package services import ( "fmt" "io" "log" "net" "proxy/utils" "runtime/debug" "strconv" ) type HTTP struct { outPool utils.OutPool cfg HTTPArgs checker utils.Checker basicAuth utils.BasicAuth } func NewHTTP() Service { return &HTTP{ outPool: utils.OutPool{}, cfg: HTTPArgs{}, checker: utils.Checker{}, basicAuth: utils.BasicAuth{}, } } func (s *HTTP) InitService() { s.InitBasicAuth() if *s.cfg.Parent != "" { s.checker = utils.NewChecker(*s.cfg.HTTPTimeout, int64(*s.cfg.Interval), *s.cfg.Blocked, *s.cfg.Direct) } } func (s *HTTP) StopService() { if s.outPool.Pool != nil { s.outPool.Pool.ReleaseAll() } } func (s *HTTP) Start(args interface{}) (err error) { s.cfg = args.(HTTPArgs) if *s.cfg.Parent != "" { log.Printf("use %s parent %s", *s.cfg.ParentType, *s.cfg.Parent) s.InitOutConnPool() } s.InitService() host, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(*s.cfg.Local) p, _ := strconv.Atoi(port) sc := utils.NewServerChannel(host, p) if *s.cfg.LocalType == TYPE_TCP { err = sc.ListenTCP(s.callback) } else { err = sc.ListenTls(s.cfg.CertBytes, s.cfg.KeyBytes, s.callback) } if err != nil { return } log.Printf("%s http(s) proxy on %s", *s.cfg.LocalType, (*sc.Listener).Addr()) return } func (s *HTTP) Clean() { s.StopService() } func (s *HTTP) callback(inConn net.Conn) { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { log.Printf("http(s) conn handler crashed with err : %s \nstack: %s", err, string(debug.Stack())) } }() req, err := utils.NewHTTPRequest(&inConn, 4096, s.IsBasicAuth(), &s.basicAuth) if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { log.Printf("decoder error , form %s, ERR:%s", err, inConn.RemoteAddr()) } utils.CloseConn(&inConn) return } address := req.Host useProxy := true if *s.cfg.Parent == "" { useProxy = false } else if *s.cfg.Always { useProxy = true } else { if req.IsHTTPS() { s.checker.Add(address, true, req.Method, "", nil) } else { s.checker.Add(address, false, req.Method, req.URL, req.HeadBuf) } //var n, m uint useProxy, _, _ = s.checker.IsBlocked(req.Host) //log.Printf("blocked ? : %v, %s , fail:%d ,success:%d", useProxy, address, n, m) } log.Printf("use proxy : %v, %s", useProxy, address) //os.Exit(0) err = s.OutToTCP(useProxy, address, &inConn, &req) if err != nil { if *s.cfg.Parent == "" { log.Printf("connect to %s fail, ERR:%s", address, err) } else { log.Printf("connect to %s parent %s fail", *s.cfg.ParentType, *s.cfg.Parent) } utils.CloseConn(&inConn) } } func (s *HTTP) OutToTCP(useProxy bool, address string, inConn *net.Conn, req *utils.HTTPRequest) (err error) { inAddr := (*inConn).RemoteAddr().String() inLocalAddr := (*inConn).LocalAddr().String() //防止死循环 if s.IsDeadLoop(inLocalAddr, req.Host) { utils.CloseConn(inConn) err = fmt.Errorf("dead loop detected , %s", req.Host) return } var outConn net.Conn var _outConn interface{} if useProxy { _outConn, err = s.outPool.Pool.Get() if err == nil { outConn = _outConn.(net.Conn) } } else { outConn, err = utils.ConnectHost(address, *s.cfg.Timeout) } if err != nil { log.Printf("connect to %s , err:%s", *s.cfg.Parent, err) utils.CloseConn(inConn) return } outAddr := outConn.RemoteAddr().String() outLocalAddr := outConn.LocalAddr().String() if req.IsHTTPS() && !useProxy { req.HTTPSReply() } else { outConn.Write(req.HeadBuf) } utils.IoBind((*inConn), outConn, func(isSrcErr bool, err error) { log.Printf("conn %s - %s - %s -%s released [%s]", inAddr, inLocalAddr, outLocalAddr, outAddr, req.Host) utils.CloseConn(inConn) utils.CloseConn(&outConn) }, func(n int, d bool) {}, 0) log.Printf("conn %s - %s - %s - %s connected [%s]", inAddr, inLocalAddr, outLocalAddr, outAddr, req.Host) return } func (s *HTTP) OutToUDP(inConn *net.Conn) (err error) { return } func (s *HTTP) InitOutConnPool() { if *s.cfg.ParentType == TYPE_TLS || *s.cfg.ParentType == TYPE_TCP { //dur int, isTLS bool, certBytes, keyBytes []byte, //parent string, timeout int, InitialCap int, MaxCap int s.outPool = utils.NewOutPool( *s.cfg.CheckParentInterval, *s.cfg.ParentType == TYPE_TLS, s.cfg.CertBytes, s.cfg.KeyBytes, *s.cfg.Parent, *s.cfg.Timeout, *s.cfg.PoolSize, *s.cfg.PoolSize*2, ) } } func (s *HTTP) InitBasicAuth() (err error) { s.basicAuth = utils.NewBasicAuth() if *s.cfg.AuthFile != "" { var n = 0 n, err = s.basicAuth.AddFromFile(*s.cfg.AuthFile) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("auth-file ERR:%s", err) return } log.Printf("auth data added from file %d , total:%d", n, s.basicAuth.Total()) } if len(*s.cfg.Auth) > 0 { n := s.basicAuth.Add(*s.cfg.Auth) log.Printf("auth data added %d, total:%d", n, s.basicAuth.Total()) } return } func (s *HTTP) IsBasicAuth() bool { return *s.cfg.AuthFile != "" || len(*s.cfg.Auth) > 0 } func (s *HTTP) IsDeadLoop(inLocalAddr string, host string) bool { inIP, inPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(inLocalAddr) if err != nil { return false } outDomain, outPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(host) if err != nil { return false } if inPort == outPort { var outIPs []net.IP outIPs, err = net.LookupIP(outDomain) if err == nil { for _, ip := range outIPs { if ip.String() == inIP { return true } } } interfaceIPs, err := utils.GetAllInterfaceAddr() if err == nil { for _, localIP := range interfaceIPs { for _, outIP := range outIPs { if localIP.Equal(outIP) { return true } } } } } return false }