You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

685 lines
24 KiB

1 year ago
#include "modellist.h"
#include <algorithm>
InstalledModels::InstalledModels(QObject *parent)
: QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)
connect(this, &InstalledModels::rowsInserted, this, &InstalledModels::countChanged);
connect(this, &InstalledModels::rowsRemoved, this, &InstalledModels::countChanged);
connect(this, &InstalledModels::modelReset, this, &InstalledModels::countChanged);
connect(this, &InstalledModels::layoutChanged, this, &InstalledModels::countChanged);
1 year ago
bool InstalledModels::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow,
const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const
QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
bool isInstalled = sourceModel()->data(index, ModelList::InstalledRole).toBool();
return isInstalled;
int InstalledModels::count() const
return rowCount();
QString InstalledModels::firstFilename() const
if (rowCount() > 0) {
QModelIndex firstIndex = index(0, 0);
return sourceModel()->data(firstIndex, ModelList::FilenameRole).toString();
} else {
return QString();
1 year ago
DownloadableModels::DownloadableModels(QObject *parent)
: QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)
, m_expanded(false)
, m_limit(5)
connect(this, &DownloadableModels::rowsInserted, this, &DownloadableModels::countChanged);
connect(this, &DownloadableModels::rowsRemoved, this, &DownloadableModels::countChanged);
connect(this, &DownloadableModels::modelReset, this, &DownloadableModels::countChanged);
connect(this, &DownloadableModels::layoutChanged, this, &DownloadableModels::countChanged);
bool DownloadableModels::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow,
const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const
bool withinLimit = sourceRow < (m_expanded ? sourceModel()->rowCount() : m_limit);
QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
bool isDownloadable = !sourceModel()->data(index, ModelList::DescriptionRole).toString().isEmpty();
bool showInGUI = !sourceModel()->data(index, ModelList::DisableGUIRole).toBool();
return withinLimit && isDownloadable && showInGUI;
int DownloadableModels::count() const
return rowCount();
bool DownloadableModels::isExpanded() const
return m_expanded;
void DownloadableModels::setExpanded(bool expanded)
if (m_expanded != expanded) {
m_expanded = expanded;
emit expandedChanged(m_expanded);
class MyModelList: public ModelList { };
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(MyModelList, modelListInstance)
ModelList *ModelList::globalInstance()
return modelListInstance();
: QAbstractListModel(nullptr)
, m_installedModels(new InstalledModels(this))
, m_downloadableModels(new DownloadableModels(this))
m_watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this);
QSettings settings;
m_localModelsPath = settings.value("modelPath", defaultLocalModelsPath()).toString();
const QString exePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator();
connect(m_watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, this, &ModelList::updateModelsFromDirectory);
connect(this, &ModelList::localModelsPathChanged, this, &ModelList::updateModelList);
1 year ago
1 year ago
QString ModelList::incompleteDownloadPath(const QString &modelFile)
return localModelsPath() + "incomplete-" + modelFile;
const QList<ModelInfo> ModelList::exportModelList() const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
QList<ModelInfo> infos;
for (ModelInfo *info : m_models)
if (info->installed)
return infos;
const QList<QString> ModelList::userDefaultModelList() const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
QSettings settings;
const QString userDefaultModelName = settings.value("userDefaultModel").toString();
QList<QString> models;
bool foundUserDefault = false;
for (ModelInfo *info : m_models) {
if (info->installed && (info->name == userDefaultModelName || info->filename == userDefaultModelName)) {
foundUserDefault = true;
models.prepend(info->name.isEmpty() ? info->filename : info->name);
} else if (info->installed) {
models.append(info->name.isEmpty() ? info->filename : info->name);
const QString defaultFileName = "Application default";
if (foundUserDefault)
return models;
ModelInfo ModelList::defaultModelInfo() const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
QSettings settings;
// The user default model can be set by the user in the settings dialog. The "default" user
// default model is "Application default" which signals we should use the default model that was
// specified by the models.json file.
