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go.txt: plugin for the Go programming language
go.nvim is a neovim plugin for the Go programming language. This is the
reference documentation.
Table of contents~
1. Motions |go-nvim-motions|
2. Text objects |go-nvim-text-objects|
3. Mappings |go-nvim-mappings|
4. Filetypes |go-nvim-filetypes|
5. Binaries |go-nvim-binaries|
6. Commands |go-nvim-commands|
7. Options |go-nvim-options|
MOTIONS *go-nvim-motions*
*go-nvim-v_]]* *go-nvim-]]*
]] Go [count] top-level declarations forward. A top-level
declaration is a `func`, `type`, `var`, `const`, or `import`.
In |ft-gopresent| files it jumps [count] sections
*go-nvim-v_[[* *go-nvim-[[*
[[ Go [count] top-level declarations backwards. In
|ft-gopresent| it jumps [count] sections backwards.
TEXT OBJECTS *go-nvim-text-objects*
text objects is provided through treesitter text-objects plugin
*go-nvim-v_af* *go-nvim-af*
af "a function": complete function body and any preceding
documentation comment.
*go-nvim-v_if* *go-nvim-if*
if "inner function": function contents without the
*go-nvim-v_ac* *go-nvim-ac*
ac "a comment": the entire comment block, including the
comment characters themselves.
*go-nvim-v_ic* *go-nvim-ic*
ic "inner comment": content of the function but exclude
the start and end markers.
MAPPINGS *go-nvim-mappings*
go.nvim does not provide default keymappings.
keymap in debug mode
c continue
n next
s step
o stepout
S cap S: stop debug
u up
D cap D: down
C cap C: run to cursor
b toggle breakpoint
P cap P: pause
p print, hover value (also in visual mode)
FILETYPES *go-nvim-filetypes*
go files; default ft for go files
You need to set the |filetype| to `go` to run commands
provided by the pluginfor example: >
vim +'set ft=go' +GoSetup +'q!'
go.mod file; there are no options.
*ft-gotext* *ft-gohtml*
gotext gohtml~
text/template and html/template. Automatically applied
to files ending with the `.gotext` and `.gohtml`.
gohtml loads the standard html syntax highlighting,
but they are otherwise identical.
BINARIES *go-nvim-binaries*
Several binary tools are supported;
go `go install`
gotest `go test`
golint `golangci-lint`
settings below will take effect (so you'll need to use
`:Dispatch go build ./cmd/pkg`; the package name won't be added
go ~
go.nvim using go to `go list` `go build` `go run` `go test`
Command to build Go code.
with `go test`, `richgo`, or `ginkgo`
with golangcl-lint
COMMANDS *go-nvim-commands*
:GoInstallBinaries *:GoInstallBinaries*
Make sure all dependent tools are downloaded and installed.
:GoUpdateBinaries *:GoUpdataBinaries*
Make sure all tools are updated.
:GoInstallBinary {tool_name} *:GoInstallBinary*
Make sure all dependent tools are downloaded and installed.
:GoUpdateBinary {tool_name} *:GoUpdataBinary*
Make sure tool_name are up to date.
:GoCoverage [flags] *:GoCoverage*
Run `go test -cover` and highlight lines reported as covered and
[flags] are passed to the `go test` command; there are two special
-t coveragefile load coverage data from coveragefile
-r Remove existing highlighting in current buffer.
-R Remove all existing highlighting.
-t Toggle display of highlighting.
-m show coverage statistics in qf.
*hl-goCoverageCovered* *hl-goCoverageUncover*
Override the goCoverageCovered and/or goCoverageUncover highlight
groups if the defaults don't work well for you.
augroup my-go-nvim-coverage
au Syntax go hi goCoverageCovered guibg=green
au Syntax go hi goCoverageUncover guibg=brown
augroup end
:GoImport {package_name} *:GoImport*
Add, modify imports.
