + 本地文档设置 Indexing - + 索引中 Allowed File Extensions - + 添加文档扩展名 Comma-separated list. LocalDocs will only attempt to process files with these extensions. - + 逗号分隔的列表。LocalDocs 只会尝试处理具有这些扩展名的文件 Embedding - + Embedding Use Nomic Embed API - + 使用 Nomic 内部 API Embed documents using the fast Nomic API instead of a private local model. Requires restart. - + 使用快速的 Nomic API 嵌入文档,而不是使用私有本地模型 Nomic API Key - + Nomic API Key API key to use for Nomic Embed. Get one from the Atlas <a href="">API keys page</a>. Requires restart. - + Nomic Embed 使用的 API 密钥。请访问官网获取,需要重启。 Embeddings Device - + Embeddings 设备 The compute device used for embeddings. "Auto" uses the CPU. Requires restart. - + 技术设备用于embeddings. "自动" 使用.需要重启. Display - + 显示 Show Sources - + 查看源码 Display the sources used for each response. - + 显示每个响应所使用的源。 Advanced - + 高级 Warning: Advanced usage only. - + 提示: 仅限高级使用。 Values too large may cause localdocs failure, extremely slow responses or failure to respond at all. Roughly speaking, the {N chars x N snippets} are added to the model's context window. More info <a href="">here</a>. - + 值过大可能会导致 localdocs 失败、响应速度极慢或根本无法响应。粗略地说,{N 个字符 x N 个片段} 被添加到模型的上下文窗口中。更多信息请见<a href="">此处</a>。 Document snippet size (characters) - + 文档粘贴大小 (字符) Number of characters per document snippet. Larger numbers increase likelihood of factual responses, but also result in slower generation. - + 每个文档片段的字符数。较大的数值增加了事实性响应的可能性,但也会导致生成速度变慢。 Max document snippets per prompt - + 每个提示的最大文档片段数 Max best N matches of retrieved document snippets to add to the context for prompt. Larger numbers increase likelihood of factual responses, but also result in slower generation. - + 检索到的文档片段最多添加到提示上下文中的前 N 个最佳匹配项。较大的数值增加了事实性响应的可能性,但也会导致生成速度变慢。 @@ -1473,179 +1476,179 @@ model to get started LocalDocs - + 本地文档 Chat with your local files - + 和本地文件对话 + Add Collection - + + 添加集合 ERROR: The LocalDocs database is not valid. - + 错误: 本地文档数据库错误. No Collections Installed - + 没有集合 Install a collection of local documents to get started using this feature - + 安装一组本地文档以开始使用此功能 + Add Doc Collection - + + 添加文档集合 Shows the add model view - + 查看添加的模型 Indexing progressBar - + 索引进度 Shows the progress made in the indexing - + 显示索引进度 ERROR - + 错误 INDEXING - + 索引 EMBEDDING - + EMBEDDING REQUIRES UPDATE - + 需更新 READY - + 准备 INSTALLING - + 安装中 Indexing in progress - + 构建索引中 Embedding in progress - + Embedding进度 This collection requires an update after version change - + 此集合需要在版本更改后进行更新 Automatically reindexes upon changes to the folder - + 在文件夹变动时自动重新索引 Installation in progress - + 安装进度 % - + % %n file(s) - - + + %n 文件 %n word(s) - - + + %n 词 Remove - + 删除 Rebuild - + 重新构建 Reindex this folder from scratch. This is slow and usually not needed. - + 从头开始重新索引此文件夹。这个过程较慢,通常情况下不需要。 Update - + 更新 Update the collection to the new version. This is a slow operation. - + 将集合更新为新版本。这是一个缓慢的操作。 @@ -1653,47 +1656,47 @@ model to get started <ul><li>Requires personal OpenAI API key.</li><li>WARNING: Will send your chats to OpenAI!</li><li>Your API key will be stored on disk</li><li>Will only be used to communicate with OpenAI</li><li>You can apply for an API key <a href="">here.</a></li> - + <ul><li>需要个人 OpenAI API 密钥。</li><li>警告:将把您的聊天内容发送给 OpenAI!</li><li>您的 API 密钥将存储在磁盘上</li><li>仅用于与 OpenAI 通信</li><li>您可以在此处<a href="">申请 API 密钥。