Provide an instruct/chat template.

Adam Treat 1 year ago
parent 0f9b80e6b6
commit 2354779ac1

@ -101,6 +101,11 @@ bool LLMObject::handleResponse(const std::string &response)
emit responseChanged();
// Stop generation if we encounter prompt or response tokens
QString r = QString::fromStdString(m_response);
if (r.contains("### Prompt:") || r.contains("### Response:"))
return false;
return !m_stopGenerating;
@ -109,11 +114,18 @@ bool LLMObject::prompt(const QString &prompt)
if (!isModelLoaded())
return false;
QString instructPrompt = QString("Below is a prompt for either a task to complete "
"or a piece of conversation."
"Decide which and write an appropriate response to the prompt.\n"
"### Prompt:\n"
"### Response:\n").arg(prompt);
m_stopGenerating = false;
auto func = std::bind(&LLMObject::handleResponse, this, std::placeholders::_1);
emit responseStarted();
qint32 logitsBefore = s_ctx.logits.size();
m_llmodel->prompt(prompt.toStdString(), func, s_ctx, 4096 /*number of chars to predict*/);
m_llmodel->prompt(instructPrompt.toStdString(), func, s_ctx, 4096 /*number of chars to predict*/);
m_responseLogits += s_ctx.logits.size() - logitsBefore;
emit responseStopped();
return true;
