- AVL tree, remove dynamic func initialization within a func, simply extract those put/remove func on its own

Emir Pasic 7 years ago
parent d6611c11d3
commit 9f8722300a

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
// Package avltree implements an AVL balanced binary tree.
// Structure is not thread safe.
// References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree
package avltree
import (
@ -144,80 +146,78 @@ func (t *Tree) Ceiling(key interface{}) (floor *Node, found bool) {
// Put inserts node into the tree.
// Key should adhere to the comparator's type assertion, otherwise method panics.
func (t *Tree) Put(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
var put func(*Node, **Node) bool
put = func(p *Node, qp **Node) bool {
q := *qp
if q == nil {
*qp = &Node{Key: key, Value: value, Parent: p}
return true
t.put(key, value, nil, &t.Root)
c := t.Comparator(key, q.Key)
if c == 0 {
q.Key = key
q.Value = value
return false
func (t *Tree) put(key interface{}, value interface{}, p *Node, qp **Node) bool {
q := *qp
if q == nil {
*qp = &Node{Key: key, Value: value, Parent: p}
return true
if c < 0 {
c = -1
} else {
c = 1
a := (c + 1) / 2
var fix bool
fix = put(q, &q.Children[a])
if fix {
return putFix(int8(c), qp)
c := t.Comparator(key, q.Key)
if c == 0 {
q.Key = key
q.Value = value
return false
put(nil, &t.Root)
if c < 0 {
c = -1
} else {
c = 1
a := (c + 1) / 2
var fix bool
fix = t.put(key, value, q, &q.Children[a])
if fix {
return putFix(int8(c), qp)
return false
// Remove remove the node from the tree by key.
// Key should adhere to the comparator's type assertion, otherwise method panics.
func (t *Tree) Remove(key interface{}) {
var remove func(**Node) bool
remove = func(qp **Node) bool {
q := *qp
if q == nil {
return false
t.remove(key, &t.Root)
c := t.Comparator(key, q.Key)
if c == 0 {
if q.Children[1] == nil {
if q.Children[0] != nil {
q.Children[0].Parent = q.Parent
*qp = q.Children[0]
return true
fix := removeMin(&q.Children[1], &q.Key, &q.Value)
if fix {
return removeFix(-1, qp)
return false
func (t *Tree) remove(key interface{}, qp **Node) bool {
q := *qp
if q == nil {
return false
if c < 0 {
c = -1
} else {
c = 1
c := t.Comparator(key, q.Key)
if c == 0 {
if q.Children[1] == nil {
if q.Children[0] != nil {
q.Children[0].Parent = q.Parent
*qp = q.Children[0]
return true
a := (c + 1) / 2
fix := remove(&q.Children[a])
fix := removeMin(&q.Children[1], &q.Key, &q.Value)
if fix {
return removeFix(int8(-c), qp)
return removeFix(-1, qp)
return false
if c < 0 {
c = -1
} else {
c = 1
a := (c + 1) / 2
fix := t.remove(key, &q.Children[a])
if fix {
return removeFix(int8(-c), qp)
return false
func removeMin(qp **Node, minKey *interface{}, minVal *interface{}) bool {