</a></li> <strong>OpenAI's ChatGPT model GPT-3.5 Turbo</strong><br> - + <strong>OpenAI's ChatGPT model GPT-3.5 Turbo</strong><br> <br><br><i>* Even if you pay OpenAI for ChatGPT-4 this does not guarantee API key access. Contact OpenAI for more info. - + <br><br><i>* 即使您为ChatGPT-4向OpenAI付款,这也不能保证API密钥访问。联系OpenAI获取更多信息。 <strong>OpenAI's ChatGPT model GPT-4</strong><br> - + <strong>OpenAI's ChatGPT model GPT-4</strong><br> <ul><li>Requires personal Mistral API key.</li><li>WARNING: Will send your chats to Mistral!</li><li>Your API key will be stored on disk</li><li>Will only be used to communicate with Mistral</li><li>You can apply for an API key <a href="">here</a>.</li> - + <ul><li>Requires personal Mistral API key.</li><li>WARNING: Will send your chats to Mistral!</li><li>Your API key will be stored on disk</li><li>Will only be used to communicate with Mistral</li><li>You can apply for an API key <a href="">here</a>.</li> <strong>Mistral Tiny model</strong><br> - + <strong>Mistral Tiny model</strong><br> <strong>Mistral Small model</strong><br> - + <strong>Mistral Small model</strong><br> <strong>Mistral Medium model</strong><br> - + <strong>Mistral Medium model</strong><br> <strong>Created by %1.</strong><br><ul><li>Published on %2.<li>This model has %3 likes.<li>This model has %4 downloads.<li>More info can be found <a href="">here.</a></ul> - + <strong>Created by %1.</strong><br><ul><li>Published on %2.<li>This model has %3 likes.<li>This model has %4 downloads.<li>More info can be found <a href="">here.</a></ul> @@ -1702,86 +1705,86 @@ model to get started Model - + 模型 Model Settings - + 模型设置 Clone - + 克隆 Remove - + 删除 Name - + 名称 Model File - + 模型文件 System Prompt - + 系统提示词 Prefixed at the beginning of every conversation. Must contain the appropriate framing tokens. - + 每次对话开始时的前缀 Prompt Template - + 提示词模版 The template that wraps every prompt. - + 包装每个提示的模板 Must contain the string "%1" to be replaced with the user's input. - + 必须包含字符串 "%1" 替换为用户的's 输入. Add optional image - + 添加可选图片 Context Length - + 上下文长度 Number of input and output tokens the model sees. - + 模型看到的输入和输出令牌的数量。 @@ -1789,148 +1792,153 @@ optional image Maximum combined prompt/response tokens before information is lost. Using more context than the model was trained on will yield poor results. NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. - + 信息丢失前的最大组合提示/响应令牌。 + 使用比模型训练时更多的上下文将产生较差的结果。 + 注意:在重新加载模型之前不会生效。 Temperature - + 温度 Randomness of model output. Higher -> more variation. - + 模型输出的随机性。更高->更多的变化。 Temperature increases the chances of choosing less likely tokens. NOTE: Higher temperature gives more creative but less predictable outputs. - + 温度增加了选择不太可能的token的机会。 + 注:温度越高,输出越有创意,但预测性越低。 Top-P - + Top-P Nucleus Sampling factor. Lower -> more predicatable. - + 核子取样系数。较低->更具可预测性。 Only the most likely tokens up to a total probability of top_p can be chosen. NOTE: Prevents choosing highly unlikely tokens. - + 只能选择总概率高达top_p的最有可能的令牌。 + 注意:防止选择极不可能的token。 Min-P - + Min-P Minimum token probability. Higher -> more predictable. - + 最小令牌概率。更高 -> 更可预测。 Sets the minimum relative probability for a token to be considered. - + 设置被考虑的标记的最小相对概率。 Top-K - + Top-K Size of selection pool for tokens. - + 令牌选择池的大小。 