local util = require("go.utils") local plugins = util.load_plugin local M = {} function M.setup() if not plugins("nvim-treesitter") then util.log("treesitter not avalible") return end local ts = require("nvim-treesitter.configs") ts.setup({ textobjects = { select = { enable = true, lookahead = true, keymaps = { -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm ["af"] = "@function.outer", ["if"] = "@function.inner", ["ac"] = "@class.outer", ["ic"] = "@class.inner", }, }, move = { enable = true, set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist goto_next_start = { ["]m"] = "@function.outer", ["]]"] = "@class.outer", }, goto_next_end = { ["]M"] = "@function.outer", ["]["] = "@class.outer", }, goto_previous_start = { ["[m"] = "@function.outer", ["[["] = "@class.outer", }, goto_previous_end = { ["[M"] = "@function.outer", ["[]"] = "@class.outer", }, }, }, }) end return M