local reftool = {} local utils = require("go.utils") local log = utils.log local fn = vim.fn local function insert_result(result) local curpos = fn.getcurpos() local goto_l = string.format("goto %d", result["start"] + 1) vim.cmd(goto_l) local inserts = result.code inserts = vim.split(inserts, "\n") local change = string.format("normal! %ds%s", result["end"] - result.start, inserts[1]) vim.cmd(change) vim.cmd("startinsert!") log(change) local curline = curpos[2] for i = 2, #inserts do log("append ", curline, inserts[i]) vim.fn.append(curline, inserts[i]) curline = curline + 1 end vim.cmd("stopinsert!") vim.cmd("write") -- format(#inserts, curpos) fn.setpos(".", curpos) vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true }) end -- can only be fillstruct and fillswitch local function fill(cmd) if cmd ~= "fillstruct" and cmd ~= "fillswitch" then log(cmd, "not found") error("cmd not supported by go.nvim", cmd) end require("go.install").install(cmd) log(cmd) local file = fn.expand("%:p") local line = fn.line(".") local run = string.format("%s -file=%s -line=%d 2>/dev/null", cmd, file, line) local farg = string.format("-file=%s", file) local larg = string.format("-line=%d", line) local args = { cmd, farg, larg, "2>/dev/null" } log(args) vim.fn.jobstart(args, { on_stdout = function(jobid, str, event) log(str) if #str < 2 then log("reftools", cmd, "finished with no result") return end local json = fn.json_decode(str) if #json == 0 then vim.notify("reftools " .. cmd .. " finished with no result", vim.lsp.log_levels.DEBUG) end local result = json[1] insert_result(result) end, }) end local function gopls_fillstruct(timeout_ms) log("fill struct with gopls") local codeaction = require("go.lsp").codeaction codeaction("fill_struct", "refactor.rewrite", timeout_ms) end function reftool.fillstruct() if _GO_NVIM_CFG.fillstruct == "gopls" then gopls_fillstruct(1000) else log("fillstruct") fill("fillstruct") end end reftool.fillswitch = function() fill("fillswitch") end return reftool