Only the top K most likely tokens will be chosen from. - + 仅从最可能的前 K 个标记中选择 Max Length - + 最大长度 Maximum response length, in tokens. - + 最大响应长度(以令牌为单位) Prompt Batch Size - + 提示词大小 The batch size used for prompt processing. - + 用于快速处理的批量大小。 Amount of prompt tokens to process at once. NOTE: Higher values can speed up reading prompts but will use more RAM. - + 一次要处理的提示令牌数量。 + 注意:较高的值可以加快读取提示,但会使用更多的RAM。 Repeat Penalty - + 重复惩罚 Repetition penalty factor. Set to 1 to disable. - + 重复处罚系数。设置为1可禁用。 Repeat Penalty Tokens - + 重复惩罚数 Number of previous tokens used for penalty. - + 用于惩罚的先前令牌数量。 GPU Layers - + GPU 层 Number of model layers to load into VRAM. - + 要加载到VRAM中的模型层数。 @@ -1938,7 +1946,9 @@ NOTE: Higher values can speed up reading prompts but will use more RAM. How many model layers to load into VRAM. Decrease this if GPT4All runs out of VRAM while loading this model. Lower values increase CPU load and RAM usage, and make inference slower. NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. - + 将多少模型层加载到VRAM中。如果GPT4All在加载此模型时耗尽VRAM,请减少此值。 + 较低的值会增加CPU负载和RAM使用率,并使推理速度变慢。 + 注意:在重新加载模型之前不会生效。 @@ -1947,13 +1957,13 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. No Models Installed - + 无模型 Install a model to get started using GPT4All - + 安装模型并开始使用 @@ -1961,79 +1971,79 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. + Add Model - + + 添加模型 Shows the add model view - + 查看增加到模型 Installed Models - + 已安装的模型 Locally installed chat models - + 本地安装的聊天 Model file - + 模型文件 Model file to be downloaded - + 待下载的模型 Description - + 描述 File description - + 文件描述 Cancel - + 取消 Resume - + 继续 Stop/restart/start the download - + 停止/重启/开始下载 Remove - + 删除 Remove model from filesystem - + 从系统中删除模型 @@ -2041,79 +2051,79 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. Install - + 按照 Install online model - + 安装在线模型 <a href="#error">Error</a> - + <a href="#错误">错误</a> Describes an error that occurred when downloading - + 描述下载时发生的错误 <strong><font size="2">WARNING: Not recommended for your hardware. - + <strong><font size="2">警告: 你的硬件不推荐. Model requires more memory ( - + 模型需要更多内存( GB) than your system has available ( - + GB) 你的系统需要 ( Error for incompatible hardware - + 硬件不兼容的错误 Download progressBar - + 下载进度 Shows the progress made in the download - + 显示下载进度 Download speed - + 下载速度 Download speed in bytes/kilobytes/megabytes per second - + 下载速度 b/kb/mb /s Calculating... - + 计算中... @@ -2121,61 +2131,61 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. Whether the file hash is being calculated - + 是否正在计算文件哈希 Busy indicator - + 繁忙程度 Displayed when the file hash is being calculated - + 在计算文件哈希时显示 enter $API_KEY - + 输入 $API_KEY File size - + 文件大小 RAM required - + 需要 RAM GB - + GB Parameters - + 参数 Quant - + 量化 Type - + 类型 @@ -2184,13 +2194,13 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. Fancy link - + 精选链接 A stylized link - + 样式化链接 @@ -2199,7 +2209,7 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. Please choose a directory - + 请选择目录 @@ -2208,13 +2218,13 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. Restore Defaults - + 恢复初始化 Restores settings dialog to a default state - + 将设置对话框恢复为默认状态 @@ -2223,7 +2233,7 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. Contribute data to the GPT4All Opensource Datalake. - + 向GPT4All开源数据湖贡献数据 @@ -2233,61 +2243,65 @@ NOTE: Does not take effect until you reload the model. When a GPT4All model responds to you and you have opted-in, your