:GoBuild {-tags=tagname}{pakcage_name} *:GoBuild*
Build current package
:GoRun {args} *:GoRun*
equal to "go run " with args. You can also specify -F to run in floaterm
:GoStop *:GoStop*
stop the task started with GoRun
:GoTest {-cnfpt} {-t tagname} {pakcage_name} *:GoTest*
-c: compile test in current package
-n: test nearest
-f: test current file
-p: test current package
-t: compile tag
-n {count}: disable cache -count={count}
package_name: test package
:GoTestSum {packagename} *:GoTestSum*
package_name: test package
:GoTestFile {-t tagname} *:GoTestFile*
Test current file
:GoTestFunc {args} {-t tagname} *:GoTestFunc*
Test current function
{args} -s: select the function you want to run
:GoAddTest *:GoAddTest*
Add unit test for current function
:GoFmt {-a} *:GoFmt*
Format code with golines+gofumpt. -a: apply to all files
:GoVet *:GoVet*
Run go vet
:GoCheat query *:GoCheat*
Run `curl`
:GoGet {package_url} *:GoGet*
Run go get {package_url}, if package_url not provided, will parse
current line and use it as url if valid
:GoLint *:GoLint*
Run golangci-lint
:GoRename *:GoRename*
Rename the identifier under the cursor.
:{range}GoAddTag [flags] *:GoAddTags*
Add, modify, or remove struct tags. Will only apply to the fields in
{range} if it's given, or applied to all fields in the struct if it's
All tags in [flags] will be added. A tag can be followed by a `,`
(comma) and an option to add the option, or set to a specific name
with `tag:name`.
Tags can be removed by using `-rm tag`; options can be removed by
using `-rm tag,opt`
The value of |g:go-nvim_tag_default| is used if no [flags] is given.
Examples: >
:GoTag json Add tag "json"
:GoTag json,omitempty Add tag with omitempty, or add
omitempty for fields where it
already exists.
:GoTag json,omitempty db Add two tags
:GoAddTags sometag:foo Set the tag sometag to the
string foo.
:GoTags json -rm yaml Combine add and rm
:{range}GoRmTag [flags] *:GoRmTags*
Remove struct tags. Will apply to the fields in
{range} if it's given, or applied to all fields in the struct if it's
Examples: >
:GoRmTag json Remove a tag
:GoRmTag json,omitempty Remove the omitempty option
:GoRmTag json -rm db Remove two tags
:GoRmTag Remove all tags
:{range}GoClearTag *:GoClearTags*
Remove all tags
:GoDebug {options} *:GoDebug*
Start debuger
options: -t(test), -R(restart), -n(nearest), -f(file), -s(stop), -b(breakpoint)
-h(help), -c(compile), -a (attach remote)
If no option provided, will
1) check launch.json and launch the valid configuration from
launch.json, fallback to GoDebug file
2) With -t option, if current file is not test file, will switch to test file
and run test for current function
3) If cursor inside scope of a test function, will debug current test function,
if cursor inside a test file, will debug current test file
:GoDbgConfig *:GoDbgConfig*
Open launch.json
:GoDbgKeys *:GoDbgKeys*
Display keymaps for debuger
:GoDbgStop *:GoDbgStop*
Stop debug session and unmap all keymaps, same as GoDebug -s
:GoDbgContinue *:GoDbgContinue*
Continue debug session, keymap `c`
:GoCreateLaunch *:GoCreateLaunch*
Create alaunch.json
:GoBreakToggle *:GoBreakToggle*
Debuger breakpoint toggle
:GoBreakSave *:GoBreakSave*
Debuger breakpoint save to project file
:GoBreakLoad *:GoBreakLoad*
Debuger breakpoint load from project file
:GoEnv {envfile} {load} *:GoEnv*
Load envfile and set environment variable
:GoAlt *:GoAlt*
Open alternative file (test/go), Also GoAltS/GoAltV
:GoDoc {options} *:GoDoc*
e.g. GoDoc fmt.Println
:GoMockGen {options} *:GoMockGen*
Generate mock with go mock
-s source mode(default)
-i interface mode, provide interface name or put cursor on interface
-p package name default: mocks
-d destination directory, default: ./mocks
:GoPkgOutline {options} *:GoPkgOutline*
show symbols inside a specific package in side panel/loclist
options: -f (floating win), -p package_name
default options: sidepanel, current package in vim buffer
:GoImpl {options} *:GoImpl*
e.g. GoImpl {receiver} {interface}, will check if cursor is a valid
receiver, if you park cursor on struct name, receiver can be omitted.