const QString userDefaultModelName = settings.value("userDefaultModel").toString();
const bool hasUserDefaultName = !userDefaultModelName.isEmpty() && userDefaultModelName != "Application default";
const QString defaultModelName = settings.value("defaultModel").toString();
const bool hasDefaultName = hasUserDefaultName ? false : !defaultModelName.isEmpty();
1 year ago
ModelInfo *defaultModel = nullptr;
for (ModelInfo *info : m_models) {
if (!info->installed)
defaultModel = info;
// If we don't have either setting, then just use the first model that is installed
if (!hasUserDefaultName && !hasDefaultName)
// If we don't have a user specified default, but *do* have a default setting and match, then use it
if (!hasUserDefaultName && hasDefaultName && (defaultModel->name == defaultModelName || defaultModel->filename == defaultModelName))
// If we have a user specified default and match, then use it
if (hasUserDefaultName && (defaultModel->name == userDefaultModelName || defaultModel->filename == userDefaultModelName))
1 year ago
if (defaultModel)
return *defaultModel;
return ModelInfo();
bool ModelList::contains(const QString &filename) const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
return m_modelMap.contains(filename);
bool ModelList::lessThan(const ModelInfo* a, const ModelInfo* b)
// Rule 1: Non-empty 'order' before empty
if (a->order.isEmpty() != b->order.isEmpty()) {
return !a->order.isEmpty();
// Rule 2: Both 'order' are non-empty, sort alphanumerically
if (!a->order.isEmpty() && !b->order.isEmpty()) {
return a->order < b->order;
// Rule 3: Both 'order' are empty, sort by filename
return a->filename < b->filename;
void ModelList::addModel(const QString &filename)
const bool hasModel = contains(filename);
if (hasModel) {
1 year ago
qWarning() << "ERROR: model list already contains" << filename;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_models.size(), m_models.size());
int modelSizeAfter = 0;
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
ModelInfo *info = new ModelInfo;
info->filename = filename;
m_modelMap.insert(filename, info);
std::stable_sort(m_models.begin(), m_models.end(), ModelList::lessThan);
modelSizeAfter = m_models.size();
1 year ago
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(modelSizeAfter - 1, 0));
1 year ago
emit userDefaultModelListChanged();
int ModelList::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
return m_models.size();
QVariant ModelList::dataInternal(const ModelInfo *info, int role) const
switch (role) {
case NameRole:
return info->name;
case FilenameRole:
return info->filename;
case DirpathRole:
return info->dirpath;
case FilesizeRole:
return info->filesize;
case Md5sumRole:
return info->md5sum;
case CalcHashRole:
return info->calcHash;
case InstalledRole:
return info->installed;
case DefaultRole:
return info->isDefault;
case ChatGPTRole:
return info->isChatGPT;
case DisableGUIRole:
return info->disableGUI;
case DescriptionRole:
return info->description;
case RequiresVersionRole:
return info->requiresVersion;
case DeprecatedVersionRole:
return info->deprecatedVersion;
case UrlRole:
return info->url;
case BytesReceivedRole:
return info->bytesReceived;
case BytesTotalRole:
return info->bytesTotal;
case TimestampRole:
return info->timestamp;
case SpeedRole:
return info->speed;
case DownloadingRole:
return info->isDownloading;
case IncompleteRole:
return info->isIncomplete;
case DownloadErrorRole:
return info->downloadError;
case OrderRole:
return info->order;
case RamrequiredRole:
return info->ramrequired;
case ParametersRole:
return info->parameters;
case QuantRole:
return info->quant;
case TypeRole:
return info->type;
return QVariant();
QVariant ModelList::data(const QString &filename, int role) const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
ModelInfo *info = m_modelMap.value(filename);
return dataInternal(info, role);
QVariant ModelList::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
if (!index.isValid() || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_models.size())
return QVariant();
const ModelInfo *info =;
return dataInternal(info, role);
void ModelList::updateData(const QString &filename, int role, const QVariant &value)
int modelSize;
bool updateInstalled;
bool updateIncomplete;
int index;
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
if (!m_modelMap.contains(filename)) {
qWarning() << "ERROR: cannot update as model map does not contain" << filename;
1 year ago
ModelInfo *info = m_modelMap.value(filename);
index = m_models.indexOf(info);
if (index == -1) {
qWarning() << "ERROR: cannot update as model list does not contain" << filename;
1 year ago
switch (role) {
case NameRole:
info->name = value.toString(); break;
case FilenameRole:
info->filename = value.toString(); break;
case DirpathRole:
info->dirpath = value.toString(); break;
case FilesizeRole:
info->filesize = value.toString(); break;
case Md5sumRole:
info->md5sum = value.toByteArray(); break;
case CalcHashRole:
info->calcHash = value.toBool(); break;
case InstalledRole:
info->installed = value.toBool(); break;
case DefaultRole:
info->isDefault = value.toBool(); break;
case ChatGPTRole:
info->isChatGPT = value.toBool(); break;
case DisableGUIRole:
info->disableGUI = value.toBool(); break;
case DescriptionRole:
info->description = value.toString(); break;
case RequiresVersionRole:
info->requiresVersion = value.toString(); break;
case DeprecatedVersionRole:
info->deprecatedVersion = value.toString(); break;
case UrlRole:
info->url = value.toString(); break;
case BytesReceivedRole:
info->bytesReceived = value.toLongLong(); break;
case BytesTotalRole:
info->bytesTotal = value.toLongLong(); break;
case TimestampRole:
info->timestamp = value.toLongLong(); break;
case SpeedRole:
info->speed = value.toString(); break;
case DownloadingRole:
info->isDownloading = value.toBool(); break;
case IncompleteRole:
info->isIncomplete = value.toBool(); break;
case DownloadErrorRole:
info->downloadError = value.toString(); break;
case OrderRole:
info->order = value.toString(); break;
case RamrequiredRole:
info->ramrequired = value.toInt(); break;
case ParametersRole:
info->parameters = value.toString(); break;
case QuantRole:
info->quant = value.toString(); break;
case TypeRole:
info->type = value.toString(); break;
1 year ago
// Extra guarantee that these always remains in sync with filesystem
QFileInfo fileInfo(info->dirpath + info->filename);
if (info->installed != fileInfo.exists()) {
info->installed = fileInfo.exists();
updateInstalled = true;
QFileInfo incompleteInfo(incompleteDownloadPath(info->filename));
if (info->isIncomplete != incompleteInfo.exists()) {
info->isIncomplete = incompleteInfo.exists();
updateIncomplete = true;
1 year ago
std::stable_sort(m_models.begin(), m_models.end(), ModelList::lessThan);
modelSize = m_models.size();
emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(modelSize - 1, 0));
1 year ago
emit userDefaultModelListChanged();
ModelInfo ModelList::modelInfo(const QString &filename) const
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
if (!m_modelMap.contains(filename))
return ModelInfo();
return *m_modelMap.value(filename);
QString ModelList::defaultLocalModelsPath() const
QString localPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation)
+ "/";
QString testWritePath = localPath + QString("test_write.txt");
QString canonicalLocalPath = QFileInfo(localPath).canonicalFilePath() + "/";
QDir localDir(localPath);
if (!localDir.exists()) {
if (!localDir.mkpath(localPath)) {
qWarning() << "ERROR: Local download directory can't be created:" << canonicalLocalPath;
return canonicalLocalPath;
if (QFileInfo::exists(testWritePath))
return canonicalLocalPath;
QFile testWriteFile(testWritePath);
if ( {
return canonicalLocalPath;
qWarning() << "ERROR: Local download path appears not writeable:" << canonicalLocalPath;
return canonicalLocalPath;
QString ModelList::localModelsPath() const
return m_localModelsPath;
void ModelList::setLocalModelsPath(const QString &modelPath)
QString filePath = (modelPath.startsWith("file://") ?
QUrl(modelPath).toLocalFile() : modelPath);
QString canonical = QFileInfo(filePath).canonicalFilePath() + "/";
if (m_localModelsPath != canonical) {
m_localModelsPath = canonical;
emit localModelsPathChanged();
QString ModelList::modelDirPath(const QString &modelName, bool isChatGPT)
QVector<QString> possibleFilePaths;
if (isChatGPT)
possibleFilePaths << "/" + modelName + ".txt";
else {
possibleFilePaths << "/ggml-" + modelName + ".bin";
possibleFilePaths << "/" + modelName + ".bin";
for (const QString &modelFilename : possibleFilePaths) {
QString appPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + modelFilename;
QFileInfo infoAppPath(appPath);
if (infoAppPath.exists())
return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
QString downloadPath = localModelsPath() + modelFilename;
QFileInfo infoLocalPath(downloadPath);
if (infoLocalPath.exists())
return localModelsPath();
return QString();
void ModelList::updateModelsFromDirectory()
const QString exePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator();
const QString localPath = localModelsPath();
auto processDirectory = [&](const QString& path) {
QDirIterator it(path, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {;
if (!it.fileInfo().isDir()) {
QString filename = it.fileName();
1 year ago
// All files that end with .bin and have 'ggml' somewhere in the name
if ((filename.endsWith(".bin") && filename.contains("ggml") && !filename.startsWith("incomplete"))
|| (filename.endsWith(".txt") && filename.startsWith("chatgpt-"))) {
QString filePath = it.filePath();
QFileInfo info(filePath);
if (!info.exists())
if (!contains(filename))
updateData(filename, ChatGPTRole, filename.startsWith("chatgpt-"));
updateData(filename, DirpathRole, path);
updateData(filename, FilesizeRole, toFileSize(info.size()));
1 year ago
1 year ago
if (localPath != exePath)
1 year ago
void ModelList::updateModelList()
QUrl jsonUrl("file://" + QDir::homePath() + "/dev/large_language_models/gpt4all/gpt4all-chat/metadata/models.json");
QUrl jsonUrl("");
QNetworkRequest request(jsonUrl);
QSslConfiguration conf = request.sslConfiguration();
QNetworkReply *jsonReply = m_networkManager.get(request);
QEventLoop loop;
connect(jsonReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
QTimer::singleShot(1500, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
if (jsonReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError && jsonReply->isFinished()) {
QByteArray jsonData = jsonReply->readAll();
} else {
qWarning() << "Could not download models.json";
delete jsonReply;
static bool operator==(const ModelInfo& lhs, const ModelInfo& rhs) {
return lhs.filename == rhs.filename && lhs.md5sum == rhs.md5sum;
static bool compareVersions(const QString &a, const QString &b) {
QStringList aParts = a.split('.');
QStringList bParts = b.split('.');