conversation will be sent to the GPT4All Open Source Datalake. Additionally, you can like/dislike its response. If you dislike a response, you can suggest an alternative response. This data will be collected and aggregated in the GPT4All Datalake. NOTE: By turning on this feature, you will be sending your data to the GPT4All Open Source Datalake. You should have no expectation of chat privacy when this feature is enabled. You should; however, have an expectation of an optional attribution if you wish. Your chat data will be openly available for anyone to download and will be used by Nomic AI to improve future GPT4All models. Nomic AI will retain all attribution information attached to your data and you will be credited as a contributor to any GPT4All model release that uses your data! - + 通过启用此功能,您将能够通过为未来的模型改进贡献数据来参与训练大型语言模型的民主过程。 + + 当 GPT4All 模型回复您并且您已选择加入时,您的对话将被发送到 GPT4All 开源数据湖。此外,您可以喜欢/不喜欢它的回复。如果您不喜欢某个回复,您可以建议其他回复。这些数据将在 GPT4All 数据湖中收集和汇总。 + + 注意:通过启用此功能,您将把数据发送到 GPT4All 开源数据湖。启用此功能后,您不应该期望聊天隐私。但是,如果您愿意,您应该期望可选的归因。您的聊天数据将公开供任何人下载,并将被 Nomic AI 用于改进未来的 GPT4All 模型。Nomic AI 将保留与您的数据相关的所有归因信息,并且您将被视为使用您的数据的任何 GPT4All 模型发布的贡献者! Terms for opt-in - + 选择加入的条款 Describes what will happen when you opt-in - + 描述选择加入时会发生的情况 Please provide a name for attribution (optional) - + 填写名称属性 (可选) Attribution (optional) - + 属性 (可选) Provide attribution - + 提供属性 Enable - + 启用 Enable opt-in - + 启用选择加入 Cancel - + 取消 Cancel opt-in - + 取消加入 @@ -2296,19 +2310,19 @@ NOTE: By turning on this feature, you will be sending your data to the GPT4All O New version is available - + 新版本可选 Update - + 更新 Update to new version - + 更新到新版本 @@ -2317,19 +2331,19 @@ NOTE: By turning on this feature, you will be sending your data to the GPT4All O Reveals a shortlived help balloon - + 显示一个短暂的帮助气球 Busy indicator - + 繁忙程度 Displayed when the popup is showing busy - + 在弹出窗口显示忙碌时显示 @@ -2340,31 +2354,31 @@ NOTE: By turning on this feature, you will be sending your data to the GPT4All O Settings - + 设置 Contains various application settings - + 包含各种应用程序设置 Application - + 应用 Model - + 模型 LocalDocs - + 本地文档 @@ -2373,33 +2387,33 @@ NOTE: By turning on this feature, you will be sending your data to the GPT4All O Welcome! - + 欢迎! ### Release notes - + ### 发布日志 ### Contributors - + ### 贡献者 Release notes - + 发布日志 Release notes for this version - + 本版本发布日志 @@ -2418,19 +2432,26 @@ an expectation of an optional attribution if you wish. Your chat data will be op to download and will be used by Nomic AI to improve future GPT4All models. Nomic AI will retain all attribution information attached to your data and you will be credited as a contributor to any GPT4All model release that uses your data! - + ### 选择加入匿名使用分析和数据湖 + 通过启用这些功能,您将能够通过为未来的模型改进贡献数据来参与训练大型语言模型的民主过程。 + 当 GPT4All 模型回复您并且您已选择加入时,您的对话将被发送到 GPT4All + 开源数据湖。此外,您可以喜欢/不喜欢它的回复。如果您不喜欢某个回复,您可以建议其他回复。这些数据将在 GPT4All 数据湖中收集和汇总。 + 注意:通过启用此功能,您将把您的数据发送到 GPT4All 开源数据湖。 + 启用此功能后,您不应该期望聊天隐私。但是,如果您愿意,您应该期望可选的归因。您的聊天数据将公开供任何人下载,并将由 Nomic AI 用于改进未来的 GPT4All 模型。 