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// Copyright (c) 2015, Emir Pasic. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package arraystack implements a stack backed by array list.
// Structure is not thread safe.
// Reference:
package arraystack
import (
// Assert Stack implementation
var _ stacks.Stack[int] = (*Stack[int])(nil)
// Stack holds elements in an array-list
type Stack[T comparable] struct {
list *arraylist.List[T]
// New instantiates a new empty stack
func New[T comparable]() *Stack[T] {
return &Stack[T]{list: arraylist.New[T]()}
// Push adds a value onto the top of the stack
func (stack *Stack[T]) Push(value T) {
// Pop removes top element on stack and returns it, or nil if stack is empty.
// Second return parameter is true, unless the stack was empty and there was nothing to pop.
func (stack *Stack[T]) Pop() (value T, ok bool) {
value, ok = stack.list.Get(stack.list.Size() - 1)
stack.list.Remove(stack.list.Size() - 1)
// Peek returns top element on the stack without removing it, or nil if stack is empty.
// Second return parameter is true, unless the stack was empty and there was nothing to peek.
func (stack *Stack[T]) Peek() (value T, ok bool) {
return stack.list.Get(stack.list.Size() - 1)
// Empty returns true if stack does not contain any elements.
func (stack *Stack[T]) Empty() bool {
return stack.list.Empty()
// Size returns number of elements within the stack.
func (stack *Stack[T]) Size() int {
return stack.list.Size()
// Clear removes all elements from the stack.
func (stack *Stack[T]) Clear() {
// Values returns all elements in the stack (LIFO order).
func (stack *Stack[T]) Values() []T {
size := stack.list.Size()
elements := make([]T, size, size)
for i := 1; i <= size; i++ {
elements[size-i], _ = stack.list.Get(i - 1) // in reverse (LIFO)
return elements
// String returns a string representation of container
func (stack *Stack[T]) String() string {
str := "ArrayStack\n"
values := []string{}
for _, value := range stack.list.Values() {
values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
str += strings.Join(values, ", ")
return str
// Check that the index is within bounds of the list
func (stack *Stack[T]) withinRange(index int) bool {
return index >= 0 && index < stack.list.Size()