for (int i = 0; i < std::min(aParts.size(), bParts.size()); ++i) {
int aInt = aParts[i].toInt();
int bInt = bParts[i].toInt();
if (aInt > bInt) {
return true;
} else if (aInt < bInt) {
return false;
return aParts.size() > bParts.size();
void ModelList::parseModelsJsonFile(const QByteArray &jsonData)
QJsonParseError err;
QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonData, &err);
if (err.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "ERROR: Couldn't parse: " << jsonData << err.errorString();
QJsonArray jsonArray = document.array();
const QString currentVersion = QCoreApplication::applicationVersion();
for (const QJsonValue &value : jsonArray) {
QJsonObject obj = value.toObject();
QString modelName = obj["name"].toString();
QString modelFilename = obj["filename"].toString();
QString modelFilesize = obj["filesize"].toString();
QString requiresVersion = obj["requires"].toString();
QString deprecatedVersion = obj["deprecated"].toString();
QString url = obj["url"].toString();
QByteArray modelMd5sum = obj["md5sum"].toString().toLatin1().constData();
bool isDefault = obj.contains("isDefault") && obj["isDefault"] == QString("true");
bool disableGUI = obj.contains("disableGUI") && obj["disableGUI"] == QString("true");
QString description = obj["description"].toString();
QString order = obj["order"].toString();
int ramrequired = obj["ramrequired"].toString().toInt();
QString parameters = obj["parameters"].toString();
QString quant = obj["quant"].toString();
QString type = obj["type"].toString();
// If the currentVersion version is strictly less than required version, then continue
if (!requiresVersion.isEmpty()
&& requiresVersion != currentVersion
&& compareVersions(requiresVersion, currentVersion)) {
// If the current version is strictly greater than the deprecated version, then continue
if (!deprecatedVersion.isEmpty()
&& compareVersions(currentVersion, deprecatedVersion)) {
modelFilesize = ModelList::toFileSize(modelFilesize.toULongLong());
if (!contains(modelFilename))
if (!modelName.isEmpty())
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::NameRole, modelName);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::FilesizeRole, modelFilesize);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::Md5sumRole, modelMd5sum);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::DefaultRole, isDefault);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::DescriptionRole, description);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::RequiresVersionRole, requiresVersion);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::DeprecatedVersionRole, deprecatedVersion);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::UrlRole, url);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::DisableGUIRole, disableGUI);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::OrderRole, order);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::RamrequiredRole, ramrequired);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::ParametersRole, parameters);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::QuantRole, quant);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::TypeRole, type);
const QString chatGPTDesc = tr("<ul><li>Requires personal OpenAI API key.</li><li>WARNING: Will send"
" your chats to OpenAI!</li><li>Your API key will be stored on disk</li><li>Will only be used"
" to communicate with OpenAI</li><li>You can apply for an API key"
" <a href=\"\">here.</a></li>");
const QString modelFilename = "chatgpt-gpt-3.5-turbo.txt";
if (!contains(modelFilename))
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::NameRole, "ChatGPT-3.5 Turbo");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::FilesizeRole, "minimal");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::ChatGPTRole, true);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::DescriptionRole,
tr("<strong>OpenAI's ChatGPT model GPT-3.5 Turbo</strong><br>") + chatGPTDesc);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::RequiresVersionRole, "2.4.2");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::OrderRole, "ca");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::RamrequiredRole, 0);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::ParametersRole, "?");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::QuantRole, "NA");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::TypeRole, "GPT");
const QString modelFilename = "chatgpt-gpt-4.txt";
if (!contains(modelFilename))
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::NameRole, "ChatGPT-4");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::FilesizeRole, "minimal");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::ChatGPTRole, true);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::DescriptionRole,
tr("<strong>OpenAI's ChatGPT model GPT-4</strong><br>") + chatGPTDesc);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::RequiresVersionRole, "2.4.2");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::OrderRole, "cb");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::RamrequiredRole, 0);
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::ParametersRole, "?");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::QuantRole, "NA");
updateData(modelFilename, ModelList::TypeRole, "GPT");
if (installedModels()->count()) {
const QString firstModel =
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("defaultModel", firstModel);