Nomic AI 将保留与您的数据相关的所有 + 归因信息,并且您将被视为使用您的数据的任何 GPT4All + 模型发布的贡献者! Terms for opt-in - + 选择加入选项 Describes what will happen when you opt-in - + 描述选择加入时会发生的情况 @@ -2438,7 +2459,7 @@ model release that uses your data! Opt-in for anonymous usage statistics - + 允许选择加入匿名使用统计数据 @@ -2446,13 +2467,13 @@ model release that uses your data! Yes - + Allow opt-in for anonymous usage statistics - + 允许选择加入匿名使用统计数据 @@ -2460,19 +2481,19 @@ model release that uses your data! No - + Opt-out for anonymous usage statistics - + 退出匿名使用统计数据 Allow opt-out for anonymous usage statistics - + 允许选择退出匿名使用统计数据 @@ -2480,31 +2501,31 @@ model release that uses your data! Opt-in for network - + 加入网络 Allow opt-in for network - + 允许选择加入网络 Allow opt-in anonymous sharing of chats to the GPT4All Datalake - + 允许选择加入匿名共享聊天至 GPT4All 数据湖 Opt-out for network - + 取消网络 Allow opt-out anonymous sharing of chats to the GPT4All Datalake - + 允许选择退出将聊天匿名共享至 GPT4All 数据湖 @@ -2513,19 +2534,19 @@ model release that uses your data! <b>Warning:</b> changing the model will erase the current conversation. Do you wish to continue? - + <b>警告:</b> 更改模型将删除当前对话。您想继续吗? Continue - + 继续 Continue with model loading - + 模型载入时继续 @@ -2533,7 +2554,7 @@ model release that uses your data! Cancel - + 取消 @@ -2542,37 +2563,37 @@ model release that uses your data! Please edit the text below to provide a better response. (optional) - + 请编辑下方文本以提供更好的回复。(可选) Please provide a better response... - + 提供更好回答... Submit - + 提交 Submits the user's response - + 提交用户响应 Cancel - + 取消 Closes the response dialog - + 关闭的对话 @@ -2581,7 +2602,7 @@ model release that uses your data! GPT4All v - + GPT4All v @@ -2589,139 +2610,139 @@ model release that uses your data! <h3>Encountered an error starting up:</h3><br> - + <h3>启动时遇到错误::</h3><br> <i>"Incompatible hardware detected."</i> - + <i>"检测到硬件不兼容"</i> <br><br>Unfortunately, your CPU does not meet the minimal requirements to run - + <br><br>您的CPU不符合运行的最低要求 this program. In particular, it does not support AVX intrinsics which this - + 这个问题是因为它不支持AVX 版本 program requires to successfully run a modern large language model. - + 程序需要成功运行现代大型语言模型 The only solution at this time is to upgrade your hardware to a more modern CPU. - + 目前唯一的解决方案是将硬件升级到更现代化的CPU。 <br><br>See here for more information: <a href=""> - + <br><br>请参阅此处了解更多信息: <a href=""></a> - +</a> <i>"Inability to access settings file."</i> - + <i>"无法访问设置文件。"</i> <br><br>Unfortunately, something is preventing the program from accessing - + <br><br>不幸的是,有什么东西阻止了程序访问 the settings file. This could be caused by incorrect permissions in the local - + 设置文件。这可能是由于本地中的权限不正确造成的 app config directory where the settings file is located. - + 设置文件所在的应用程序配置目录 Check out our <a href="">discord channel</a> for help. - + 检查链接 <a href="">discord channel</a> 寻求. Connection to datalake failed. - + 链接数据湖失败 Saving chats. - + 保存对话 Network dialog - + 网络对话 opt-in to share feedback/conversations - + 选择加入以共享反馈/对话 Home view - + 主页 Home view of application - + 主页 Home - + 主页 Chat view - + 对话视图 Chat view to interact with models - + 聊天视图可与模型互动 Chats - + 对话 @@ -2729,13 +2750,13 @@ model release that uses your data! Models - + 模型 Models view for installed models - + 已安装模型的页面 @@ -2743,13 +2764,13 @@ model release that uses your data! LocalDocs - + 本地文档 LocalDocs view to configure and use local docs - + LocalDocs视图可配置和使用本地文档 @@ -2757,43 +2778,43 @@ model release that uses your data! Settings - + 设置 Settings view for application configuration - + 设置页面 The datalake is enabled - + 数据湖已开启 Using a network model - + 使用联网模型 Server mode is enabled - + 服务器模式已开 Installed models - + 安装模型 View of installed models - + 查看已安装模型