if you park cursor on interface name, {interface} can be omitted.
e.g ":GoImpl io.Reader", or "GoImpl f *File io.Reader" or "GoImpl
f io.Reader", or "GoImpl MyType", "GoImpl mt MyType"
you can use tab to complete the interface name.
Toggle inlay hints for current buffer
Closes the floating term.
Convert json (visual select) to go struct.
bang: put result to register
\"x : get json from register x
generate return values for current function
OPTIONS *go-nvim-options*
You can setup go.nvim with following options:
goimport = "gopls", -- if set to 'gopls' will use gopls format, also goimport
fillstruct = "gopls",
gofmt = "gofumpt", -- if set to gopls will use gopls format
max_line_len = 120,
tag_transform = false,
test_dir = "",
comment_placeholder = "  ",
icons = { breakpoint = "🧘", currentpos = "🏃" }, -- set to false to disable
-- this option
verbose = false,
log_path = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/tmp/gonvim.log",
lsp_cfg = false, -- false: do nothing
-- true: apply non-default gopls setup defined in go/lsp.lua
-- if lsp_cfg is a table, merge table with with non-default gopls setup in go/lsp.lua, e.g.
lsp_gofumpt = false, -- true: set default gofmt in gopls format to gofumpt
lsp_on_attach = nil, -- nil: do nothing
-- if lsp_on_attach is a function: use this function as on_attach function for gopls,
-- when lsp_cfg is true
lsp_keymaps = true, -- true: apply default lsp keymaps
lsp_codelens = true,
lsp_diag_hdlr = true, -- hook lsp diag handler
lsp_inlay_hints = {
enable = true,
-- Only show inlay hints for the current line
only_current_line = false,
-- Event which triggers a refersh of the inlay hints.
-- You can make this "CursorMoved" or "CursorMoved,CursorMovedI" but
-- not that this may cause higher CPU usage.
-- This option is only respected when only_current_line and
-- autoSetHints both are true.
only_current_line_autocmd = "CursorHold",
-- whether to show variable name before type hints with the inlay hints or not
-- default: false
show_variable_name = true,
-- prefix for parameter hints
parameter_hints_prefix = " ",
show_parameter_hints = true,
-- prefix for all the other hints (type, chaining)
other_hints_prefix = "=> ",
-- whether to align to the lenght of the longest line in the file
max_len_align = false,
-- padding from the left if max_len_align is true
max_len_align_padding = 1,
-- whether to align to the extreme right or not
right_align = false,
-- padding from the right if right_align is true
right_align_padding = 6,
-- The color of the hints
highlight = "Comment",
gopls_remote_auto = true,
gocoverage_sign = "█",
sign_priority = 7,
dap_debug = true,
dap_debug_gui = true,
dap_debug_keymap = true, -- true: use keymap for debugger defined in go/dap.lua
-- false: do not use keymap in go/dap.lua. you must define your own.
-- windows: use visual studio style of keymap
dap_vt = true, -- false, true and 'all frames'
textobjects = true,
gopls_cmd = nil, --- you can provide gopls path and cmd if it not in PATH, e.g. cmd = { "/home/ray/.local/nvim/data/lspinstall/go/gopls" }
build_tags = "", --- you can provide extra build tags for tests or debugger
test_runner = "go", -- one of {`go`, `richgo`, `dlv`, `ginkgo`}
verbose_tests = true, -- set to add verbose flag to tests
run_in_floaterm = false, -- set to true to run in float window.
luasnip = false, -- set true to enable included luasnip