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#ifndef __INCLUDED_X11_HOOK_H__
#define __INCLUDED_X11_HOOK_H__
#include "../Base_Hook.h"
#ifdef __LINUX__
#ifndef NO_OVERLAY
#include <X11/X.h> // XEvent types
#include <X11/Xlib.h> // XEvent structure
extern "C" int XEventsQueued(Display *display, int mode);
extern "C" int XPending(Display *display);
class X11_Hook : public Base_Hook
friend int XEventsQueued(Display *display, int mode);
friend int XPending(Display *display);
static constexpr const char* DLL_NAME = "";
static X11_Hook* _inst;
// Variables
bool hooked;
bool initialized;
Window game_wnd;
// Functions
int check_for_overlay(Display *d, int num_events);
// Hook to X11 window messages
decltype(XEventsQueued)* _XEventsQueued;
decltype(XPeekEvent)* _XPeekEvent;
decltype(XNextEvent)* _XNextEvent;
decltype(XPending)* _XPending;
//decltype(XKeysymToKeycode)* _XKeysymToKeycode;
//decltype(XLookupKeysym)* _XLookupKeysym;
//decltype(XGetGeometry)* _XGetGeometry;
static int MyXEventsQueued(Display * display, int mode);
static int MyXNextEvent(Display* display, XEvent *event);
static int MyXPeekEvent(Display* display, XEvent *event);
static int MyXPending(Display* display);
virtual ~X11_Hook();
void resetRenderState();
void prepareForOverlay(Display *display, Window wnd);
Window get_game_wnd() const{ return game_wnd; }
bool start_hook();
static X11_Hook* Inst();
virtual const char* get_lib_name() const;