Add queue to README

AryanAhadinia 3 years ago
parent 327ef4525b
commit b2f992450d

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Implementation of various data structures and algorithms in Go.
- [ArrayList](#arraylist)
- [SinglyLinkedList](#singlylinkedlist)
- [DoublyLinkedList](#doublylinkedlist)
- [Queues](#queues)
- [LinkedListQueue](#linkedlistqueue)
- [ArrayQueue](#arrayqueue)
- [Sets](#sets)
- [HashSet](#hashset)
- [TreeSet](#treeset)
@ -68,6 +71,9 @@ Containers are either ordered or unordered. All ordered containers provide [stat
| | [ArrayList](#arraylist) | yes | yes* | yes | index |
| | [SinglyLinkedList](#singlylinkedlist) | yes | yes | yes | index |
| | [DoublyLinkedList](#doublylinkedlist) | yes | yes* | yes | index |
| [Queues](#queues) |
| | [LinkedListQueues](#linkedlistqueues) | yes | yes | no | index |
| | [ArrayQueues](#arrayqueues) | yes | yes* | no | index |
| [Sets](#sets) |
| | [HashSet](#hashset) | no | no | no | index |
| | [TreeSet](#treeset) | yes | yes* | yes | index |
@ -400,6 +406,80 @@ func main() {
### Queues
A queue that represents a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. The usual enqueue and dequeue operations are provided, as well as a method to peek at the first item in the queue.
Implements [Container](#containers) interface.
type Queue interface {
Enqueue(value interface{})
Dequeue() (value interface{}, ok bool)
Peek() (value interface{}, ok bool)
// Empty() bool
// Size() int
// Clear()
// Values() []interface{}
#### LinkedListQueue
A [queue](#queues) based on a [linked list](#singlylinkedlist).
Implements [Queue](#queues), [IteratorWithIndex](#iteratorwithindex), [JSONSerializer](#jsonserializer) and [JSONDeserializer](#jsondeserializer) interfaces.
package main
import ll1 ""
func main() {
queue := llq.New() // empty
queue.Enqueue(1) // 1
queue.Enqueue(2) // 1, 2
queue.Values() // 1, 2
_, _ = queue.Peek() // 1, true
_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // 1, true
_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // 2, true
_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // nil, false
queue.Enqueue(1) // 1
queue.Clear() // empty
queue.Empty() // true
queue.Size() // 0
#### ArrayStack
A [queue](#queues) based on a [array list](#arraylist).
Implements [Queue](#queues), [IteratorWithIndex](#iteratorwithindex), [JSONSerializer](#jsonserializer) and [JSONDeserializer](#jsondeserializer) interfaces.
package main
import ll1 ""
func main() {
queue := llq.New() // empty
queue.Enqueue(1) // 1
queue.Enqueue(2) // 1, 2
queue.Values() // 1, 2
_, _ = queue.Peek() // 1, true
_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // 1, true
_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // 2, true
_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // nil, false
queue.Enqueue(1) // 1
queue.Clear() // empty
queue.Empty() // true
queue.Size() // 0
### Maps
A Map is a data structure that maps keys to values. A map cannot contain duplicate keys and each key can map to at most one value.
