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#ifndef DLHANDLE_H
#define DLHANDLE_H
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <dlfcn.h>
class Dlhandle {
void *chandle;
class Exception : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
Dlhandle() : chandle(nullptr) {}
Dlhandle(const std::string& fpath, int flags = RTLD_LAZY) {
chandle = dlopen(fpath.c_str(), flags);
if (!chandle) {
throw Exception("dlopen(\""+fpath+"\"): "+dlerror());
Dlhandle(const Dlhandle& o) = delete;
Dlhandle(Dlhandle&& o) : chandle(o.chandle) {
o.chandle = nullptr;
~Dlhandle() {
if (chandle) dlclose(chandle);
auto operator =(Dlhandle&& o) {
chandle = std::exchange(o.chandle, nullptr);
bool is_valid() const {
return chandle != nullptr;
operator bool() const {
return is_valid();
template<typename T>
T* get(const std::string& fname) const {
auto fres = reinterpret_cast<T*>(dlsym(chandle, fname.c_str()));
return (dlerror()==NULL)?fres:nullptr;
auto get_fnc(const std::string& fname) const {
return get<void*(...)>(fname);
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#include <libloaderapi.h>
class Dlhandle {
HMODULE chandle;
class Exception : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
Dlhandle() : chandle(nullptr) {}
Dlhandle(const std::string& fpath) {
chandle = LoadLibraryA(fpath.c_str());
if (!chandle) {
throw Exception("dlopen(\""+fpath+"\"): Error");
Dlhandle(const Dlhandle& o) = delete;
Dlhandle(Dlhandle&& o) : chandle(o.chandle) {
o.chandle = nullptr;
~Dlhandle() {
if (chandle) FreeLibrary(chandle);
bool is_valid() const {
return chandle != nullptr;
template<typename T>
T* get(const std::string& fname) const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetProcAddress(chandle, fname.c_str()));
auto get_fnc(const std::string& fname) const {
return get<void*(...)>(fname);
#endif // DLHANDLE_H